[Abstract]:Attention control theory holds that anxiety will break the balance between top-down goal-oriented system and bottom-up stimulation-driven system, and make the stimulation-driven system dominant, and then further more. Individuals are more susceptible to distraction stimuli, but they can offset the negative effects of anxiety by investing extra effort or increasing available resources. According to the self-control power model, maintaining a stable focus on the target task in distracted environments is a self-control behavior that needs to be impaired. Self-control resources are depleted. This suggests that self-control power may play a moderating role in the disturbance of anxiety on attention control. This study explored whether there is a "dose effect" of self-wasting through a pre-experiment and two formal experiments. The degree of self-wasting in state anxiety affects the cognitive and motor tasks of sustained attention. Preliminary experiments were conducted to examine the effects of self-wasting task duration on self-control. The sequential task paradigm was used to manipulate the duration of self-wasting tasks (18, 12, 6, and control groups) in order to achieve different levels of self-wasting (high, medium, low, and none). The results showed that the longer the duration of self-wasting task was, the worse the performance of CCPT task was. The significant influence was the number of missing reports representing the participants'attentional dispersion. There was no significant effect on the number of false reports, reaction time and reaction time standard deviation. Experiments 1 examined the moderating effect of self-wasting on the effects of state anxiety on cognitive tasks of continuous attention. By limiting the number of errors, electric shock punishment induced state anxiety. The results showed that the greater the degree of self-wasting, the more missing reports and false reports of CCPT task, but no significant effect on response time and response time standard deviation. Experiments 2 examined the moderating effect of self-depletion on the effect of state anxiety on sustained attention task. 63 college students completed sustained attention task (dart throwing) under low and high state anxiety after completing self-depletion task of different duration. The results showed that the degree of self-depletion had no significant effect on dart task performance. Perhaps the reason is that the sensitivity of the dart task is not as good as that of the cognitive task. Eye-movement or biological indicators are suggested to be added. Conclusion: 1) There may be a dose-effect of self-wasting on sustained attention; self-wasting may cause sustained attention in the task. Lab-induced state anxiety contributes to task performance and helps to maintain attention stability in tasks. 3) Self-depletion can regulate the effect of state anxiety on continuous attention control in both cognitive and motor tasks. The positive effect of state anxiety on sustained attention control was greater in moderate and high self-depletion than in low non-self-depletion, but the moderating effect only existed in cognitive tasks reflecting sustained attention, but not in motor tasks reflecting sustained attention.
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