发布时间:2018-07-15 07:38
【摘要】:本研究探讨了反事实思维与感知决策合理性同时存在时对消费者预期后悔的影响。实验一共有80名被试参与,采用2 (购买时机)×2 (与朋友决策的一致性)的混合设计,深入验证反事实思维易发性的特征及其对预期后悔的影响。实验二共有被试80名,为了深入探究感知决策合理性对预期后悔的影响,采用2 (购买时机)×2 (决策过程的谨慎程度)的混合设计。实验三共有被试240名,采用2 (购买时机)×2 (与朋友决策的一致性)×2 (决策过程的谨慎程度)的完全随机实验设计,探讨在没有组内设计时,被试能否自主诱发对反事实思维的思考,并系统研究购买时机、与朋友决策的一致性及决策过程谨慎程度对预期后悔的影响作用。研究结果如下:(1)实验一中,与朋友决策的一致性对消费者预期后悔影响的主效应显著;购买时机对预期后悔影响的主效应不显著;交互效应不显著。(2)实验二中,决策过程的谨慎程度对消费者预期后悔影响的主效应显著;购买时机对预期后悔影响的主效应不显著;交互效应不显著。(3)实验三中,购买时机对消费者预期后悔影响的主效应显著;与朋友决策的一致性对预期后悔影响的主效应不显著;决策过程的谨慎程度对预期后悔影响的主效应显著;交互效应均不显著。得出以下研究结论:(1)和朋友做出一致购买决策时,消费者反事实思维的易发性降低,引发了较少的预期后悔情绪。(2)在谨慎的决策过程下,消费者感知自身决策的合理性程度越高,产生的预期后悔情绪越少。(3)反事实思维与感知决策合理性均对预期后悔产生影响。以后购买类似于一种“社会风俗”式常规,引发较少的预期后悔情绪。与朋友决策一致类似于一种“小团体”式常规,对预期后悔的影响较前者要小。
[Abstract]:This study explores the impact of counterfactual thinking and perceived rationality on consumers' expected regret. A total of 80 subjects were involved in the experiment. The mixed design of 2 (buying time) 脳 2 (consistency with friends' decision making) was used to verify the characteristics of the susceptibility of counterfactual thinking and its influence on expected regret. In experiment 2, there were 80 subjects. In order to explore the effect of perceived decision rationality on expected regret, a mixed design of 2 (timing of purchase) 脳 2 (degree of discretion in the decision-making process) was used. A total of 240 subjects in experiment 3 were studied by using a complete randomized design of 2 (buying time) 脳 2 (consistency with friends' decision making) 脳 2 (degree of caution in the decision-making process). Whether the subjects can independently induce the thinking of counterfactual thinking, and systematically study the influence of purchasing timing, consistency with friends' decision and the degree of discretion in the decision-making process on the expected regret. The results are as follows: (1) in experiment 1, the main effects of consistency with friends on consumers' expected regret were significant; the main effects of purchasing timing on expected regret were not significant; and the interaction effects were not significant. The degree of discretion in the decision-making process has significant effects on consumers' expected regret; the purchase timing has no significant effect on expected regret; and the interaction effect is not significant. (3) in experiment three, The main effect of purchasing timing on consumers' expected regret is significant; the consistency with friends has no significant effect on expected regret; the degree of discretion in decision-making process has significant effect on expected regret; and the interaction effect is not significant. The following conclusions are drawn: (1) when making a concerted purchase decision with a friend, the susceptibility of consumers' counter-factual thinking decreases, which leads to less expected regret. (2) in the process of careful decision, The higher the rationality of consumers' perceived decision, the less expected regret will be generated. (3) both counterfactual thinking and perceived rationality of decision-making have an impact on expected regret. Later purchases are similar to a "social custom" routine, sparking less anticipation of regret. Consistency with friends' decisions is similar to a "small group" routine, which has less impact on expected regret than on the former.
[Abstract]:This study explores the impact of counterfactual thinking and perceived rationality on consumers' expected regret. A total of 80 subjects were involved in the experiment. The mixed design of 2 (buying time) 脳 2 (consistency with friends' decision making) was used to verify the characteristics of the susceptibility of counterfactual thinking and its influence on expected regret. In experiment 2, there were 80 subjects. In order to explore the effect of perceived decision rationality on expected regret, a mixed design of 2 (timing of purchase) 脳 2 (degree of discretion in the decision-making process) was used. A total of 240 subjects in experiment 3 were studied by using a complete randomized design of 2 (buying time) 脳 2 (consistency with friends' decision making) 脳 2 (degree of caution in the decision-making process). Whether the subjects can independently induce the thinking of counterfactual thinking, and systematically study the influence of purchasing timing, consistency with friends' decision and the degree of discretion in the decision-making process on the expected regret. The results are as follows: (1) in experiment 1, the main effects of consistency with friends on consumers' expected regret were significant; the main effects of purchasing timing on expected regret were not significant; and the interaction effects were not significant. The degree of discretion in the decision-making process has significant effects on consumers' expected regret; the purchase timing has no significant effect on expected regret; and the interaction effect is not significant. (3) in experiment three, The main effect of purchasing timing on consumers' expected regret is significant; the consistency with friends has no significant effect on expected regret; the degree of discretion in decision-making process has significant effect on expected regret; and the interaction effect is not significant. The following conclusions are drawn: (1) when making a concerted purchase decision with a friend, the susceptibility of consumers' counter-factual thinking decreases, which leads to less expected regret. (2) in the process of careful decision, The higher the rationality of consumers' perceived decision, the less expected regret will be generated. (3) both counterfactual thinking and perceived rationality of decision-making have an impact on expected regret. Later purchases are similar to a "social custom" routine, sparking less anticipation of regret. Consistency with friends' decisions is similar to a "small group" routine, which has less impact on expected regret than on the former.
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