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发布时间:2018-06-02 10:44

  本文选题:中国军人 + 生活事件特点 ; 参考:《第三军医大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:研究背景和目的 有研究表明中国军人的抑郁率为18.1%,近几年我国军人抑郁发生率呈现逐年上升的趋势,在一些区域性针对特殊作业的军人抑郁调查报道中发现中国军人抑郁的发生率在25.2%-51.56%之间。生活事件(Life Events)是指来自环境或自身的引起个体生理、心理变化的各种应激源。它与抑郁发生关系紧密。研究表明,92%的抑郁症病人在抑郁发病前存在生活事件的影响。军人作为一个特殊的职业群体,其特殊的生活环境和工作性质决定其面临更为特殊、复杂的生活事件影响。常见的军事生活事件例如训练伤、退伍、亲属去世、家庭矛盾、经济困难等生活事件,都有可能促使军人抑郁发生。对军人生活事件特点的研究不仅可以探究生活事件在军人精神疾病中的作用,而且可以通过生活事件的探讨分析对军人心理健康、作战力生成和工作绩效的影响,从军事管理学的角度分析生活事件的表现形式及潜在危害,便于部队开展教育,加强管理,提高战斗力。 社会支持在抑郁的发生、发展、转归过程中起到缓冲作用。研究表明,拥有良好社会支持的军人,即使在经历重大生活事件,抑郁发生率却处于较低水平,即社会支持可以保护和缓冲生活事件对于身心健康的不良影响。研究军人生活事件与社会支持关系,有利于更好地了解社会支持在生活事件中的作用过程,为部队能够更好的为官兵提供有效的支持提供帮助。 然而目前缺乏大样本研究中国军人生活事件的特点,及其与社会支持、抑郁的相关关系。因此,本研究采用针对军事职业特点的军人生活事件量表和社会支持量表,以及国际通用的流调中心抑郁量表,对全国范围内的陆、海、空、武警四个军兵种军人进行大规模的生活事件特点调查,旨在初步了解军人生活事件的特点,及其与社会支持、抑郁的相关关系,建立其路径模型,为军人心理健康的维护提供依据。 对象与方法 本次调研在全军海、陆、空、武警四个军兵种共发放问卷1.14万份,共获有效问卷10505份,有效率92%。其中陆军7634人,占72.7%;海军1443人,占13.7%;空军943人,占9%;武警485人,占4.6%;男性10397人(99%);女性108人(1%);平均年龄22.38±3.95岁。研究采用问卷调查法,数据分析采用SPSS和AMOS,对我国军人生活事件的特点进行了分析,并就其与社会支持、抑郁的相关关系进行了深层次的探讨。本研究首先对文献回顾,分析国内外军人生活事件特点研究现状,及其与社会支持、抑郁的相关关系研究情况。本课题包括四个研究,研究一进行了我国军人生活事件特点的调查,并分析了在年龄、性别、军种上的差异性;研究二分析了我国军人生活事件与社会支持的相关关系;研究三分析了我国军人生活事件与抑郁的相关关系;研究四建立了中国军人社会支持、抑郁症状与生活事件的路径模型。 结果 1.中国军人生活事件的发生率具有普遍性,发生一次以上生活事件占调查总数的50.3%。其中位居前三的生活事件依次为:未来就业压力大(占18.1%)、工作或学习任务重(占17.8%)、受到批评或惩罚(占14.6%)。 2.从性别差异上来看,中国男性军人生活事件总刺激量和负性事件刺激量低于女性军人,但正性生活事件刺激量显著低于女军人(3.34±0.10vs5.56±1.12,F=4.949,,P 0.05)。3.不同军兵种军人的生活事件刺激量存在显著性差异。海军军人生活事件总刺激量(33.30±1.87vs25.50±0.76vs18.4±1.66vs15.1±2.19,F=14.656,P 0.0001)及负性生活事件刺激量高于陆军、空军、武警(29.23±1.78vs22.1±0.71vs15.35±1.52vs12.03±2.04,F=14.681,P 0.0001)。 4.不同职别军人的生活事件刺激量存在显著性差异。军官生活事件总刺激量(49.79±2.81vs30.27±1.11vs14.97±0.58,F=158.235,P 0.0001)、负性生活事件(43.77±2.68vs26.92±1.05vs12.22±0.52,F=152.044,P 0.0001)、正性生活事件刺激量(6.01±0.37vs3.35±0.16vs2.75±0.14,F=46.764,P 0.0001)均高于士官、战士,战士低于士官。 5.不同年龄段军人的生活事件刺激量存在显著性差异。生活事件刺激量(80.73±7.13vs13.71±0.62vs1.45±0.79vs56.23±2.7vs49.59±17.74,F=325.134,P 0.0001)和负性事件刺激量(51.08±2.60vs11.28±0.56vs18.11±0.72vs74.12±6.88vs3.44±17.19,F=350.764,P 0.0001)随年龄的增长逐渐增加,生活事件高发年龄为31~40岁,其次为26~30岁组,41岁后生活事件发生有下降趋势。 6.不同社会支持状态下的军人其生活事件得分具有显著性差异。社会支持度低的的军人在生活事件总刺激量(36.77±1.66vs17.54±0.89,F=104.056,P 0.0001)和负性事件总刺激量(33.32±1.59vs14.45±0.82,F=111.360,P 0.0001)上显著高于社会支持度高的军人。 7.中国军人整体抑郁发生率(18.1%,17.4%-18.8%,95%CI)低于中国常模(33.3%),抑郁的发生与生活事件存在显著相关(r=0.382,P0.01),其中负性生活事件发生同军人抑郁水平存在显著正相关(r=0.385,P0.01)。生活事件是抑郁发生的危险因素。 8.社会支持与抑郁症的发生呈显著负相关(r=-0.46,p0.001),社会支持度越高抑郁症状越少,社会支持的缺乏增加个体患抑郁症的风险,适宜的社会支持有利于促进抑郁症的康复。高社会支持是降低抑郁发生的缓冲、保护性因素。 结论 1.中国军人生活事件的发生较为普遍,并且存在着群体性的特点,其中工作与未来发展是中国军人群体中最显著的压力源。生活事件存在性别、军种、职级和年龄的差异。女性军人正性生活事件刺激量高于男性军人;海军生活事件总刺激量及负性生活事件刺激量大于陆军、空军、武警;军官生活事件总量、负性事件及正性事件均高于士官和战士,而战士低于士官;生活事件高发年龄段为31~40岁,其次为26~30岁组。 2.我国军人的社会支持在性别、军种、职别、年龄段均有较大的差异性,且军人社会支持与生活事件均呈显著负相关,正性事件与社会支持的相关性较弱,负性生活事件与社会支持程度呈负向反应。高社会支持的军人较低社会支持的军人拥有更多社会资源应对生活事件,避免了生活事件特别是负性生活事件的累积。 3.中国军人抑郁发生同生活事件存在显著正相关,负性生活事件发生同军人抑郁水平存在显著正相关。由于生活事件(正性或负性)引发的强烈应激条件和抑郁患者的负性认知加工偏向,正性生活事件可能无法作为抑郁发生或缓解的保护性因素。 4.社会支持-抑郁症状-生活事件的路径分析显示,生活事件是抑郁发生的危险因素,而社会支持是防治抑郁发生的缓冲、保护性因素。高社会支持可有效降低生活事件所带来的负面影响,降低抑郁的发生率。
[Abstract]:Background and purpose of research
