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发布时间:2018-08-19 11:53
【摘要】:社会认知是社会心理学在20世纪70年代初期的认知革命中兴起的一个重要研究领域,它关注人们如何理解自我、他人与社会,如何洞悉自己和他人的内心。心理理论,或者说以观点采择为窗口的社会认知研究,则是洞悉人心的一扇窗户,而心理理论的推理机制问题则是最为重要的问题之一。本论文以成人为对象,以视觉观点采择任务(简单判断某个人是否能看见某个刺激)的变式为主要测试范式,先探究自我、他人角度信息加工在双向信息一致与不一致的情况下,两种角度的加工在速度和错误率上的差异(研究一),然后依次加入GO-NOGO任务(研究二),情绪诱发(研究三)、社会等级信息诱发(研究四)对研究一的现象逐层深入研究,并同时探究文化、学科背景和性别的作用,最后基于已有研究文献,整合不同子研究的结论,构建了心理理论的双系统双类型加工模型。研究一基于一般的情境状态,选取了131名在校大学生作为被试,采用E-prime程序在三个视觉采择实验中,要求被试对特定场景中的信息基于自己的角度或他人的角度(两种角度的信息可能一一致,也可能不一致)进行判断,同时探索了被试的文化、性别、专业背景对不同角度加工的影响。研究结果发现:(1)当对外显的目标角度信息(自我角度或者他人角度)进行选择判断时,被试很难忽略无关角度信息(他人角度或自我角度)的干扰,说明存在着对无关角度的自动计算过程。(2)比较而言,被试对自我角度的信息选择加工显著快于对他人角度的选择加工,并且更有效。(3)对自我角度的信息选择加工无性别差异,而在采择他人观点时,女性被试比男性被试显著快;理科被试对两种角度信息的加工均要快于文科被试。本研究结论为:在心理理论的推理中,存在自我角度和他人角度心理的自动计算和控制选择两个过程,对比中西方文化背景下的结果说明,对两种角度心理的加工可能受到被试的文化背景、性别和专业背景的制约和调节;但是,在两种类型的加工中,抑制性控制的作用则是进一步研究的问题。研究二在研究一的基础上,通过双任务范式探究抑制性控制过程在不同目标角度信息的控制选择和无关角度信息自动计算加工过程中的作用及其个体差异。选取了69名年龄在18~23岁的大学生作为被试,采用单任务(同研究一中的实验2)和双任务(在双任务中同时需要完成一个采用"GO/NO GO"范式变体的声音任务)范式,要求对特定场景中的信息基于自己的角度或他人的角度进行判断,同时考察了被试的性别和专业背景的影响。结果发现:(1)与单任务加工比较,加入声音干扰任务后,干扰任务显著地延长了所有条件下和所有角度下的反应时间,对自我角度的加工依然存在不一致效应,但是对他人角度的加工,不一致效应消失了。另外,自我角度与他人角度之间的差异也由显著变为不显著。(2)在单任务中,女性被试的反应时要比男性被试的反应时更长。在双任务中,这种性别差异消失了。(3)文科被试的反应条件差异不显著,理科被试的反应条件差异显著,即理科被试在不一致条件下的反应时显著比一致条件下的反应时长;文科被试在有干扰任务条件下的错误率显著高于理科被试。研究结果说明高负荷任务条件对自我和他人心理的两种类型的加工都有影响;但是,抑制性控制能力在他人角度的选择加工中起的作用大于对自我角度的选择加工,且这些加工受到被试的性别和学科背景的限制和调节。研究三在研究一的基础上,加入了情绪情感因素,考察在心理理论推理的过程中,附属的情绪情感对目标角度信息控制选择和无关角度自动计算的影响及其个体差异。本研究选取了69名在校大学生作为被试,采用研究一(实验1)的范式,通过音乐在不同时段启动了被试高兴、平静、悲伤三种情绪状态后,要求其在不同的情绪状态下分别对特定场景中的信息基于自己的角度或他人的角度进行判断。结果发现:(1)在悲伤情绪状态下,被试对于他人和对自我两种角度的选择加工速度相近;但是在高兴和平静的情绪状态下,被试对于自我角度信息的选择加工显著快于对他人角度的选择加工。(2)进一步分析发现,在高兴的情绪状态下,男性对于对自我角度信息的选择加工显著快于对他人角度信息的选择加工,而女性则无显著差异。以上结果说明悲伤情绪确实促进了对他人角度的选择加工,而高兴情绪并没有对他人角度的选择加工带来明显影响,且存在性别差异。研究四探讨了人际关系性质对心理理论推理的影响及其个体差异。本研究选取了60名在校大学生作为被试,采用研究一(实验1)的范式,通过语句启动被试与模特之间的平等和上下等级关系后,让被试在不同的关系情境中分别对特定场景中的信息基于自己的角度或他人的角度进行判断。结果发现:(1)被试选择加工自己角度信息的反应时比选择加工他人角度信息的反应时更短,但犯更多的错误;在不一致条件下的反应时比一致条件下的更长,犯更多的错误。其中,在不一致反应条件下,被试选择加工自我角度信息显著比选择他人角度信息更快。在一致反应条件下,两种角度的反应时无差异。(2)文科被试在不同关系情境中的反应时依次是:在自己是上级关系情境下的反应时在自己是下级关系情境中的反应时在平等关系情境下的反应时;而理科被试在不同人际关系情境中的反应时无差异。(3)理科被试采择自我角度信息显著快于采择他人角度信息,而文科被试则无差异。在不一致条件下,被试的错误率依次是:在自己是上级关系情境下的错误率在平等关系情境下的错误率在自己是下级关系情境中的错误率。结果说明人际关系背景确实会影响到个体的社会认知加工,且存在学科背景的制约。四个相互联系的研究在基本机制问题上相互印证,在制约和调节基本机制的影响因素上又相互不同,所说明的心理理论推理的基本问题如下:第一,在心理推理中,存在着自我角度信息和他人角度信息的计算加工的自动化,但是对自我角度的自动化程度高于他人角度信息的自动化加工。第二,在使用心理理论推理的过程中,存在着在自我角度和他人角度信息的控制选择过程,特别是在二者信息不一致的条件下。但是对自我角度信息的加工更加高效,更有优势。第三,基于已有观点(例如,心理理论是由社会知觉和社会认知两成份模型;人类的心智加工存在“快”和“慢”两种类型的加工等),结合本研究首次提出心理理论的双系统双过程模型,即存在着以“自我心理”和“他人心理”为核心的双表征系统,其加工表现出自动计算和选择控制两种过程,双系统的表征内容受到个体的文化背景、性别和学科背景的制约,双过程受到抑制性控制、情绪状态和人际层级关系的调节和制约。本论文为进一步解释成人心理理论的双系统双类型的加工推理机制提供了实验证据。
[Abstract]:Social cognition is an important research field in the cognitive revolution in the early 1970s. It focuses on how people understand themselves, others and society, and how they perceive themselves and others'hearts. The inference mechanism of the theory of mind is one of the most important problems. This paper takes adults as the object, and uses the variant of visual viewpoint acquisition task as the main test paradigm. It first explores the ego, and then explores the angle information processing of others under the condition of two-way information consistency and