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发布时间:2018-08-12 19:42
[Abstract]:In the past, many scholars have studied the problem of procrastination, mainly involved in the measurement of procrastination, factors and other aspects, and basically define procrastination as a negative behavior and accompanied by negative emotional experience. But since SeligmanCsikzentmihalyi put forward positive psychology in 2000, psychologists began to pay attention to the positive psychological quality of human beings, so Chu-Choi (2005) put forward the concept of active procrastination, and divided procrastination into two types: passive procrastination and active procrastination. This classification has gradually attracted people's attention and become a new hotspot in the study of procrastination, thus expanding the research scope of traditional procrastination. Active procrastinators are very different in cognition and behavior from traditional passive procrastination. The procrastination of active procrastinators is a deliberate choice, and they can allocate their energy more reasonably to more important things. In order to get better results and positive psychological experience. In this study, the employees of enterprises were selected as the research objects, and the questionnaire was used to study the relationship between different procrastination types and the tendency of time management, career delay satisfaction and mobile phone dependence, as well as the tendency of mobile phone dependence in time management. The mediating effect between occupational delay satisfaction and active and passive procrastination. Through the statistical analysis of the data obtained from the study, the following conclusions are drawn: (1) the number of employees procrastinating accounts for 85.71% of the total. Among them, active procrastinators accounted for 34.3and passive procrastinators accounted for 32.2 of the total. Procrastination was common among employees in enterprises, and the number of active procrastinators was slightly higher than that of passive procrastinators. (2) there were significant differences in the total scores of active procrastination between sexes. The degree of active procrastination of male employees was significantly higher than that of female employees, the total score of passive procrastination was significantly different in marital status, and the degree of passive procrastination of unmarried employees was significantly higher than that of married employees. There was significant difference in the total score of passive procrastination in the working hours, and the degree of passive procrastination was significantly higher than that of the employees working for more than 10 years, and the educational level was significantly different in the total score of passive procrastination. The degree of passive procrastination of employees with master's degree or above was significantly higher than that of employees with college and undergraduate degrees. (3) active procrastinators and passive procrastinators were in time management tendency and their three dimensions. (4) active procrastination and passive procrastination had significant correlation with time management, and there was significant correlation between occupational delay satisfaction and mobile phone dependence. (5) time efficacy and mobile phone dependence could predict active procrastination. Time monitoring, sense of time value and mobile phone dependence can predict passive procrastination. (6) Mobile phone dependence has some mediating effect between time management tendency and different procrastination types.


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