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发布时间:2018-10-19 18:25
【摘要】:流动中学生是指因生活缘故来到城市学习、工作或因外界诱惑而辍学在城市游荡的11、12岁至25岁的特殊青少年群体。流动青少年的心理健康是指流动青少年在成长过程中,对良好适应的环境、发展身心潜能、心理健康水平符合社会期望并自身感受愉悦的状态。本研究将对流动青少年心理健康与领悟社会支持的关系进行研究,并借鉴萨提亚模式对流动青少年领悟社会支持进行干预,以改善心理健康水平。这不仅对流动青少年的心理健康教育具有重要的指导价值,而且丰富了流动青少年的心理与行为发展的心理学理论。 本研究在分析文献,发放开放式问卷的基础上,编制了《领悟社会支持问卷》。并使用其和《心理健康诊断测验》对597名流动青少年进行了调查,然后对37名流动青少年进行了团体心理辅导,其结论如下: ①《领悟社会支持问卷》具有较好的信效度。领悟社会支持由接受支持评价,接受支持体验,给予支持评价,给予支持体验四个因子构成。 ②流动青少年给予社会支持领悟的得分高于接受支持领悟的得分。 ③流动青少年领悟社会支持在性别、是否独生、是否学生干部、学习成绩和学习阶段上存在差异。 ④流动青少年心理健康最突出的问题是学习焦虑,其后是过敏倾向与身体症状。 ⑤流动青少年心理健康及其各因子的得分存在性别差异;在过敏倾向上的得分存在学习阶段的差异;恐怖倾向的得分在是否独生上存在差异。 ⑥领悟社会支持与孤独倾向、身体症状和心理健康总分显著负相关。 ⑦经过团体心理干预,流动青少年领悟社会支持和心理健康水平都得到了提高。 本研究采用多种方法,从接受社会支持领悟与给予社会支持领悟两个层面对流动青少年学的心理健康与领悟社会支持的关系做了初步探索,并对其进行了干预研究。这有助于加深对流动青少年领悟社会支持与心理健康的理解,,并为流动青少年学生心理健康的干预提供参考。
[Abstract]:Floating middle school students refer to a special group of young people aged between 11 and 25 who come to the city to study work or drop out of school to wander in the city because of their living conditions. The mental health of floating teenagers refers to the state in which they adapt to the environment, develop their mental and physical potential, and their mental health level meet the expectations of the society and feel pleasant to themselves in the process of growing up. This study will study the relationship between mental health and perceived social support of migrant adolescents, and use the model of Satya for reference to intervene in perceived social support of migrant adolescents in order to improve their mental health level. This not only has important guiding value to the mental health education of the floating teenagers, but also enriches the psychological theory of the psychological and behavioral development of the floating teenagers. On the basis of analyzing the literature and issuing the open questionnaire, this study compiled the perceived Social support questionnaire. It and Mental Health Diagnostic Test were used to investigate 597 floating adolescents, and 37 migrant adolescents were given group psychological counseling. The conclusions are as follows: 1 the perceived Social support questionnaire has good reliability and validity. Perceived social support consists of receiving support evaluation, receiving support experience, giving support evaluation, The scores of social support comprehension of floating adolescents were higher than those of receiving social support comprehension. 3 floating adolescents perceived social support in the gender, whether the only child, or not. Whether there are differences in student cadres, academic achievements and stages of study. (4) Learning anxiety is the most prominent problem in the mental health of floating teenagers. The scores of mental health and its factors of floating adolescents were different from those of other factors, and the scores of allergy were different in learning stage. There were significant negative correlation between perceived social support and loneliness propensity, physical symptoms and total scores of mental health. Social support and mental health of migrant adolescents have been improved. In this study, the relationship between psychological health and perceived social support of mobile adolescents was preliminarily explored from the two aspects of receiving social support comprehension and giving social support comprehension, and the intervention was carried out on the relationship between psychological health and perceived social support. This will help to deepen the understanding of social support and mental health of migrant adolescents and provide a reference for the intervention of mental health of migrant adolescents.


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