发布时间:2018-06-22 02:19
本文选题:大学生 + 宽恕动机 ; 参考:《广西师范大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:大学生来自五湖四海,由于生活习惯和生源地的不同、家庭经济条件的差异等原因,大学生的人际关系显得很复杂。近些年来,校园人际冲突,以及由此引发的校园暴力事件日益突出,校园的安全和稳定引起社会的广泛关注,学生的人际关系问题也成为研究者们研究的热点问题。以往的研究一般都是“诊断式”的,没有深入到学生的内心深处,并不能从根本上解决人际冲突。试想一下,当您遭遇到冒犯或不公平待遇时,您会宽恕对方吗?一般会出于什么样的宽恕动机去宽恕冒犯者?出于什么样的宽恕动机才会真正地解除人际冲突,从而避免校园暴力事件的发生?本研究试图从宽恕动机这一积极心理学的角度来研究大学生的人际关系。McCullough(1998)等学者认为人们之所以宽恕冒犯者,是因为对冒犯者产生了共情。共情是人们做出宽恕行为的影响因素之一。由于对冒犯者产生共情而做出宽恕行为,缓解人际冲突,有利于人际关系的建立和维护。本研究试图验证宽恕动机、共情和人际关系三者之间的相互关系,以及共情在宽恕对人际关系的影响中是否存在中介作用。 本研究共进行了两次随机抽样:第一次调查,即样本1,在安徽农业大学、武汉东湖学院2所高校共发放310份问卷,有效问卷有293份,其中大一学生141人,大二学生62人,大三学生90人,有效率为94.5%;第二次调查,即样本2,在安徽农业大学、武汉东湖学院2所高校随机抽取435个被试,有效问卷为409份,其中有效被试中,大一学生有229人,大二学生有58人,大三学生有122人,有效率为94%。 目前我国关于宽恕心理的研究刚刚起步,并且,通过查阅大量文献发现,我国关于宽恕动机的问卷少之又少,所以,本研究引进Sandrine Ballester(2011)等人编制的宽恕动机量表,试图对此量表进行修订。通过对样本1的数据进行探索性因素分析之后得出四个维度:同情、重获控制权、道德约束和寻求认同;对样本2的数据进行验证性因素分析和信度分析之后,得出修订之后的问卷拟合程度较好,结构较合理,以上四个维度的内部-致性系数分别为:0.797、0.725、0.742、0.761。 另外,利用修订后的宽恕动机问卷对我国大学生宽恕动机的现状及特点进行了测查,同时测查分析了大学生的共情、宽恕动机与人际关系之间的相关关系,以及共情在宽恕动机与人际关系之间的中介作用。本研究得出的结论如下: (1)修订后的宽恕动机问卷具有良好的内部一致性信度和结构效度,因此可以作为国内测量大学生宽恕动机的有用工具; (2)对大学生的宽恕动机进行人口特征学比较,统计结果表明,在性别这一人口变量上,大学生的宽恕动机均差异显著,男生相对女生更倾向启动重获控制权和寻求认同宽恕动机;在年级这一人口变量上,同情和重获控制权宽恕动机均差异显著,相对大一、大三的学生,大二的学生更倾向启动重获控制权宽恕动机;在专业类别上,大学生的宽恕动机均差异显著,理科生相对文科生来说更倾向启动同情和道德约束宽恕动机;在生源地和是否为独生子上无差异。 (3)同情、道德约束、寻求认同三种宽恕动机与共情均呈现显著正相关。 (4)同情、道德约束两种宽恕动机均与人际关系困扰存在显著负相关。 (5)人际关系困扰与共情存在显著负相关。 (6)共情在宽恕动机与人际关系之间存在部分中介作用。
[Abstract]:College students are from all over the world. Because of the differences of living habits and places of life, the difference of family economic conditions and other reasons, the interpersonal relationship of college students is very complicated. In recent years, the interpersonal conflict in the campus, as well as the resulting incidents of campus violence have become increasingly prominent, the security and stability of the campus have aroused wide attention of the society, and the interpersonal relationship of the students. The problem has also become a hot issue for researchers. Previous studies are generally "diagnostic", not deep into the heart of the students, and cannot fundamentally solve interpersonal conflicts. Imagine, when you encounter an offense or unfair treatment, do you forgive the right party? What kind of forgiveness motivation is generally wide? Offenders? What kind of forgiveness motivations do they really remove interpersonal conflict and avoid campus violence? This study tries to study college students' interpersonal relationships from the perspective of the positive psychology of forgiveness motivation (1998) and other scholars believe that people are forgiving and offenders because of the offenders. Empathy is one of the factors that affect people's forgiveness. Forgiveness is the result of empathy for the offender, the relief of interpersonal conflict and the establishment and maintenance of interpersonal relationships. This study tries to verify the relationship between the three parties, the motivation of forgiveness, the relationship between empathy and the interpersonal relationship, and the empathy in the relationship of forgiveness to the interpersonal relationship. Whether there is a mediating effect in the impact.
This study carried out two random sampling: the first survey, the sample 1, 310 questionnaires were issued in 2 colleges and universities in Anhui Agriculture University and East Lake college in Wuhan. There were 293 valid questionnaires, including 141 senior students, 62 sophomores, 90 senior students, and an effective rate of 94.5%; second investigation, 2, in Wuhan, Wuhan 435 subjects were randomly selected from 2 universities in East Lake college. The effective questionnaire was 409. Among them, there were 229 students, 58 senior students and 122 senior students, and the effective rate was 94%..
At present, our country's research on forgiveness has just started, and through consulting a large number of literature, there are few questionnaires about the motivation of forgiveness in our country. Therefore, this study introduced the scale of forgiveness motivation scale compiled by Sandrine Ballester (2011) and others to try to revise the questionnaire. Through the exploratory factor analysis of the data of sample 1 After that, four dimensions are obtained: sympathy, regain control, moral constraint and seeking identification; after confirmatory factor analysis and reliability analysis of sample 2 data, it is concluded that the revised questionnaire has better fitting degree, more reasonable structure, and the internal factor coefficient of the above four dimensions is 0.797,0.725,0.742,0.761.
In addition, the present situation and characteristics of the forgiveness motivation of the college students in China were measured by the revised questionnaire of forgiveness motivation, and the relationship between the empathy, the forgiveness motivation and the interpersonal relationship, and the intermediary role of the empathy between the forgiveness motivation and the interpersonal relationship were measured and analyzed. The conclusions of this study are as follows:
(1) the revised questionnaire of forgiveness motivation has good internal consistency and structural validity, so it can be used as a useful tool to measure the forgiveness motivation of college students in China.
(2) compared with the demographic characteristics of the students' forgiveness motivation, the statistical results show that, on the gender as a population variable, the students' forgiveness motivation is significantly different, and that boys are more inclined to start to regain control and seek approval for forgiveness motivation. The students of junior high school and sophomore tend to start to regain control forgiveness motivation. In professional categories, students' forgiveness motivation is significantly different. Science students are more inclined to start sympathy and moral constraint forgiveness motivation, and there is no difference in origin and only for the only child.
(3) sympathy, moral restraint, seeking identity, three kinds of forgiveness motives and empathy have significant positive correlation.
(4) sympathy, moral constraint, two kinds of forgiveness motives are significantly negatively related to interpersonal distress.
(5) there is a significant negative correlation between interpersonal distress and empathy.
(6) empathy has partial mediation effect between forgiveness motivation and interpersonal relationship.
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