Studies have shown that the depression rate of Chinese soldiers is 18.1%. In recent years, the incidence of depression in military personnel in China has been increasing year by year. In some regional reports of special operations for military depression, the incidence of depression in Chinese soldiers is found to be between 25.2%-51.56%. The life event (Life Events) refers to the cause from the environment or itself. A variety of stressors of individual physiology and psychological change. It is closely related to depression. The study shows that 92% of the depressive patients have the influence of life events before the onset of depression. As a special occupational group, the special living environment and the nature of their work decide that they are facing more special and complex life events. Military life events such as training injuries, veterans, relatives' death, family contradictions, economic difficulties and other life events may promote the occurrence of depression in military personnel. The study of the characteristics of military life events can not only explore the role of life events in military mental illness, but also analyze the mental health of soldiers through the discussion of life events, From the angle of military management, the form and potential harm of life events are analyzed from the angle of military management. It is convenient for the army to carry out education, strengthen management and improve the fighting ability.
Social support plays a buffer role in the occurrence, development, and outcome of depression. Research shows that soldiers with good social support are at a lower rate of depression, even during major life events, that is, social support can protect and buffer the adverse effects of life events on physical and mental health. Social support is conducive to a better understanding of the role of social support in life events, and to provide effective support for the army to provide effective support for officers and soldiers.
However, there are no large samples to study the characteristics of military life events in China and their relationship with social support and depression. Therefore, this study adopts the military life events scale and social support scale for military occupation, as well as the international general depression scale of the flow center, which is the four national land, sea, air and armed police. The investigation of the characteristics of large scale life events was carried out by military and military soldiers. The purpose was to understand the characteristics of military life events, and their relationship with social support and depression, and to establish a path model to provide a basis for the maintenance of soldiers' mental health.
Object and method
A total of 11 thousand and 400 questionnaires were issued by four military armed forces in the army sea, land, air and armed police. There were 10505 effective questionnaires, of which 7634 of the army, 72.7% in the army, 1443 in the Navy, 13.7%, 943 in the air force, 9%, 485 in the armed police, 4.6%, male 10397 (99%) and female 10505. The characteristics of military life events in China were analyzed with SPSS and AMOS, and the relationship between them and social support and depression was deeply