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发布时间:2018-06-01 17:29

  本文选题:强迫症 + 责任感 ; 参考:《西南大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:强迫症是一种高度致残的焦虑症,它的特点是持续性和经常性的强迫性想法、意象或冲动,伴随着强迫性的仪式化行为(APA,2000)。也有人认为,强迫症症状的特点是有意识的自我强迫和自我反强迫同时存在(许又新,1993;张仲明,2005),同时具有高度怀疑、不确定性和重复性的特征。对强迫症的研究发现强迫症患者具有膨胀的责任感。夸大的、高的责任感情景,会对患者的强迫行为造成影响。研究者(Arntz A,2007)认为责任感是强迫症形成和维持的原因。但是关于责任感在强迫症中的作用机制目前还没有明确的结论。强迫症持续的闯入性思维,以及反复出现的行为与动作,对无关信息的抑制困难引起研究者们对强迫症与反应抑制的关系的关注。有研究发现,强迫症患者在语义负启动的任务中表现出抑制能力下降,在反向眼跳任务中的抑制错误反应率增加,物体轮换测验中错误反应率增加。大多数研究表明强迫症患者在抑制控制测验中表现出缺陷,并且,强迫症状的严重程度与反应抑制错误成正相关。强迫症患者存在抑制障碍,而能否对行为进行有效抑制是强迫行为产生的关键因素。基于高责任感会影响强迫症患者的强迫行为,强迫行为产生的关键因素是反应抑制缺陷,我们通过创设高低责任感情景,采用Go/Nogo范式探讨高低责任感对强迫倾向和强迫症患者的反应抑制能力的影响。高低责任情景的创设常有两种方式:一是通过金钱奖励的形式,通过告知被试参与的是一个竞赛任务,胜出者有4倍被试费的现金奖励,诱发被试高责任感;通过告知被试参与的是一个简单的预测试任务,不记录测试结果诱发被试低责任感。二是通过诱发社会责任感的形式,通过告知被试参与的是一个关于研究全校各个学院学生的反应能力差异的测试,他们作为自己学院的代表,个人的反应将会影响他们学院的整体水平,诱发被试高责任感,通过告知被试参加的是一个预实验,测试结果不参与正式统计分析诱发被试低责任感。本研究包括三个部分: 研究一是比较强迫症患者与正常人反应抑制的差异。患者组18人,正常对照组18人。采用Go/Nogo任务。结果显示:两组被试在正确反应时、正确反应率、错误反应率上比例主效应显著;在错误反应率上组别主效应显著,并且组别与比例的交互效应显著,简单效应分析发现患者组和对照组分别在不同比例下差异显著,在3:1,4:1,9:1上两组差异显著。研究发现,强迫症患者确实存在反应抑制缺陷,他们的反应抑制能力还受抑制任务难度的影响,抑制任务越难,反应停止越困难,行为控制越难。 研究二是为了探讨高、低责任感对正常个体反应抑制的影响。40名大学生被试随机分成高低责任感两组完成三种比例的Go/Nogo任务。结果显示:高、低责任感组被试在正确反应时、正确反应率、遗漏率、错误反应率上的交互作用、组别主效应都不显著,仅在正确反应时和错误反应率上Go/Nogo比例的主效应差异显著。研究发现,正常人在高低责任情景下的反应抑制不存在差别,正常人的反应抑制能力受抑制任务难度的影响。 研究三是为了考察高、低责任感对强迫倾向个体反应抑制的影响。采用PI量表筛选出80名被试分成四组完成五种比例的Go/Nogo任务。结果显示:四组被试在正确反应时、正确反应率、错误反应率上比例主效应显著,在正确反应时、正确反应率、遗漏率上高、低责任感与比例的交互效应显著,在错误反应率上高、低责任感主效应显著。并且从平均值来看,四组被试的正确反应时和错误反应率的均值随着Go/Nogo比例增大,呈现出一种类似倒“U”型和“U”型趋势,即RT(1:1)RT (7:3)RT (3:1)RT (4:1)RT (9:1), ER (1:1)ER (7:3)ER (3:1)ER (4:1)ER (9:1)。由此可以看出:高、低责任感会对高强迫倾向者的反应抑制产生一定的影响,同时高强迫倾向者的反应抑制随着抑制任务的难度的增大而减弱,强迫倾向的高低对被试的反应抑制没有明显的影响,这再次证明了研究二的结论,高强迫倾向个体作为没有确诊为强迫症患者的易感人群,他们的反应抑制能力可能与正常个体具有相似的特征。 本研究的主要结论有: (1)强迫症患者的反应抑制困难随着抑制任务的难度增加。 (2)责任感高低对正常个体的反应抑制没有影响,对高强迫倾向个体的反应抑制影响较大。 (3) Go/Nogo任务的难度会影响正常人和强迫倾向个体以及强迫症患者的反应抑制。
[Abstract]:OCD is a highly disabling anxiety disorder characterized by persistent and recurrent obsessive - compulsive thinking , imagery or impulse , accompanied by obsessive - compulsive rituals ( APA , 2000 ) . It is also believed that the symptoms of obsessive - compulsive disorder are characterized by conscious self - compulsion and self - compulsion .
This study shows that obsessive - compulsive disorder ( OCD ) has a strong sense of responsibility for obsessive - compulsive disorder ( OCD ) .
This study consists of three parts :

The results showed that the correct response rate and wrong response rate were significant in the two groups .
The results showed that the response inhibition ability of patients with obsessive - compulsive disorder was not affected by the difficulty of the task , the more difficult it was to inhibit the task , the more difficult it was to stop the reaction and the more difficult it was to control the behavior .

The results showed that there was no significant difference in the response rate , omission rate , error response rate and the main effect of Go / Nogo ratio at the correct response time and the wrong response rate .

In order to investigate the effects of high and low sense of responsibility on the individual response of obsessive - compulsive disorder , the results showed that four groups were divided into four groups to complete five kinds of Go / Nogo tasks . The results showed that the correct response rate , omission rate , low responsibility and proportion were obvious when the four groups were correctly reacted . The results showed that the RT ( 1 : 1 ) RT ( 7 : 3 ) RT ( 3 : 1 ) RT ( 4 : 1 ) RT ( 9 : 1 ) , ER ( 1 : 1 ) ER ( 7 : 3 ) ER ( 3 : 1 ) ER ( 4 : 1 ) ER ( 9 : 1 ) . As a result , it can be seen that the high and low sense of responsibility can have a certain effect on the response inhibition of the high - compulsive - prone person , and the response inhibition of the high - obsessive - compulsive - prone person is weakened with the increase of the difficulty of inhibiting the task , which again proves the conclusion that the high - obsessive - compulsive individual is the susceptible group with no diagnosed obsessive - compulsive disorder , and the reaction inhibition ability may be similar to that of the normal individuals .

The main conclusions of this study are as follows :

( 1 ) The difficulty of response inhibition in patients with obsessive - compulsive disorder increases with the difficulty of inhibiting the task .

( 2 ) The sense of responsibility has no effect on the reaction inhibition of normal individuals , and the influence on the response of individuals with high forced tendency is greater .

( 3 ) The difficulty of Go / Nogo task affects the response of individuals and obsessive - compulsive individuals and patients with obsessive - compulsive disorder .


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