inconsistency. The difference of processing speed and error rate of degree (study 1) was studied. Then GO-NOGO task (study 2), emotional evocation (study 3), social hierarchy information evocation (study 4) was added to study the phenomenon of study 1 step by step. At the same time, the role of culture, discipline background and gender was explored. Finally, based on the existing research literature, different children were integrated. Based on the general situation, 131 college students were selected as subjects. In three visual selection experiments, participants were asked to base their own or other people's perspectives on the information in a specific scene (two perspectives of the letter). The results showed that: (1) When choosing explicit target-angle information (self-angle or other-angle), it was difficult to ignore irrelevant angle information (other-angle or self-angle). (2) Comparatively speaking, the processing of information selection of self-perspective is significantly faster than that of other people's perspective, and is more effective. (3) There is no gender difference in the processing of information selection of self-perspective, while in the process of choosing other people's perspective, female subjects are more effective than male subjects. This study concluded that there are two processes in the reasoning of the theory of mind: the automatic calculation and control selection of the self-angle and the other-angle psychology. The cultural background, gender and professional background constraints and adjustments of the test; however, in both types of processing, the role of inhibitory control is a further study. Sixty-nine undergraduates aged 18-23 were selected as subjects to perform single task (experiment 2 in the same study 1) and double task (a voice task with a variant of GO/NO GO) in the dual task, requiring information in a specific scene to be self-based. The results showed that: (1) Compared with the single task, the interference task significantly prolonged the response time under all conditions and at all angles, and there were still inconsistent effects on the self-angle processing. In addition, the difference between self-perspective and other-perspective also changed from significant to insignificant. (2) In the single task, the response time of female subjects was longer than that of male subjects. In the dual task, the gender difference disappeared. (3) There was no difference in the reaction conditions of liberal arts subjects. The results showed that the response time of science subjects under inconsistent conditions was significantly longer than that under consistent conditions, and the error rate of arts subjects under interference tasks was significantly higher than that of science subjects. However, inhibitory control plays a more important role in other people's angle selection than in self-angle selection, and these processes are limited and regulated by subjects'gender and academic background. In this study, 69 undergraduates were selected as subjects, using the paradigm of Study 1 (Experiment 1), and music was used to initiate the three emotional states of happiness, calmness and sadness at different times. The results showed that: (1) in sad mood, the processing speed of choosing the other person and the self was