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发布时间:2018-06-01 05:55

  本文选题:高中生 + 父母教养方式 ; 参考:《河北大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The purpose of this study is to explore the parental rearing style, self-esteem and jealousy psychology of senior high school students, and to explore the relationship among them so as to provide basis and inspiration for the development of high school students' mental health. In this study, the Chinese version of Parental rearing style scale (EMBUU, Ji Yifu, Yu Xinyu, 1993) and the Chinese version of SESs (revised by Yue Dongmei et al. 1993) and Bringle Self-report jealousy scale (Bringle Self-report jealousy scale) were used as measurement tools. In this paper, 500 high school students in three middle schools in Langfang and Baoding in Hebei Province were tested. According to the data, the characteristics of the basic demographic variables were described and analyzed, and the relationship between the three variables was analyzed. Found the role of self-esteem in the relationship between parental rearing and jealousy. The results are as follows: 1. There are significant differences in parental rearing style, self-esteem and jealousy in some demographic variables. The parental rearing style, self-esteem, jealousy and some dimensions of high school students are significantly correlated with each other. Parents' emotional warmth and understanding, preference was positively correlated with self-esteem, and negatively correlated with jealousy, self-esteem was significantly negatively correlated with jealousy. The father refused to deny the positive prediction of self-esteem, the mother's punishment severely predicted the negative prediction of self-esteem, and self-esteem played an intermediary role between parental rearing style and jealousy. Specifically: Self-esteem plays a complete intermediary role between the father's emotional warmth, understanding and jealousy; self-esteem plays a partial intermediary role between the mother's emotional warmth, understanding and jealousy; and self-esteem plays a role in the mother's refusal to deny, Severe punishment and jealousy play a part of the intermediary role.


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