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发布时间:2018-10-19 18:45
[Abstract]:With the progress of the times, the group of female village officials gradually entered the public view. New research suggests that gender identity can lead to differences in leadership styles. Based on the theory of androgyny and personal leadership style, this study studies the gender role identity and leadership style of female village officials and their relationship, and explores the influence of gender role identity on the leadership style of female village officials. To provide scientific basis for the selection and training of female village officials. Methods: 269 female village officials in Hunan Province were investigated with the Behavioral leadership questionnaire and the revised version of the Baime gender role scale (revised edition). The data were analyzed by SPSS19.0 and AMOS20.0. Results: (1) the distribution trend of female village officials' gender role identity type was that the proportion of bisexual type was the highest, and the proportion of undifferentiated type was the second. The longer the years of service, the higher the degree of masculinity, the higher the degree of feminization of the female village officials whose husbands work in the field is higher than that of the individuals beside them, and the longer the separation time with the husband, the higher the degree of feminization. The degree of masculinity of the husband is higher than that of the husband who is a regular worker and a farmer. The feminization score of individuals whose economic contribution degree of individual family is more than 70% is significantly lower than that of those below 30%. (2) the leading style of female village officials is 79.2%, and the female village officials who only pursue high rules and do not care about subordinates only account for 79.2%. 5.9am, and even the low-set female village officials, The high care group was also more than the low care group. The stereotyped dimension of female village officials' leadership style is influenced by their education level. The scores of female village officials' leadership style are far lower than those of the individuals whose education is higher than that of the female village officials, and the leadership style of the female village officials is also influenced by the nature of their husbands' work. Husband work faces more complex interpersonal relationships and challenges, with a higher degree of regulation and care. (3) the gender role identity of female village officials has an impact on their leadership style. The leading style of the androgynous individual is higher than that of the masculine, feminine and undifferentiated individual, and the gender role type is the masculine and bisexual individual. There were significant differences in the stereotyped score of leadership style and the type of feminization and undifferentiation, and there was significant difference in the care dimension and undifferentiation of leadership style among the individuals with feminized gender role identity. However, there is no significant difference with the masculine type. (4) the gender role identity of female village officials consists of four masculine trait factors and three feminized trait factors. In the masculine trait factor, the enterprising factor, the leadership factor, the firm three factors positively predict the leadership style set dimension, the masculine characteristic factor in the enterprising, the leadership, Dare to predict the caring dimension of leadership style with sympathy in feminized trait factor.


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