发布时间:2018-08-31 18:29
【摘要】:在组织行为学研究中,研究者对个体的日常经验和短期过程越来越感兴趣,经验取样法为研究这些过程提供了必要的工具。尽管近年来经验取样法的研究成果在逐渐增加,但是研究者尤其是国内研究者对该方法在组织行为学研究中所适用的主题并未有整体的认识。通过分析发表在4种组织行为学国际顶级期刊《应用心理学期刊》(Journal of Applied Psychology)、《组织行为学杂志》(Journal of Organizational Behavior)、《人事心理学》(Personnel Psychology)和《组织行为和人的决策过程》(Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes)中最新发表的67篇实证文章,以及国内期刊中相关的7篇成果,发现该方法主要应用在捕捉个体短时或瞬时的状态和感受,本文将目前运用该方法的前沿研究主题分为四大类,分别为工作感受、工作体验、工作行为和工作影响。
[Abstract]:In the study of organizational behavior, researchers are more and more interested in the individual's daily experience and short-term processes, and empirical sampling provides the necessary tools to study these processes. Although the research results of empirical sampling method are increasing in recent years, researchers, especially domestic researchers, do not have an overall understanding of the topic that the method is suitable for in the study of organizational behavior. The analysis was published in four top international journals of organizational behavior, the Journal of Applied Psychology, (Journal of Applied Psychology), Journal of organizational behavior, (Journal of Organizational Behavior), personnel Psychology, (Personnel Psychology), and organizational behavior and people's Decision-making process, (Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes). The latest 67 empirical articles, It is found that this method is mainly used to capture the short-term or instantaneous state and feeling of individuals. In this paper, the current research topics of this method are divided into four categories, which are job experience and work experience, respectively. Work behavior and job impact.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学心理学系;中国人民大学劳动人事学院;
【基金】:中国人民大学科研启动基金(30214520);中国人民大学科学研究基金项目“中日教师心理契约及职业发展比较研究”(亚研字2009008) 全国民族教育研究课题2016年度合作课题MJZXHZ16003基金支持
[Abstract]:In the study of organizational behavior, researchers are more and more interested in the individual's daily experience and short-term processes, and empirical sampling provides the necessary tools to study these processes. Although the research results of empirical sampling method are increasing in recent years, researchers, especially domestic researchers, do not have an overall understanding of the topic that the method is suitable for in the study of organizational behavior. The analysis was published in four top international journals of organizational behavior, the Journal of Applied Psychology, (Journal of Applied Psychology), Journal of organizational behavior, (Journal of Organizational Behavior), personnel Psychology, (Personnel Psychology), and organizational behavior and people's Decision-making process, (Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes). The latest 67 empirical articles, It is found that this method is mainly used to capture the short-term or instantaneous state and feeling of individuals. In this paper, the current research topics of this method are divided into four categories, which are job experience and work experience, respectively. Work behavior and job impact.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学心理学系;中国人民大学劳动人事学院;
【基金】:中国人民大学科研启动基金(30214520);中国人民大学科学研究基金项目“中日教师心理契约及职业发展比较研究”(亚研字2009008) 全国民族教育研究课题2016年度合作课题MJZXHZ16003基金支持