[Abstract]:In order to adapt their behavior to the environment, attention can be self-directed according to their own goals, or unconsciously through the automatic response to prominent stimuli. These are two types of attention orientation, top-down (endogenous attention) and bottom-up (exogenous attention) attention processing. Individual emotion or motivation can also affect attention orientation, reward as an external factor that can improve individual motivation state, how to affect individual internal and external attention? Especially when the reward appears under the threshold, how does it affect the endogenous and exogenous attention orientation? In experiments 1 and 2 we use visual search paradigm to study the effects of reward feedback on two different attention orientations: suprathreshold and subthreshold. Our results show that stimuli associated with high reward currencies receive priority attention in subsequent visual search tasks, even if these rewards are no longer related to the task. It still affects attention orientation induced by endogenous and exogenous cues. The results of experiment 2 under threshold also showed that previously associated stimuli with monetary rewards were also given priority attention in subsequent visual search tasks, although the rewards were obtained unconsciously. Therefore, the operational process of motivation independent of consciousness can provide a powerful effect on attention selection, thus reducing stimulus-driven and goal-oriented attention. On the other hand, after discussing the effect of reward on different processing methods, this paper continues to explore whether incentive motivation can optimize the allocation of attention resources. We studied the effect of reward expectation on the interference effect of local attention, (LA I). Local attention effect refers to the mutual interference effect when two targets in visual search space are close to each other. We designed two experiments that still adopt visual search paradigm. The results of experiments 3 and 4 show that under the condition of reward feedback expectation, the reaction time of the subjects is faster than that without reward feedback expectation. In experiment 3, when the distance between the two goals was far, the correct rate of the subjects under the reward condition was higher than that without the reward condition, but when the distance between the two goals was close, the correct rate under the reward condition was lower than that under the no reward condition. In other words, the amount of local attention interference increased under the reward condition. In experiment 4, the correct rate of reward sign cues showed no such interaction. Conclusion: (1) under or under threshold, both endogenous and exogenous attention orientation can be affected by the stimulation of high reward association. The information of reward symbol on threshold increases the interference effect of local attention. Individual awareness of rewards interferes with the effective completion of the current task. However, the information of reward symbols presented under threshold has no significant effect on the interference effect of local attention, but the response time is lower, which indicates that the reward information under threshold can improve the motivation level of the subjects. Prepare them for mission response.
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