[Abstract]:In daily life, all animals, led by human beings, will feel all kinds of information from outside, so as to grasp the situation of the outside world, in order to seek advantages and avoid harm. Eighty percent of the information we get comes from the visual channel. Vision is extremely important for human survival. In the study, the individual is used as the research center, and the vision is divided into close vision (the range within the arm centered by the individual) and long distance vision (the visual range outside the arm of the individual). The study found that for two different distances of vision, they are regulated and controlled by different subsystems of the brain. This study is supported by relevant theories and further logical reasoning verification of the leading guidance: 1. Weiss et al believe that the dorsal flow of the brain is involved in the processing of information when the healthy subjects participate in or complete the tasks related to close-vision, while the ventral flow activates greatly when the subjects complete the tasks related to long-range vision. According to Previc's theory, the dorsal flow mainly receives the information from the large cell pathway, which is only sensitive to the information related to brightness, and the ventral flow mainly receives the information from the small cell pathway. This cell pathway plays a role in both brightness changes and color perception. In experiment 1, the white solid dots were used as the target detection task of the subjects, and the subjects were asked to stare closely at the focus points of the center, and click the mouse in time to find out the actual positions in the 32 preset positions around them. Participants were asked to react at close range and long distance (projection screen presentation) at different visual distances. This experiment attempts to detect whether there are differences in the responses of the subjects to the stimuli presented at different distances. The results showed that the response scores of the subjects at close range were better than those of the subjects. This shows that the participants' perception of non-color stimuli is superior (significant level) at close range. Experiment 2 in this study further expands the experiment, using green solid dots as the target detection task of the subjects. The experimental conditions and procedures are similar to that of experiment 1. This paper attempts to test whether the differences in performance between different distances of non-color stimuli can be extended to color stimuli, that is, whether the participants' performance of different distances is different in terms of the perception of the target of color stimulus. The results showed that the performance of the subjects in the close-range condition was much lower than that in the same task at a long distance, and there were also differences in the response scores of the subjects to different experimental stimuli. In the third experiment, the solid spot color of the target is changed to the same color as the background color but the brightness is higher. The experiment tries to explore whether there is still a visual difference reaction at different distances when only the luminance activates the corresponding visual nerve. The results showed that the response score of the subjects to the close-range task was better than that of the long-distance task, and different from the first experiment, the different position of the experimental stimulus also resulted in the difference of the subjects' reaction. Combined with the experimental results of this study, we can see that the human brain for different distances of visual processing is really controlled and regulated by different subsystems, and expanded the existing research, the field of vision has been more accurately divided. It supports the theoretical hypothesis of Weiss et al effectively from the level of behavior experiment.
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