[Abstract]:Perceptual sequence learning is the learning of the sequence rules contained in stimuli. In the study of perceptual sequence learning, researchers not only pay attention to its own structure, composition and other related factors, but also interested in other relevant factors, such as cognitive style, in order to be closer to the real life. An emotional, etc aspect Therefore, this study will explore in detail and systematically the influence of many factors of emotional priming on perceptual sequence learning, and through the method of experimental research, it will be more objective, meticulous and detailed to study, in order to complete the relationship between these factors. Objective display in front of everyone. In this study, the emotional face images were used as priming stimuli, and based on the task of perceptual sequence reaction, the types of emotion, the level of emotion consciousness and the influence of gender on the learning of perceptual sequence were explored. There are three experiments in this study. Experiment 1 is a two-factor mixed design of two factors (positive emotion, negative emotion) X2 (H high probability and low probability) to investigate the effect of different emotion initiation on perceptual sequence learning. The results showed that the perceptual sequence response after positive emotion priming was significantly faster than that after negative emotion priming, and there were significant differences between high probability and low probability perceptual sequence learning. There was no interaction between emotion type and learning quantity. The second experiment was designed as 2 (positive emotion, negative emotion) X2 (H high probability / low probability) two-factor experimental design to investigate the effect of different types of emotion priming under threshold on perceptual sequence learning. The results showed that the difference of perceptual sequence reaction time between positive emotion priming and negative emotion priming was significant, and there was significant difference between high probability and low probability perceptual sequence learning. There was no interaction between emotion type and learning quantity. Experiment 3 was designed as two (positive emotion, negative emotion) X2 (conscious, unconscious) X2 (male, female) X2 (H high probability and low probability). The effects of different emotion types, consciousness level and sex on perceptual sequence learning were investigated. The results showed that the main effects of different emotion types were significant, the main effects of emotion consciousness and gender on perceptual sequence learning were not significant, and the main effects of learning quantity were significant, while the interaction effects of emotion types and consciousness levels on perceptual sequence learning were significant. The level of emotional consciousness and gender had significant interactive effects on perceptual sequence learning, while the other interaction effects were not significant. The results show that there are significant differences in emotional priming effects among different types of emotion in Fujian Province, and perceptual sequence learning can occur, while subthreshold emotional priming effects are significantly different, and perceptual sequence learning can occur. The main effect of emotional priming on perceptual sequence learning is that emotional type plays an important role, and at the same time, perceptual sequence learning can occur under emotional priming, and in emotional priming, emotional type and level of emotional consciousness can occur. Emotional consciousness level and gender affect each other and affect perceptual sequence learning.
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