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发布时间:2018-10-16 21:16
[Abstract]:While different emotional words can promote correct memory, the errors in memory also show the separation of emotional potency. Negative words will promote the errors in memory, while positive words will suppress the errors in memory. False memory as a special memory error phenomenon, different emotional words will also have different effects on false memory, negative words will promote the level of false memory, and positive words will inhibit the level of false memory. In this study, we designed three experiments based on DRM paradigm to investigate the cognitive mechanism of emotional word false memory by changing the task form of learning stage and extracting stage. To explore whether positive words have the advantages of literal representation processing, negative words have the advantages of main points representation processing; positive words and negative words monitor processing mechanism differences. In experiment 1, the font judgment task was used to control the literal representation of the learning vocabulary. The results showed that positive words had stronger ability to suppress false memory and showed the advantage of literal representation processing, but the level of negative word false memory was not affected by the experiment task. It showed significant advantages over positive words and neutral words, and negative word processing was more automatic. In the second experiment, familiarity judgment task was used to control the key representation of the learning vocabulary. The results show that negative words have a stronger ability to promote false memory under the task of familiarity judgment, showing the advantage of key representation processing, and that the level of positive word false memory is significantly affected by the experiment task. Under the same learning stage task conditions, experiment 3 uses different recognition stage tasks (general recognition / accurate recognition) to further explore the differences of processing mechanism of different emotional words. The results showed that negative words had the advantage of key representation processing, and the processing was less influenced by task form and more automatic, while positive word processing was greatly influenced by task form, and the literal representation processing was restrained. It shows better monitoring ability than negative words, and then restrains false memory. The results of the three experiments show that different emotional words have different mechanisms of false memory. Positive words have the advantages of shallow literal representation processing and stronger monitoring ability, and the processing mechanism is greatly affected by the experiment task. Only when the task points to the literal processing can its processing advantage be realized, and the control coding process is more preferred. Negative words have the advantages of deep key points, weak monitoring ability, less influence on processing mechanism by experimental tasks, and more preference for automatic processing. The properties and processing depth of vocabulary in learning stage can affect the level of false memory. The generation of false memory comes not only from the coding stage, but also from the result of the coaction between the coding stage and the extraction stage.




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