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发布时间:2018-05-31 21:15

  本文选题:大小空间隐喻 + 道德隐喻 ; 参考:《华南师范大学学报(社会科学版)》2017年02期

[Abstract]:Through four experiments, this paper discusses the psychological reality and mapping relationship of moral concept size metaphor. Experiment 1 uses Stroop paradigm to investigate whether large and moral words and small and immoral words have the same psychological representation. The results show that the judgment task of the subjects will be facilitated under the matching condition, and there is a metaphorical connection between the moral concept and the spatial concept. Experiment 2 still adopts the paradigm of experiment 1, but limits the reaction time of the subjects and requires them to classify and judge the vocabulary in a very short time. The experimental results are consistent with that of experiment 1, which not only supports the conclusion of experiment 1, but also further proves that the metaphorical association is automated. Experiment 3 uses the priming paradigm to explore whether there is a mapping from the origin domain to the target domain in the spatial metaphor of the size of morality. The experimental results show that there is a mapping from the origin domain of moral metaphor to the target domain. In experiment 4, the priming paradigm was used to explore whether there was a mapping between the target domain and the origin domain in the space metaphor of moral size, to activate the perception of the subjects' size, and to investigate whether it would interfere with the moral cognition of the subjects. Results the interaction was not significant, that is, the subjects' moral cognition was not influenced by the perception of size, and there was no mapping from the target domain to the origin domain. The study shows that there is psychological reality in the size space metaphor of moral concept, and this metaphorical connection is automatic, and there is only a one-way mapping from the origination domain of size perception to the objective domain of moral concept.
【作者单位】: 河北师范大学教育学院;


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