[Abstract]:The study investigated the effects of different emotional experiences on working memory. Two factors (cognitive load: low load; high load) 脳 3 (emotional stimulation picture: pleasant, disgust, neutral) were used to conduct a separate experiment on 57 subjects. The results were as follows: (1) in low cognitive load, the response time of subjects under different emotional experiences was not significantly different, but in the task of high cognitive load, compared with neutral emotional experience, the response time of subjects under pleasant emotional experience increased significantly. (2) in low cognitive load, there was no significant difference in the correct rate of subjects under different emotional experience, but in high cognitive load task, compared with neutral emotional experience, there was no significant difference in the correct rate of response time. (2) in low cognitive load, the correct rate of subjects in different emotional experience was not significant, but in high cognitive load task, compared with neutral emotional experience, The correct rate of subjects under pleasant emotional experience increased significantly, while the correct rate of aversion emotion experience decreased significantly. The results show that emotional experience has no effect on the refresh function of working memory on low cognitive load, while on high cognitive load, emotional experience has a significant effect on the refresh function of working memory, among which pleasant experience plays a significant role in promoting the refresh function of working memory.
【作者单位】: 南通大学教育科学学院;上海师范大学教育学院;
【基金】:国家社会科学基金(BBA120018) 国家社科基金项目资助(CEA130144) 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目(13JZD048) 南通大学引进人才项目(03080831);南通大学人文社科研究项目(13040547)
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