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发布时间:2018-08-29 20:19
[Abstract]:Objective: forgiveness is becoming a hot topic in the field of positive psychology. Forgiveness studies pay more attention to the positive, positive and healthy psychological aspects of human beings. A series of studies at home and abroad have shown that forgiveness is beneficial to the mental health of college students, and a large number of foreign studies have adopted the method of forgiving group counseling intervention, and its application value has been proved more and more. In China, only a few studies use the method of forgiving group counseling to investigate its positive effects. In view of this, this study attempts to understand the current situation of forgiveness level of freshmen in China, and at the same time, based on the REACH forgiveness intervention model, a strongly targeted forgiveness group counseling program is developed. In order to improve the level of forgiveness to others, but also to improve the level of self-forgiveness, so as to explore a better way to improve the level of forgiveness of freshmen. Methods: a total of 630 freshmen from a comprehensive normal university in Changsha were investigated with Hearland forgiveness scale to investigate the development of forgiveness level of freshmen. Finally, 36 subjects were selected and divided into experimental group, control group A and control group B, and there was no significant difference in forgiveness level between the three groups before intervention. Each group was subjected to different experimental treatments within a specified period of time. The experimental group received forgiveness group counseling once a week. Control Group A received an intervention once a week from a general group game activity. Control Group B does not accept any treatment. After eight weeks, the forgiveness level of the three groups was posttested, and one month later, the effectiveness of the group counseling program was tested. The results showed that: (1) the forgiveness scores of freshmen were generally at the middle level, while some of them were still at the lower level. (2) the freshmen scored in the gender of forgiveness, whether the only child was the only child. There was no significant difference in arts and science, but there were significant differences in the scores of forgiveness between the freshmen and the only child. (3) after group counseling, there were significant differences in the scores of the experimental group before and after the test. There were also significant differences in pre-test and post-test. Forgiveness scores and forgiveness scores increased significantly. Conclusion: (1) there is no significant difference in the level of forgiveness between freshmen and freshmen in terms of gender, whether they are only children or not. (2) in terms of gender, the level of forgiveness of freshmen is significantly higher than that of freshmen, and whether they are only children or not. The level of forgiveness in freshmen was significantly higher than that in freshmen. (3) Group counseling based on REACH forgiving intervention model could improve the forgiveness level of freshmen. Forgiveness theme group counseling has a lasting effect on forgiveness quality of freshmen.


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