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发布时间:2018-10-20 16:14
[Abstract]:In the background of material abundance, contemporary society often hides the undercurrent of materialization of spiritual life, such as material expansion and loss of value. The danger of the materialization of modern people's spiritual life is manifested in the crisis of spiritual belief and the appearance of psychopathology. The causes of materialization are mainly the concrete manifestation of the overall materialization of human existence in the field of spiritual life and the negative effect caused by the prevalence of popular consumer culture. The way to resolve it is to establish the spiritual ecological consciousness from the theoretical dimension. This paper establishes the value orientation of the balanced development of spiritual life, probes into the change of public consciousness from the realistic dimension, and promotes the grade and quality of cultural consumption.
【作者单位】: 湖南省社会科学院哲学所;


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