[Abstract]:Based on the summary of previous studies, this paper adopts the combination of self-reporting task and event-related potential (event-related potential,ERP) technology from the external (music titer) and internal (attributional style) factors that affect musical emotion. Through three experiments, the influence mechanism of musical emotion is discussed, which provides further evidence for the study of the neural mechanism of musical emotion. Based on the basic emotion theory of Ekman and the emotional loop theory of Russell, the preexperiment adopts self-reporting task. The "Chinese emotional Music system" was constructed to provide a rich platform for the selection of materials for the subsequent experiments and for the researchers of music emotion research at home and abroad in the future. Experiment 1: based on the music titer, the ERP technique was used to explore the neural mechanism of music titer affecting musical emotion. Twenty music segments (positive and negative music, half each) were evaluated by 45 freshmen (21 males) for pleasure, arousal and familiarity. At the same time, the EEG signals of pleasure evaluation were recorded. The results showed that the amplitude of P2 (150-250 ms) and LPP (400-900 ms) induced by negative music was significantly larger than that of positive music, and the latency of P2 wave induced by negative music was earlier. It is inferred from the experiment that negative emotion induced by negative music is preferentially processed in the early stage, and the cognitive evaluation of both early and later stage takes up more resources. Experiment 2 added attributional style variable into experiment 1, and explored the neural mechanism of music titer and attribution style influencing musical emotion by ERP technique. 65 freshmen (33 male optimistic group) were involved in experiment 2. In the pessimistic group, 32 men (17 men) repeated the procedure and recorded the EEG signals of pleasure assessment. The results showed that the amplitude of P2 and LPP in positive music induced optimism group was higher than that in pessimistic group, but there was no significant difference between positive music induced optimism group and LPP wave amplitude, and the peak latency of positive music induced optimism group was earlier than that of pessimistic group. In negative music induced pessimism group, P 2 peak latency was much smaller. It is inferred from the experiment that attribution style has a regulating effect on music titer, and there are differences between optimistic and pessimistic attributional styles in the processing of positive and negative music. This paper proves that music emotion is influenced by music titer and attribution style through three experiments, and will continue to explore other factors that affect individual emotion induced by music in the future. In particular, the interaction of individual emotional factors (depression and anxiety) and attributional style on musical emotion provides more solid theoretical support for music therapy of clinical affective disorder and attribution style training during its recovery period.
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