similar; but in happy and calm mood, the choosing of self-angle information was similar. (2) In the happy mood state, men's choice processing of self-angle information was significantly faster than that of other people's angle information, but there was no significant difference between women's and men's choice processing of self-angle information. Study 4 explored the influence of interpersonal nature on theoretical reasoning and its individual differences. This study selected 60 college students as subjects, using the paradigm of Study 1 (Experiment 1) to initiate subjects and subjects through sentences. The results showed that: (1) the response time of the subjects to choose to process their own angle information was shorter than that to process others'angle information, but they made more mistakes. Under the condition of inconsistent reaction, the subjects chose to process self-angular information faster than others'angular information. Under the condition of consistent reaction, the reaction time of the two angles was no difference. (2) The liberal arts subjects in different relationship situations. The response time of science subjects in different interpersonal situations was no difference. (3) Science subjects were significantly faster in choosing self-perspective information than in choosing other people's perspective information. Under inconsistent conditions, the error rates of the subjects were in the following order: the error rates of the subjects in the situation of equal relations, the error rates in the situation of equal relations, and the error rates in the situation of their own subordinate relations. The four interrelated studies corroborate each other on the basic mechanism issues and differ from each other on the influencing factors that restrict and regulate the basic mechanism. The basic problems of the theoretical reasoning explained are as follows: Firstly, in the process of psychological reasoning, there is the automation of the calculation and processing of self-angle information and other people's angle information. But the degree of automation of self-angle is higher than that of other people's angle information. Secondly, in the process of using psycho-theoretical reasoning, there is a process of controlling and choosing self-angle and other people's angle information, especially under the condition of inconsistent information between them. Third, based on the existing viewpoints (for example, the theory of mind is a two-component model of social perception and social cognition; there are two types of mental processing in human beings: fast and slow), this paper first proposes a two-system two-process model of the theory of mind, that is, there are "self-psychology" and "others'psychology". As the core of the dual representation system, its processing shows two processes: automatic calculation and selective control. The content of the dual representation system is constrained by individual cultural background, gender and subject background, the dual process is controlled by inhibition, and the relationship between emotional state and interpersonal level is regulated and restricted. Experimental evidence is provided for the two systems and two types of processing reasoning mechanism.


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