discussed. This study first reviewed the literature and analyzed the status of the research on the characteristics of military life events at home and abroad, and the correlation with social support and depression. The study included four studies, one conducted a survey of the characteristics of military life events in China, and analyzed the differences in age, sex, and military species. Two the relationship between military life events and social support in China was analyzed. Three the relationship between military life events and depression in China was analyzed. Study four established a path model of social support, depressive symptoms and life events among Chinese servicemen.
1. the incidence of military life events in China was universal, and more than one life event accounted for 50.3%. of the total number of investigations. Among them, the top three of the life events were in turn: the future employment pressure (18.1%), the job or the study task (17.8%), was criticized or punished (14.6%).
2. in terms of gender differences, the total stimulus amount and negative event stimulus of Chinese men's military life events were lower than those of the female soldiers, but the stimulus amount of positive life events was significantly lower than that of women soldiers (3.34 + 0.10vs5.56 + 1.12, F=4.949, P 0.05). There were significant differences in the life events of different military soldiers in.3.. The total stimulus volume (33.30 + 1.87vs25.50 + 0.76vs18.4 + 1.66vs15.1 + 2.19, F=14.656, P 0.0001) and negative life events were higher than that of the army, air force, armed police (29.23 + 1.78vs22.1 + 0.71vs15.35 + 1.52vs12.03 + 2.04, F=14.681, P 0.0001).
4. there were significant differences in the amount of life events in different servicemen. The total stimulus amount of officers' life events (49.79 + 2.81vs30.27 + 1.11vs14.97 + 0.58, F=158.235, P 0.0001), negative life events (43.77 + 2.68vs26.92 + 1.05vs12.22 + 0.52, F=152.044, P 0.0001), positive life events stimulation (6.01 + 0.37vs3.35 + 0.16vs2.75 + 0.14, F=) 46.764, P 0.0001) were higher than sergeants, warriors and soldiers than NCO.
5. there were significant differences in the number of life events in different age groups. The stimulus amount of life events (80.73 + 7.13vs13.71 + 0.62vs1.45 + 0.79vs56.23 + 2.7vs49.59 + 17.74, F=325.134, P 0.0001) and negative event stimulation (51.08 + 2.60vs11.28 + 0.56vs18.11 + 0.72vs74.12 + 6.88vs3.44 + 17.19, F=350.764, P 0.0001) increased with age The length of life gradually increased, the incidence of high life events was 31~40 years old, followed by 26~30 years old group, and after 41 years of life, there was a downward trend in life events.
6. soldiers with different social support have significant differences in their life events. The total stimulus volume of life events (36.77 + 1.66vs17.54 + 0.89, F=104.056, P 0.0001) and negative event total stimulus (33.32 + 1.59vs14.45 + 0.82, F= 111.360, P 0.0001) of the soldiers with low social support were significantly higher than those of high social support.
