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发布时间:2018-10-16 21:54
【摘要】:近年来,我国的刑事犯罪率逐年攀升,对我国现代化建设造成了巨大的经济损失,严重的影响了社会的安全稳定。重新犯罪作为一种特殊的犯罪类型,是拉高犯罪率的主要因素之一。因此,充分了解重新犯罪人的人格特征、情绪变化,对其进行有针对性的教育改造和心理矫治,从监狱的角度做好降低重新犯罪率的工作,是目前监狱工作的重要课题。围绕这一目标,我们进行了如下的三个研究: 研究一,对2000名研究对象的入狱原始记录资料进行归类、统计分析,比较重新犯罪与初犯在文化程度、捕前职业、犯罪类型、刑期、作案方式、狱内表现等方面的差异,结果显示:初犯和重新犯罪均显示低文化高犯罪率的趋势,就重新犯罪率而言,文盲、小学文化程度的显著增加。刑释人员就业(包括职业技能和就业机会)对重新犯罪是一个不可忽视的影响因素;财产型和涉毒型的重新犯罪率升高;团伙作案和团伙主犯的比例增加;未能肯定狱内表现与重新犯罪有必然联系。 研究二,研究对象为2010年到2013年入狱,暴力型、财产型、涉毒型的重新犯罪人,选择同一时期入狱、经过犯罪类型和年龄配对的初犯作为对比的对象。运用《中国罪犯心理测试个性分测验》(COPA-PI)对罪犯进行测试。用SPSS19.0进行两因素方差分析,结果显示重新犯罪人在内外倾、情绪稳定性、同众性、冲动性、报复性、信任感、同情心、自信心、焦虑感、聪慧性、心理变态倾向、犯罪思维模式与初犯组有显著差异。不同犯罪类型在情绪稳定性、同众性、冲动性、攻击性、信任感上有显著差异,其中暴力型和涉毒型之间的差异最明显。在攻击性和信任感上,财产型和暴力型没有明显差异。 研究三,2013年2月至6月,陆续选取符合条件的新入狱罪犯,按犯罪组和犯罪类型配对,每组120人,共计240个被试,进行第一次艾森克情绪稳定性测验。一年后重测,了解不同犯罪组、不同犯罪类型入狱时和入狱一年后的情绪变化差异。运用SPSS19.0软件进行两因素方差分析,结果显示:尽管入狱初期,所有罪犯的自卑、抑郁、焦虑、强迫性、自主性、疑病症和自罪感都明显偏离了常模,但重新犯罪组无论是入狱初期还是入狱一年后,情绪都比初犯组稳定,情绪变化相对没有初犯组明显。犯罪类型之间情绪状态的差异,主要集中在抑郁、焦虑、自主性上,表现为暴力型比财产型、涉毒型更加焦虑和抑郁,涉毒型的情绪最稳定。财产型常缺乏自主性、易受到他人的摆布。 最后,根据研究结果提出了监狱教育和心理矫治的对策,并从研究方法和设计角度反思了本研究的不足,提出了今后研究的设想。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the criminal crime rate of our country has been rising year by year, which has caused huge economic loss to the modernization construction of our country, and has seriously affected the social security and stability. As a special type of crime, reoffending is one of the main factors to increase the crime rate. Therefore, it is an important task for the prison to fully understand the personality characteristics and emotional changes of the re-offenders, to carry out targeted educational reform and psychological correction, and to do a good job in reducing the recidivism rate from the point of view of the prison. Around this goal, we conducted the following three studies: first, we classified the original prison records of 2000 subjects, analyzed them statistically, compared the education level and the pre-arrest occupation of the reoffending and the first offenders. The results show that the first and second offenses all show the trend of low education and high crime rate. In terms of recidivism, illiteracy and primary school education level increase significantly. Employment of released prisoners (including vocational skills and employment opportunities) is a factor that cannot be ignored for re-offending; property and drug-related recidivism increases; the proportion of gang delinquents and gang perpetrators increases; There is an inevitable link between behavior and reoffending in prison. In the second study, the subjects of the study were re-offenders who were imprisoned from 2010 to 2013, violent, property-type, drug-related, and chose the first offenders who had been matched by the crime type and age in the same period as the objects of comparison. The Chinese Criminal Psychological Test Personality Test (COPA-PI) was used to test the criminals. Two-factor ANOVA with SPSS19.0 showed that the reoffenders were introverted, emotionally stable, homogeneity, impulsive, retaliatory, trusting, compassionate, confident, anxious, intelligent, psychopathic. There are significant differences between the crime thinking mode and the first crime group. There are significant differences in emotional stability, homogeneity, impulsiveness, aggression and trust among different types of crime, among which the difference between violent type and drug-related type is the most obvious. There was no significant difference in aggression and trust between property and violence. In the third study, from February to June, 2013, the eligible new prisoners were selected one after another, who were matched according to the crime group and the type of crime, each group of 120 people, a total of 240 subjects, to carry out the first Eysenck emotional stability test. A year later, we re-tested the mood changes of different crime groups, different types of crime, and one year in prison. The results of the two-factor ANOVA using SPSS19.0 software showed that: in the early days of prison, all criminals' inferiority, depression, anxiety, compulsion, autonomy, hypochondria and self-guilt were significantly deviated from the norm. But the reoffending group was more stable than the first offender group in terms of early imprisonment or a year in prison, and the emotional change was not as obvious as that in the first offender group. The difference of emotional state between crime types mainly focuses on depression anxiety and autonomy. It shows that the violent type is more anxious and depressed than the property type and the drug-related type is the most stable. Property types often lack autonomy and are easily manipulated by others. Finally, according to the results of the study, the author puts forward the countermeasures of prison education and psychological correction, reflects on the shortcomings of this study from the perspective of research methods and design, and puts forward a tentative plan for future research.


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