本文选题:注意偏向 + 动机相关性 ; 参考:《深圳大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The environment in which the individual is located is full of different stimuli. Relative to neutral stimuli, an emotional stimulus with ecological significance can attract and occupy attention resources and obtain rapid and effective processing. This is called the attention bias of emotional information. The rapid detection of potential hazards in the environment and rewarding emotional stimuli are for the individual. It is very important for adaptive behavior. According to previous studies, negative threat stimuli and positive stimuli related to survival and development can cause individual attention bias. But the key factor that causes attention bias is still controversial. This study explains it from the perspective of the theory of emotional evaluation and the model of motivation dimension. This study includes two parts: on the basis of the balance of arousal, based on the motivation dimension model, positive, negative stimuli are divided into positive and negative stimuli related to high motivation correlation and low motivation, and the point detection paradigm is used to examine motivation relevance to attention bias. The results showed that both in the positive and negative stimuli groups, when the stimuli related to the high motivation were presented, the subjects showed a significantly faster response to the effective test than in the ineffective test. Two the study was aimed at exploring the source of the attention bias, whether to pay attention to orientation acceleration or to be out of difficulty. There are still great differences in the time of exciting presentation, and there is still a great difference in this conclusion. In the long SOA, the individual may cover the bias effect due to eye movement. Therefore, this study selects the clues of 200ms to present the time, using the variant form of the point detection paradigm to carry out the experiment. Experiment two a selects the food pictures with the primary reward nature and the biologically related threat pictures; Experiment two B selected the reward stimulation with secondary reward and the threat stimulation with the combination of punishment. The effect of motivation correlation on the attention bias component mechanism was investigated respectively. The results showed that the effective test times of the subjects were faster than that of the invalid test, and the DI scores of motivation related emotional stimuli were significantly greater than 0, while the OI score was not significant. The results of the study were as follows: (1) whether positive or negative stimuli, the subjects showed attention bias to the emotional stimuli related to high motivation, and did not show attention bias to the emotional stimuli related to low motivation. The reason is that it has a processing advantage for emotional information related to motivation. (2) under the condition of SOA 200ms, the attentional bias of the conditioned emotional stimuli with motivation related stimuli and rewards and punishments are caused by attention disengagement, and the effect of the two materials on the attention bias component mechanism. It is consistent.
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