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发布时间:2018-06-02 03:27

  本文选题:心理健康教育 + 心身发展 ; 参考:《南昌大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:心理健康教育是学校教育的重要组成部分,学生心理发展的阶段性与连续性特点决定了中小学心理健康教育既要体现本学段的特点,各学段间又需要有效的衔接。 本研究自编《中小学心理健康教育现状调查问卷》,采用方便抽样法对江西省5%的中学、2%的小学共363所学校及823名专兼职心理健康教育教师和班主任开展调查,结果显示:江西省中小学多数已开展了心理健康教育,学段间衔接的必要性已被普遍认识和接受,但在实际操作中存在以下问题: (1)学段间心理健康教育目标衔接不紧密,各学段心理健康教育目标如何既体现本学段学生心理发展特点,又考虑到学生心理发展的连续性,围绕培养学生良好的心理品质这一总目标考虑不够,缺少学段间的承上启下; (2)学段间心理健康教育内容衔接不紧密,有的内容相互重复,有的内容又都没有涉及,缺少科学的规划与安排; (3)学段间心理健康教育的途径与方法衔接性不强,均多强调个体咨询,没有充分结合中小学生认知发展特点,突出小学生以活动为主,,中学生活动与个体咨询相结合的特色; (4)中小学心理健康教育管理以校为政,缺乏统一管理与科学的评估体系; (5)学科间教师衔接不够,没有形成全校育人育心,家长充分参与的格局。 本研究认为,需要从提高教育行政管理部门、学校领导层、心理健康教育专兼职教师、科任教师、家长对心理健康教育重要性和必要性的认识着手,既科学规划本学段心理健康教育的目标、任务、内容与途径,又充分认识到学段间心理健康教育衔接的必要性,用辩证唯物主义的科学观点、发展心理学理论、科学的教育管理理论指导中小学生心理健康教育的开展,教育目标、内容、途径与方法、师资队伍建设的设计与实施既从本学段学生的心身特点出发,又充分考虑到学生心身发展的连续性,提高其衔接度,从而达到提高学生心理品质,充分开发潜能,促进学生身心和谐可持续发展。
[Abstract]:Mental health education is an important part of school education. The characteristics of stage and continuity of students' psychological development determine that mental health education in primary and secondary schools should not only reflect the characteristics of the school phase, but also need effective cohesion between the different learning stages. The present situation of mental health education in middle and primary schools was investigated by the convenient sampling method in 363 schools, 823 full-time mental health education teachers and class teachers in 5% of middle schools and 2% of primary schools in Jiangxi Province. The results show that mental health education has been carried out in most primary and secondary schools in Jiangxi Province, and the necessity of linking between schools has been generally recognized and accepted, but in practice there are the following problems: (1) the goal of mental health education is not closely connected among the learning stages. How to realize the psychological development characteristics of the students in each school period and the continuity of the psychological development of the students are taken into account. The overall goal of cultivating students' good psychological quality is not considered enough and lacks the link between the above and the following; (2) the contents of mental health education are not closely connected, some contents are duplicated, and some contents are not involved, so they are lack of scientific planning and arrangement; (3) the approaches and methods of mental health education between the school and the middle school are not well connected, they all emphasize the individual consultation, do not fully combine the characteristics of the cognitive development of the primary and middle school students, and highlight the characteristics of the primary school students being mainly active and the middle school students' activities combining with the individual consultation. (4) the management of mental health education in primary and middle schools is based on school, and there is a lack of unified management and scientific evaluation system. 5) the interdiscipline teachers are not connected enough, and the whole school has not formed the pattern of educating people and educating people, and the parents participate fully. In this study, we need to improve the awareness of the importance and necessity of mental health education from the educational administration, school leadership, mental health education part-time teachers, science teachers, parents. It not only scientifically plans the goal, task, content and approach of mental health education in this period, but also fully recognizes the necessity of linking up mental health education between the learning sections, and develops the psychological theory with the scientific viewpoint of dialectical materialism. The scientific educational management theory guides the development, the education goal, the content, the way and the method of the mental health education of the primary and middle school students, and the design and implementation of the construction of the teaching staff is based on the students' psychosomatic characteristics. The continuity of students' psychosomatic development is also taken into account to improve the degree of cohesion so as to improve the students' psychological quality, fully develop their potential and promote the harmonious and sustainable development of students' body and mind.


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