发布时间:2018-07-14 08:12
【摘要】:记忆作为一种基本的心理过程,与其他心理活动密切相关,人类知识和技能的获得都离不开记忆的参与。 人们头脑中存储的信息远远大于我们在某个特定的时间点所能回忆起来的内容,在尝试提取的过程中,信息能否被个体成功提取受诸多因素的影响。其中是否有足够的提取线索是一个重要的因素。然而,提取线索并不总是促进回忆。让学习者学习一系列材料,在随后的测试阶段,给学习者提供先前所学材料的一部分作为提取线索,让其回忆剩余的材料,回忆成绩反而比没有提取线索时回忆成绩差,该现象被称为部分线索效应。对于该现象,目前最受研究者关注的理论是提取抑制假说和策略破坏假说。提取抑制假说认为在回忆过程中线索的提供使得个体对线索项目进行内隐提取,内隐提取导致对相关联项目的抑制,抑制是直接影响对项目的表征,因此不管使用任何提取线索来作为探测词,对被抑制项目的提取都会遭到损害或削弱。而策略破坏假说则认为提取阶段所用的组织策略与编码阶段越相似,则受到的干扰作用越小,测试阶段提供的部分线索降低这种相似性,使得被试形成新的策略,或付出更多的努力以恢复在编码阶段形成的策略。这两个假说在以下两个方面存在争论:第一,部分线索对目标项目的作用形式。前者认为部分线索抑制了个体对目标项目的表征,后者认为部分线索破坏了个体对目标项目的组织;第二,部分线索的作用时间。前者认为部分线索效应是相对持久的,后者认为部分线索效应是短暂的。 本研究对再认与自由回忆任务中部分线索效应的机制和影响因素进行了探讨。 整个研究分为研究一和研究二两部分。 研究一分别从记忆成分加工分离、个体差异和抑制时间进程3个角度对提取抑制假说进行检验。 共包括4个实验:实验1采用学习-再认任务,采用单因素两水平(有部分线索,无部分线索)被试内设计,从记忆成分分离的角度考察部分线索对熟悉和记住这两个记忆成分的影响,从而为提取抑制假说提供证据。实验1a采用记得-知道程序,实验1b采用接受者操作特征程序进一步验证实验1a的结果;实验2采用与实验la相同的程序,记录个体在有部分线索和无部分线索条件下再认阶段的脑电变化,从认知神经的角度考察部分线索对于记忆的抑制作用;实验3从个体差异的角度,以工作记忆容量和Stroop效应为指标,考察抑制能力高低个体的部分线索效应,从而验证部分线索效应的抑制控制机制;实验4把部分线索效应经典范式和情绪Stroop范式结合,采用3(回忆方式:情绪词部分线索回忆,情绪词自由回忆,中性词自由回忆)×4(实验条件:情绪Stroop-提取,提取-情绪Stroop,提取-情绪Stroop-提取,提取不充分-情绪Stroop)混合实验设计,以对目标词颜色的判断反应时和对目标词的回忆成绩为指标,考察部分线索效应认知抑制进程。 研究二主要考察编码-提取匹配和线索负荷对部分线索效应的影响作用。 共包括实验2个实验:实验5考察编码-提取匹配对部分线索效应的影响,实验5a采用2(线索呈现阶段字体与学习阶段字体一致程度:一致,不一致)×2(回忆条件:部分线索,无部分线索)两因素混合设计,从知觉背景匹配角度考察编码-提取匹配对于部分线索效应的影响;实验5b采用五组实验处理(A:高关联词表自由回忆;B:高关联词表具有匹配性的部分线索回忆;C:高关联词表不匹配的部分线索回忆;D:低关联词表自由回忆;E:低关联词表不匹配的部分线索回忆),从语义内容匹配的角度考察编码-提取匹配对部分线索效应的影响。实验6在实验5的基础上,结合编码-提取匹配和线索负荷,采用2(线索负荷:高、低)×2(线索目标关联度:高,低)的混合设计,考察这两者对部分线索效应的共同作用。 结合研究一和研究二的结果,可得出以下结论: (1)从行为结果来看,在再认任务中,部分线索的呈现降低了目标项目的整体表征强度;从ERP结果来看,在新旧判断中,部分线索的呈现影响了表征熟悉性的FN400新旧效应,在记得/知道判断中,部分线索的呈现影响了表征熟悉性的知道的新旧效应。研究结果支持单加工过程模型。 (2)工作记忆容量与部分线索效应存在正相关关系,Stroop效应与部分线索效应存在负相关关系,表明抑制能力越强,部分线索效应量越大,研究结果支持提取抑制假说。 (3)部分线索的抑制作用在部分线索呈现之后即发生,提取未完成时,抑制持续存在,研究结果支持提取抑制假说,同时也对提取抑制假说做了一定补充,即抑制的持续时间受随后是否有提取任务的调节。 (4)增加编码-提取匹配程度能降低部分线索的消极作用,这种作用受线索负荷的影响;当部分线索能够提供目标项目的辨别信息时,能提高回忆成绩。编码-提取匹配和线索负荷共同作用是部分线索效应的边界条件。
[Abstract]:As a basic psychological process, memory is closely related to other psychological activities, and the acquisition of human knowledge and skills is inseparable from the participation of memory.
The information stored in people's minds is far greater than what we can recall at a particular time point. In the process of trying to extract, whether information can be extracted by the individual is affected by many factors. Whether there is enough clue is an important factor. However, the extraction of clues does not always promote memory. The learners learn a series of materials, and in the subsequent stage of testing, provide the learners with a part of the previously learned material as an extraction clue to recollection of the remaining materials. The memory performance is rather less than that of the recollection results without the extraction of clues. This phenomenon is called a partial clue effect. For this phenomenon, the most concerned theories are concerned by the researchers. Extraction inhibition hypothesis and strategy destruction hypothesis. The extraction inhibition hypothesis holds that the supply of clues in the memory process makes the individual implicitly extract the clue items, the implicit