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发布时间:2018-08-02 19:39
[Abstract]:Career adaptability is the degree of preparation for career role change and the ability to adjust oneself to adapt to the environment. It is the key ability of individual to achieve career success. Individuals are influenced by many factors in the development of their life adaptability. As a direct and earliest contact environment, the family has a profound influence on the development of the individual, especially the education of the parents in the family, the parents' occupation and family income, that is, the social and economic status of the family. On this basis, this study aims to explore the relationship between the social and economic status of family and career adaptability, and put forward some suggestions for improving the level of career adaptability of rural college students. In this study, 635 rural college students in Yunnan, Guizhou and Jiangsu were investigated by using SPSS17.0 and AMOS18.0 to analyze the status of family social economic status and career adaptability of rural college students. This paper probes into the intermediary role of subjective social economic status and sense of control between objective family social and economic status and career adaptability, revises the primary and secondary control optimization tests, and analyzes the present situation of the use of control strategies for rural college students. This paper also discusses the ways to improve career adaptability from the point of view of the tendency of using control strategies. The main conclusions are as follows: first, the objective social and economic status, sense of control and career adaptability of rural college students are in the middle level, subjective family social and economic status is in the middle level; second, In terms of objective family social and economic status, subjective social and economic status, sense of control level, career adaptability and various dimensions, the overall scores of graduate students, senior students and junior students were the highest, followed by freshmen and sophomores, who were relatively poor; third, Objective family socio-economic status, subjective socio-economic status, sense of control and career adaptability of the four showed significant positive correlation in varying degrees; fourth, Subjective socio-economic status plays an intermediary role between family socio-economic status and career adaptability, and the intermediary effect is significant, while control sense plays an intermediary role between family socio-economic status and career adaptability, and the intermediary effect is significant. Subjective socio-economic status and sense of control play a chain role in the relationship between family socioeconomic status and career adaptability. The intermediary effect is significant. Fifth, the revised OPS scale has good fit and good reliability and validity. There are significant differences in the gender of the optimal control strategies; five control strategies in professional, whether the only child, there is no significant difference; the use of five control strategies in the use of grade variables significant difference; seventh, There is a significant correlation between the sense of control and the social and economic status of the family and the propensity to use the control strategy; eighth, the interactive effect of the level of control sense and the propensity of the use of the control strategy on the life adaptability is significant; ninth, The main effect of family socioeconomic status and control strategy on career adaptability is significant, but the interaction effect is not significant.


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