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发布时间:2018-06-01 16:28

  本文选题:职业兴趣 + 信度 ; 参考:《扬州大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:职业兴趣探查量表(IP-60)是美国职业信息系统的生涯探索工具之一,由美国劳动部组织开发,包含R、I、A、S、E、C六个维度,每个维度下有10个项目。本研究选取1200名来山东省的高中生作为被试对量表进行修订。修订后的结果如下: (1)量表情况。正式量表共替换了5个项目,由六个维度构成,每个维度包含10个项目。 (2)信度分析。总量表的内部一致性α系数为0.904,各分量表的信度系数为0.726-0.850;1周之后的重测结果显示:各分量表的重测信度系数在0.921-0.973。 (3)效度分析。内容效度、结构效度、相容效度和区别效度的分析检验表明IP-60中文版的效度良好。 内容效度:经过多位心理学专家的修改和审查,以及使用相关法检测内容效度,都说明量表的内容效度良好。 结构效度:①多维尺度分析。通过对正式量表进行多维尺度分析,其二维空间图形呈六边形(stress为0.165,RSQ为0.889)。②模型-数据拟合指标。一致性指标CI值为0.71,符合顺序预测的数量达到了所有顺序预测的86%。 相容效度:职业兴趣探查量表(IP-60)中文版正式问卷与蔡永红的《职业兴趣量表》和台湾大学入学考试中心兴趣量表6个维度的相关系数分别为0.683-0.961和0.492-0.752。 区别效度:文科生、理科生和艺术生在6个兴趣类型维度上存在显著的差异。事后检验表明,在R类型兴趣方面,文科生与理科生存在显著差异,理科生与艺术生存在显著差异;在I类型兴趣方面,文科生与理科生存在显著差异,理科生与艺术生存在显著差异;在A类型兴趣方面,文科生与艺术生存在显著差异,理科生与艺术生之间存在显著差异;在S类型兴趣方面,文科生与艺术生存在显著差异,理科生与艺术生之间存在显著差异;在E类型兴趣方面,文科生与艺术生存在显著差异,理科生与艺术生存在显著差异;在C类型兴趣方面,文科生与理科生存在显著差异,理科生与艺术生存在显著差异。 (4)初步制定了山东省高中生的职业兴趣在性别和类别(文科、理科、艺术)上的百分等级和T分数常模。
[Abstract]:IP-60) is one of the career exploration tools of American career Information system. It is organized and developed by the Department of Labor of the United States. It includes six dimensions of RGV, Agna, and EKE, each of which has 10 items. This study selected 1200 high school students from Shandong Province as subjects to revise the scale. The revised results are as follows: 1) the status of the scale. The formal scale replaces 5 items and consists of six dimensions, each of which consists of 10 items. Reliability analysis. The internal consistency 伪 coefficient of the total scale was 0.904, and the reliability coefficient of each subscale was 0.726-0.850 one week later. The results showed that the test-retest reliability coefficient of each subscale was 0.921-0.973. Validity analysis. The analysis of content validity, structural validity, compatibility validity and differential validity showed that the Chinese version of IP-60 had good validity. Content validity: after revision and review by many psychologists and the use of correlation method to test the content validity, it shows that the content validity of the scale is good. Structure validity: 1 multidimensional scale analysis. Through the multidimensional scale analysis of the formal scale, the 2-D spatial pattern showed that the hexagonal stress was 0.165% RSQ was 0.889 / 2 model-data fitting index. The CI value of consistency index is 0.71, and the quantity of consistent prediction is 86% of all sequential predictions. Compatibility validity: the correlation coefficients between the Chinese version of the formal questionnaire and Cai Yonghong's career interest scale and the six dimensions of Taiwan University entrance examination Center interest scale were 0.683-0.961 and 0.492-0.752respectively. Distinguishing validity: there are significant differences in the six dimensions of interest among arts students, science students and art students. The results show that there are significant differences in R type interest between arts and science students, between science students and art students, between arts students and science students, and between arts students and science students. There are significant differences between science students and art students, between arts students and art students, and between arts students and art students. There are significant differences between science students and art students; in E type interest, arts students and art survival are significant differences, in science and art survival significant differences; in C interest, arts students and science students have significant differences, There is a significant difference between the survival of science students and art. The vocational interest of senior high school students in Shandong Province has been preliminarily formulated in terms of gender and category (liberal arts, science, art) and the norm of T scores.


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