extraction leads to the inhibition of the associated items, and the inhibition is directly affecting the characterization of the project. Therefore, no matter how to use any clue as a probe, it is suppressed. The extraction of the project is damaged or weakened. The strategy destruction hypothesis suggests that the more similar the organizational strategy is in the extraction phase, the smaller the interference effect is, the partial clues provided by the test stage reduce the similarity, making the subjects form a new strategy or pay more effort to restore the coding phase. The two hypotheses are debated in the following two aspects: first, the role of some clues to the target project. The former holds that some clues depress the individual's representation of the target item, and the latter thinks that some clues destroy the organization of the individual to the target item; second, the role time of some clues. The cueing effect is relatively persistent. The latter thinks part of the cueing effect is transient.
This study explored the mechanism and influencing factors of some cueing effects in recognition and free recall tasks.
The whole study is divided into 22 parts: research one and research.
In the study 1, the hypothesis of inhibition of extraction was tested from 3 aspects, namely, the processing and separation of memory components, the individual differences and the time course of inhibition.
A total of 4 experiments were included. In Experiment 1, a single factor two level (partial clue, no partial clue) was used in the study and recognition task, and the effects of some clues on the understanding and remembering of the two memory components were investigated from the point of view of the separation of memory components, thus providing evidence for the extraction of the suppressor hypothesis. Experiment 1A adopted the memory know program, Experimental 1b used the receiver operating characteristic program to further verify the results of experimental 1a. In Experiment 2, the same program as experimental La was used to record the brain electrical changes in the recognition stage of the individual under some clues and without some clues, and to investigate the inhibitory effect of partial clues on memory from the Perspective of cognitive nerve; Experiment 3 from individual differences. In terms of working memory capacity and Stroop effect, the partial cueing effect of individuals with high or low ability of inhibition was examined, and the inhibitory control mechanism of partial clue effect was verified. In Experiment 4, the combination of the classical and emotional Stroop paradigms of partial cues was combined and 3 (recollection formula: emotional words partial clue recall and free recall of emotional words) was used. Free recollection of neutral words) x 4 (experimental conditions: emotional Stroop- extraction, extraction - emotional Stroop, extraction - emotional Stroop- extraction, extraction of emotional Stroop) mixed experiment design, in order to judge the color of target words and the memory performance of target words as indicators, to investigate the cognitive inhibition process of partial clue effect.
