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发布时间:2018-10-20 09:04
【摘要】:面孔识别,在人类社会的交往过程中发挥着重要的作用,人们通过对方的面孔来知觉对方的性别、年龄、身份地位、情绪状态及种族等信息。面孔作为一种特殊的图形信息,既包含了整体的构型特征,也包含了部分的分析特征。而作为个体所具有的一种稳定的认知和人格特征的认知方式,它有着整体加工优势和部分加工的差异,那么对面孔识别的加工成绩也会表现出不同的影响。在多元文化的背景下,人们经常表现出识别本族面孔要比识别异族面孔的成绩好,这一现象被称为异族效应并被证实为稳定的效应。本研究试图揭示具备不同的认知方式的不同民族的大学生在识别本族和异族面孔时所表现出的差异及其异族效应的变化规律性。 研究首先选取某高校789名维吾尔族和汉族大学生,采用威特金团体镶嵌图形测验的修订版,筛选出具有典型的场独立和场依存型被试161名参加实验。研究由三个实验构成,均采用经典“学习-再认”研究范式,,以整体加工、破坏整体信息、局部加工三种不同加工方式为实验条件,选取整体面孔、倒立面孔以及只留眼睛的部分信息面孔为实验材料,来探讨不同场认知方式的差异对维汉大学生识别异族面孔成绩的影响。 结果显示: (1)整体面孔的识别,场认知方式差异显著,表现为场独立者成绩要好于场依存者;维吾尔族大学生识别本族的面孔的成绩比识别异族面孔的成绩好,出现异族效应;而汉族大学生识别维吾尔族面孔的成绩比识别本族面孔的成绩好,出现反转效应。 (2)在识别整体破坏的倒立面孔实验中,被试识别绩效均比识别完整面孔低,场认知方式的差异不显著,维吾尔族大学生在识别倒立面孔中也出现了异族效应。 (3)在面孔眼睛部分的识别中,不同类型被试也体现出了识别绩效的下降,但是也有异族效应的体现;场独立者识别面孔眼睛部分的成绩比场依存者要好;维吾尔族大学生在识别面孔局部眼睛同样出现异族效应。
[Abstract]:Face recognition plays an important role in the communication process of human society. People perceive each other's gender, age, status, emotional state and race through their faces. As a kind of special graphic information, face includes not only the whole configuration feature, but also the partial analysis feature. As an individual with a stable cognitive and personality characteristics of cognitive style, it has the overall processing advantages and partial processing differences, then face recognition processing results will show different effects. In the context of multiculturalism, people often show that the recognition of their faces is better than the recognition of their faces. This phenomenon is called the alien effect and has been proved to be a stable effect. This study attempts to reveal the differences in the recognition of the faces of different ethnic groups and the regularity of their heterosexual effects on college students with different cognitive styles. At first, 789 Uygur and Han college students in a certain university were selected and 161 subjects with typical field independence and field dependence were selected by using the revised edition of Witkin group mosaic test. The study is composed of three experiments, all of which adopt the classic "learning-recognition" paradigm. The experimental conditions are three different processing methods: holistic processing, destroying the whole information, and local processing, and the whole face is selected. Headstand faces and only some information faces with only eyes were used as experimental materials to explore the effect of different cognitive styles on the recognition of foreign faces of Uighur and Chinese college students. The results showed that: (1) there were significant differences in the recognition of the whole face, which showed that the field independent students had better results than the field dependents, and Uygur college students had better results in recognizing the faces of their own ethnic group than those of the foreign faces. The result of recognition of Uygur faces is better than that of native faces, and the reverse effect appears. (2) in the experiment of recognizing the whole destroyed inverted faces, the students of Han nationality have better results in recognizing the faces of Uygur nationality than in the recognition of their own faces. (2) in the experiment, The recognition performance of Uygur students was lower than that of the whole face recognition, and the difference of field cognitive style was not significant. Uygur college students also had an alien effect in the recognition of inverted face. (3) in the recognition of face eye part, Uygur university students also had an alien effect in the recognition of inverted faces. Different types of subjects also showed a decline in recognition performance, but there was also a heterogeneous effect, field independent recognition of the face eye part of the performance is better than the field dependent; Uygur college students also have an alien effect in face recognition.


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