7. the overall incidence of depression in Chinese soldiers (18.1%, 17.4%-18.8%, 95%CI) was lower than the Chinese norm (33.3%). There was a significant correlation between the occurrence of depression and life events (r=0.382, P0.01). There was a significant positive correlation between the occurrence of negative life events and the level of depression (r=0.385, P0.01). The life events were the risk factors for depression.
8. social support has a significant negative correlation with the occurrence of depression (r=-0.46, p0.001), the higher the social support is, the less depressive symptoms, the lack of social support to increase the risk of individual depression. Appropriate social support is beneficial to promote the rehabilitation of depression. High social support is a buffer and protective factor for lowering the incidence of depression.
1. the occurrence of military life events in China is more common, and there are group characteristics. Work and future development are the most significant stressors in the Chinese military group. There are gender, military, professional and age differences in life events. The amount of irritation and negative life events was greater than that of the army, the air force, the armed police, the total amount of life events of the officers, the negative events and the positive events were higher than the sergeant and the soldiers, but the soldiers were lower than the sergeant. The age of the high incidence of life events was 31~40 years, followed by the group of 26~30 years.
2. the social support of military personnel in our country has great differences in gender, military, professional and age, and the military social support has a significant negative correlation with life events, the correlation between positive events and social support is weak, negative life events and social support are negative. The servicemen with higher social support are lower social support soldiers. Having more social resources to cope with life events and avoiding the accumulation of life events, especially negative life events.
3. the occurrence of depression in Chinese servicemen has a significant positive correlation with life events. There is a significant positive correlation between negative life events and the level of soldiers' depression. Due to the strong stress conditions caused by life events (positive or negative) and negative cognitive processing of depressed patients, positive life events may not be depressive or mitigate. Protective factors.
4. the path analysis of social support - depressive symptoms - life events shows that life events are the risk factors for depression, and social support is a buffer and protective factor for the prevention and treatment of depression. High social support can effectively reduce the negative effects of life events and reduce the incidence of depression.


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2 万铮;生活事件对已婚妇女主观幸福感的影响研究[D];湖南师范大学;2012年

3 蒋燕宾;大学生正负生活事件、应对方式对主观幸福感的影响研究[D];华东师范大学;2009年

4 许莎莎;老年人生活事件、应对方式与主观幸福感的关系研究[D];曲阜师范大学;2011年

5 周翠金;生活事件与大学生主观幸福感[D];贵州师范大学;2005年

6 朱丽雅;大学生生活事件、应对方式与焦虑的关系研究[D];吉林大学;2006年

7 张志标;广州大学生生活事件问卷的编制及其与主观幸福感的相关研究[D];华南师范大学;2007年

8 曹亚杰;大学生生活事件、应对方式与应激反应的关系研究[D];山东师范大学;2008年

9 李雅娟;生活事件、应对方式对受艾滋病影响儿童学习压力的影响[D];河南大学;2008年

10 孙志鹏;高校毕业生生活事件问卷的编制及其与主观幸福感的相关研究[D];西南大学;2012年




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