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发布时间:2018-08-07 15:39
【摘要】:目的:通过对网络基本环境的调查,了解不同网络群体性事件的报道情况及舆论爆发的影响;探讨不同舆论导向下,网络群体性事件对大学生情绪偏向的影响;探讨健康网络环境对大学生积极情绪导向的意义。方法:本文由两部分研究组成,研究1:选取国内当前两大知名资讯网站凤凰网和新浪网,对2014年1月1日至2014年9月30日发布的热门专题(hot topic)进行调查,收集网络群体性事件;采用方便抽样的方法,在辽宁省某大学随机抽取32名学生,完成《网络群体性事件调查问卷》。研究2:采用2(性别:男生、女生)*3(舆论导向:正性评论、负性评论、无评论)*3(事件类型:正性事件、负性事件、中性事件)的混合实验设计,以整群抽样法,抽取辽宁省某大学一年级学生300名,随机分成3组:正性评论组、负性评论组和无评论组,每组各100人,男女生各50人。三组被试分别完成《情绪偏向自我报告问卷无评论版》事件顺序不同的6种问卷、《情绪偏向自我报告问卷负性评论版》事件顺序不同的6种问卷、《情绪偏向自我报告问卷正性评论版》事件顺序不同的6种问卷。结果:研究1:(1)收集到的69件网络群体性事件中:负性事件42件,中性事件18件,正性事件9件;并且不同类型事件的数量存在极其显著性差异(χ2=25.304,p0.001)。(2)大学生对不同类型事件的熟悉度不存在显著性差异(χ2=0.341,p0.05)。研究2:(1)实验前对大学生基本情绪进行检验,结果表明各组被试情绪反应不存在显著性差异(F=0.213,p0.05);性别不同被试情绪反应不存在显著性差异(t=0.133,p0.05)。(2)对情绪反应得分进行重复测量方差分析,研究结果表明事件类型的主效应显著(F=290.576,p0.001);舆论导向的主效应显著(F=19.527,p0.001);性别的主效应显著(F=5.983,p0.05);事件类型与舆论导向之间存在交互作用(F=7.557,p0.001)。(3)对情绪反应强度得分进行重复测量方差分析,研究结果表明事件类型的主效应显著(F=113.715,p0.001);舆论导向的主效应不显著(F=2.713,p0.05);性别的主效应不显著(F=1.329,p0.05);事件类型与舆论导向之间存在着显著的交互作用(F=4.469,p0.05);事件类型与性别之间存在显著的交互作用(F=8.289,p0.005)。结论:(1)网络媒体更倾向于报道负性网络群体性事件。(2)事件类型、舆论导向及性别对大学生情绪反应偏向均存在影响;且事件类型与舆论导向对大学生的情绪反应存在相互影响。(3)事件类型及舆论导向对大学生的情绪反应强度均存在影响;且事件类型与舆论导向对大学生的情绪反应强度存在相互影响;事件类型与性别对大学生的情绪反应强度存在相互影响。
[Abstract]:Objective: through the investigation of the basic network environment, to understand the reports of different network group events and the influence of the public opinion explosion, and to explore the influence of the network group events on the college students' emotional bias under the different public opinion guidance. To explore the significance of healthy network environment to positive emotional orientation of college students. Methods: this paper consists of two parts of research, study 1: select Phoenix New Media and Sina.com, two well-known information websites in China, investigate the hot topic (hot topic) published from January 1, 2014 to September 30, 2014, and collect the network group events; By using the convenient sampling method, 32 students were randomly selected from a university in Liaoning province, and the questionnaire of network group events was completed. Study 2: adopt the mixed experimental design of 2 (sex: male, female) 3 (opinion orientation: positive comment, negative comment, no comment) and 3 (event type: positive event, negative event, neutral event), cluster sampling method, A total of 300 freshmen from a university in Liaoning Province were randomly divided into three groups: positive comment group negative comment group and no comment group with 100 students in each group and 50 male and female students in each group. The three groups completed 6 questionnaires with different order of "emotional bias self-report questionnaire without comment version", < "emotional bias self-report questionnaire negative comment version" > "emotional bias self-reporting questionnaire" > "emotional bias self-reporting questionnaire". Positive comment version of report questionnaire > 6 kinds of questionnaires with different order of events. Results: (1) 69 network group events were collected: negative events (42), neutral events (18) and positive events (9); Moreover, there was significant difference in the number of different types of events (蠂 ~ 2, 25.304, p 0.001). (_ 2). There was no significant difference in the familiarity of college students with different types of events (蠂 ~ 2 / 0.341 / p ~ (0.05). Study 2: (1) the basic emotion of college students was tested before the experiment. The results showed that there was no significant difference in emotional response among the three groups (F0. 213, p0. 05), and there was no significant difference in emotional response among different sex subjects (t = 0. 133, p0. 05). (2), and the scores of emotional response were measured repeatedly by ANOVA. The results showed that the main effect of event type was significant (F290.576p0.001), the main effect of public opinion was significant (F19.527p0.001), the main effect of gender was significant (F5.983p0.05), and the interaction between event type and public opinion orientation (FF7.557p0.001). (3) was used to measure the scores of emotional response intensity repeatedly. The results showed that the main effect of event type was significant (F113.715p0.001); the main effect of public opinion guidance was not significant (FF2.713p0.05); the main effect of gender was not significant (F1.329p0.05); there was a significant interaction between event type and public opinion orientation (FF4.469p0.05); and between event type and sex. There was significant interaction (FV 8.289, p 0.005). Conclusion: (1) Internet media are more inclined to report negative online mass events. (2) the types of events, public opinion orientation and gender have influence on the emotional reaction bias of college students. And the event type and the public opinion direction have the mutual influence to the university student's emotion reaction. (3) the event type and the public opinion direction have the influence to the university student's emotion reaction intensity; The event type and public opinion orientation have mutual influence on the emotional reaction intensity of college students, and the event type and gender have mutual influence on the emotional reaction intensity of college students.


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