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发布时间:2018-10-16 22:42
【摘要】:在体育运动领域,高水平选手(专家)相较于初学者(新手)存在知觉技能优势。这种知觉优势尤其体现在注意能力上:选择注意能力、注意维持能力、视觉搜索能力等。个体的知觉过程基于有限的信息加工资源之上,注意过程是对有限的信息加工资源的分配过程。但是以往研究,包括行为学研究、电生理研究(ERP,PET)和脑成像研究(fMRI)都集中探讨运动专家知觉优势的行为学和脑机制证据,并未对知觉优势的原因及内在机制进行进一步探讨。因此该研究采用事件相关电位(ERP)技术,旨在通过网球专家对网球相关信息的注意资源分配方式的研究,初步探讨运动专家知觉优势的原因。该研究包括两个独立的实验。实验一选取了30名被试,15名网球专家,15名网球新手,利用点探测范式,对不同情绪启动下的注意偏向特点进行反应时研究;实验二采用了ERP技术,选取了38名被试,19名网球新手,19名网球专家,利用视觉注意任务,研究网球专家对网球场景的注意资源分配方式,试图从中枢神经上解释专家的注意优势。实验一结果显示,网球专家和新手在不同情绪启动下注意偏向分没有呈现显著差异。实验二结果显示,负性情绪面孔引发了显著的LPP(late positive potential)波幅;网球场景图片只在网球专家之中引发了显著的LPP波幅。在混合图片出现时,不同于负性情绪面孔单图时专家新手LPP波幅差异不显著和网球场景单独出现时的极其显著的LPP波幅差异,混合图片引发的LPP波幅的组别以及类型主效应均不显著,交互作用呈现边缘显著;进一步对混合图片下注意竞争的波幅分析显示,专家组在不同场景混合图片上呈现显著差异,新手组没有显著差异。通过该研究,可以得出以下结论:(1)网球专家在网球场景和负性情绪面孔之间存在注意竞争,说明在存在注意竞争的情况下,网球专家会对专业技能相关的场景信息有更高的注意水平。(2)运动专家对于技能相关场景信息存在注意偏向,这可能是“专家能够对场景信息有更快或更高水平的加工”这个现象背后的机制。
[Abstract]:In sports, high-level players (experts) have an advantage over beginners (novices) in perceptual skills. This perceptual advantage is especially reflected in attention ability: selective attention ability, attention maintenance ability, visual search ability and so on. Individual perception process is based on limited information processing resources, and attention process is the allocation process of limited information processing resources. However, previous studies, including behavioral studies, electrophysiological studies (ERP,PET) and brain imaging studies, have focused on the behavioral and brain mechanism evidence of motor experts' perceptual superiority, and have not further explored the causes and underlying mechanisms of perceptual dominance. The purpose of this study is to explore the reasons of sports experts' perceptual advantage by studying the allocation of attention resources for tennis related information by means of event-related potential (ERP) technology. The study consisted of two separate experiments. Experiment 1 selected 30 subjects, 15 tennis experts, 15 new tennis players, using point detection paradigm to study the characteristics of attention bias under different emotional priming. Experiment 2 used ERP technology. In this paper, 38 subjects, 19 novice tennis players and 19 tennis experts were selected to study the resource allocation of attention to tennis scene by using visual attention task, in order to explain the attention advantage of experts from the central nervous system. The results of experiment 1 showed that there was no significant difference between tennis experts and novices in attention bias scores. The results of experiment 2 showed that negative emotional faces caused significant LPP (late positive potential) amplitude, while tennis scene images only caused significant LPP amplitude among tennis experts. When mixed images appeared, there was no significant difference in LPP amplitudes of novice experts and extremely significant LPP amplitudes when tennis scenes appeared alone. The group and type main effect of LPP amplitudes caused by mixed images were not significant, and the interaction showed significant edge. Further, the amplitude analysis of attention to competition in mixed images showed that the expert group showed significant differences in mixed images of different scenes. There was no significant difference in the novice group. Through this study, we can draw the following conclusions: (1) there is attention competition between tennis scene and negative emotional faces, which indicates that there is attention competition in the presence of attention competition. Tennis experts will have a higher level of attention to the scene information related to professional skills. (2) Sports experts have a bias towards skill-related scene information. This may be the mechanism behind the phenomenon that experts are able to process scene information faster or at a higher level.


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