Study two mainly investigates the influence of code extraction matching and cue load on partial cueing effect.
A total of 2 experiments were included in the experiment. Experiment 5 investigated the effect of part cues on the matching of encoding and extraction. Experiment 5A used 2 (consistent, inconsistent) 2 (recollection condition: partial clue, no part clue) of two factors. The effect of matching on partial cues effect was taken; experimental 5B was treated with five groups of experimental processing (A: highly correlated word list free recall; B: Part cue recollection of matching words with high correlation words; C: Part cue recollection of mismatching of high correlation words; D: low correlation word list free recall; E: Part clues of mismatch of low correlation word list) From the point of view of semantic content matching, the effect of part cues on the matching of encoding and extraction is examined. Experiment 6, on the basis of Experiment 5, combines coding extraction matching and clue load, using a mixed design of 2 (cue load: high, low) * 2 (cue target association degree: high, low), to investigate the common effects of these two on partial cues effect.
Based on the results of research 1 and two, the following conclusions can be drawn:
(1) from the results of the behavior, the presentation of some clues in the recognition task reduced the overall characterization intensity of the target project; from the ERP results, in the new and old judgments, the presentation of some clues influenced the new and old FN400 effects of the characterization of familiarity, and in the judgment of remembering / knowing, the presentation of some clues influenced the knowledge of the familiarity of the characterization. The results of the study support the single processing model.
(2) there is a positive correlation between the capacity of working memory and some cues effect, and there is a negative correlation between the Stroop effect and the partial cue effect, which indicates that the stronger the inhibition ability, the greater the partial cue effect, and the results support the extraction inhibition hypothesis.
(3) the inhibitory effect of some clues occurs after some clues are presented, and the inhibition persists when the extraction is not completed. The results support the extraction of inhibition hypothesis and also make a supplement to the extraction inhibition hypothesis, that is, the duration of inhibition is regulated by the subsequent extraction task.
(4) increasing the degree of coding and matching can reduce the negative effect of some clues, which is affected by the clue load; when some clues can provide the identification information of the target item, the memory performance can be improved. The boundary condition of the partial cues effect is the combination of encoding and matching and the clue load.
[Abstract]:As a basic psychological process, memory is closely related to other psychological activities, and the acquisition of human knowledge and skills is inseparable from the participation of memory.
The information stored in people's minds is far greater than what we can recall at a particular time point. In the process of trying to extract, whether information can be extracted by the individual is affected by many factors. Whether there is enough clue is an important factor. However, the extraction of clues does not always promote memory. The learners learn a series of materials, and in the subsequent stage of testing, provide the learners with a part of the previously learned material as an extraction clue to recollection of the remaining materials. The memory performance is rather less than that of the recollection results without the extraction of clues. This phenomenon is called a partial clue effect. For this phenomenon, the most concerned theories are concerned by the researchers. Extraction inhibition hypothesis and strategy destruction hypothesis. The extraction inhibition hypothesis holds that the supply of clues in the memory process makes the individual implicitly extract the clue items, the implicit extraction leads to the inhibition of the associated items, and the inhibition is directly affecting the characterization of the project. Therefore, no matter how to use any clue as a probe, it is suppressed. The extraction of the project is damaged or weakened. The strategy destruction hypothesis suggests that the more similar the organizational strategy is in the extraction phase, the smaller the interference effect is, the partial clues provided by the test stage reduce the similarity, making the subjects form a new strategy or pay more effort to restore the coding phase. The two hypotheses are debated in the following two aspects: first, the role of some clues to the target project. The former holds that some clues depress the individual's representation of the target item, and the latter thinks that some clues destroy the organization of the individual to the target item; second, the role time of some clues. The cueing effect is relatively persistent. The latter thinks part of the cueing effect is transient.
