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发布时间:2018-06-02 04:07

  本文选题:掌握动机 + 稳定性 ; 参考:《首都师范大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:掌握动机是人类发展研究领域中一个核心概念,它通常是指一种个体内在的理解和影响环境,并在不同程度上与环境发生有效互动的心理能量,它是激发个体独立地以专注和坚持的态度进行尝试,从而在对他/她来说具有适度挑战性的问题、技能或任务上达到解决和掌握的心理力量。掌握动机对儿童长期的认知、社会交往和日常生活能力均具有重要意义。根据维果茨基的理论,儿童早期,母子互动是影响儿童掌握动机的重要因素。因此,本研究对97对母子进行了三次追踪访问和观察,对母子互动的录像进行编码获得母亲的情感性支持、认知性支持和拒绝的数据;使用掌握动机维度问卷(DMQ)收集儿童2、3岁时的掌握动机数据;使用Bayley婴幼儿发展量表Ⅱ评估儿童的贝利认知数据。采用独立样本t检验、相关分析和回归分析方法对数据进行检验。结果发现: 1.儿童2岁和3岁时的掌握动机具有显著的稳定性,且女孩的社会掌握动机和表达型掌握动机稳定性高于男孩。 2.儿童2岁时掌握动机存在显著的性别差异,具体地,女孩对同伴的社会坚持性显著地高于男孩对同伴的社会坚持性,其他的掌握动机维度不存在显著的性别差异。 3.儿童14个月时,母亲的积极情感支持对其3岁时的掌握动机具有显著的正向预测作用;母亲的拒绝对于儿童2岁时的社会坚持性:同伴具有显著的正向预测作用。 4.儿童14个月时,母亲的认知支持对其2岁时的掌握动机具有显著的负向预测作用。
[Abstract]:Mastering motivation is a core concept in the field of human development research. It usually refers to the psychological energy of an individual to understand and influence the environment and interact effectively with it to varying degrees. It is the psychological power that motivates an individual to independently attempt with concentration and persistence to solve and master a problem, skill, or task that is moderately challenging for him or her. Mastering motivation plays an important role in children's long-term cognition, social interaction and daily life ability. According to Vygotsky's theory, mother-child interaction is an important factor influencing children's mastering motivation in early childhood. Therefore, this study conducted three tracking interviews and observations on 97 mothers and children, and coded the video of mother-son interaction to obtain the data of emotional support, cognitive support and rejection; The mastering motivation data of children aged 2 to 3 years were collected by using the mastery motivation Dimension questionnaire (DMQQ), and the Pele cognitive data of children were evaluated by Bayley Infant Development scale II. Independent sample t test, correlation analysis and regression analysis were used to test the data. It was found that: 1. At the age of 2 and 3, the mastering motivation of children was significantly stable, and the stability of social mastering motivation and expressive mastering motivation of girls was higher than that of boys. 2. There was significant gender difference in mastering motivation at the age of 2. Specifically, the social persistence of girls to their peers was significantly higher than that of boys, but there was no significant gender difference in other dimensions of mastering motivation. 3. At the age of 14 months, the positive emotional support of the mother had a significant positive predictive effect on the mastering motivation at the age of 3, and the rejection of the mother had a significant positive predictive effect on the social persistence of the child at the age of 2. 4. At 14 months, mothers' cognitive support had a significant negative predictive effect on their mastering motivation at 2 years old.


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