This study explored the mechanism and influencing factors of some cueing effects in recognition and free recall tasks.
The whole study is divided into 22 parts: research one and research.
In the study 1, the hypothesis of inhibition of extraction was tested from 3 aspects, namely, the processing and separation of memory components, the individual differences and the time course of inhibition.
A total of 4 experiments were included. In Experiment 1, a single factor two level (partial clue, no partial clue) was used in the study and recognition task, and the effects of some clues on the understanding and remembering of the two memory components were investigated from the point of view of the separation of memory components, thus providing evidence for the extraction of the suppressor hypothesis. Experiment 1A adopted the memory know program, Experimental 1b used the receiver operating characteristic program to further verify the results of experimental 1a. In Experiment 2, the same program as experimental La was used to record the brain electrical changes in the recognition stage of the individual under some clues and without some clues, and to investigate the inhibitory effect of partial clues on memory from the Perspective of cognitive nerve; Experiment 3 from individual differences. In terms of working memory capacity and Stroop effect, the partial cueing effect of individuals with high or low ability of inhibition was examined, and the inhibitory control mechanism of partial clue effect was verified. In Experiment 4, the combination of the classical and emotional Stroop paradigms of partial cues was combined and 3 (recollection formula: emotional words partial clue recall and free recall of emotional words) was used. Free recollection of neutral words) x 4 (experimental conditions: emotional Stroop- extraction, extraction - emotional Stroop, extraction - emotional Stroop- extraction, extraction of emotional Stroop) mixed experiment design, in order to judge the color of target words and the memory performance of target words as indicators, to investigate the cognitive inhibition process of partial clue effect.
Study two mainly investigates the influence of code extraction matching and cue load on partial cueing effect.
A total of 2 experiments were included in the experiment. Experiment 5 investigated the effect of part cues on the matching of encoding and extraction. Experiment 5A used 2 (consistent, inconsistent) 2 (recollection condition: partial clue, no part clue) of two factors. The effect of matching on partial cues effect was taken; experimental 5B was treated with five groups of experimental processing (A: highly correlated word list free recall; B: Part cue recollection of matching words with high correlation words; C: Part cue recollection of mismatching of high correlation words; D: low correlation word list free recall; E: Part clues of mismatch of low correlation word list) From the point of view of semantic content matching, the effect of part cues on the matching of encoding and extraction is examined. Experiment 6, on the basis of Experiment 5, combines coding extraction matching and clue load, using a mixed design of 2 (cue load: high, low) * 2 (cue target association degree: high, low), to investigate the common effects of these two on partial cues effect.
Based on the results of research 1 and two, the following conclusions can be drawn:
(1) from the results of the behavior, the presentation of some clues in the recognition task reduced the overall characterization intensity of the target project; from the ERP results, in the new and old judgments, the presentation of some clues influenced the new and old FN400 effects of the characterization of familiarity, and in the judgment of remembering / knowing, the presentation of some clues influenced the knowledge of the familiarity of the characterization. The results of the study support the single processing model.
(2) there is a positive correlation between the capacity of working memory and some cues effect, and there is a negative correlation between the Stroop effect and the partial cue effect, which indicates that the stronger the inhibition ability, the greater the partial cue effect, and the results support the extraction inhibition hypothesis.
(3) the inhibitory effect of some clues occurs after some clues are presented, and the inhibition persists when the extraction is not completed. The results support the extraction of inhibition hypothesis and also make a supplement to the extraction inhibition hypothesis, that is, the duration of inhibition is regulated by the subsequent extraction task.
(4) increasing the degree of coding and matching can reduce the negative effect of some clues, which is affected by the clue load; when some clues can provide the identification information of the target item, the memory performance can be improved. The boundary condition of the partial cues effect is the combination of encoding and matching and the clue load.
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