[Abstract]:Tracking displays are widely used in transportation, aerospace and other fields. The choice of tracking display will directly affect tracking performance. Through a series of experiments, this study investigated three common tracking display modes (two compensation display and one trailing display, one compensation display is a controllable tracking point fixed mode), The second way of compensation display is the fixed mode of visual target, and the other is the way that the trailing display is controllable tracking point and the visual object can be moved) on the tracking performance (tracking time, completion rate, subjective experience). Experiment 1 is the effect of different tracing and display methods in two-dimensional plane, experiment 2 is the effect of different tracking display modes in three-dimensional space on tracking operation, experiment 3 is the research on the optimization design of tracking display. The purpose is to optimize and verify the original tracking display mode. The results of this study are as follows: (1) experiment 1: for two-dimensional plane, when the actual state of the target is static or moving, the advantages and disadvantages of the three display modes are as follows: the trailing display mode is superior to the compensatory display mode two. Compensation display mode 2 is superior to compensation display mode 1. When the actual state of the target is moving, the tracking time gap between the three display modes increases. (2) experiment 2: for the three-dimensional space, when the actual state of the target is static, there is no significant difference in the tracking performance of the three display modes; And when the actual state of the target is moving, The performance of trailing display mode is significantly better than that of compensation display mode and compensation display mode. (3) experiment 3: the optimized tracking display mode can significantly improve the completion rate of manual tracking task. In this study, ergonomics was used to investigate the effects of different display modes on tracking performance, and the optimal design scheme was proposed and validated, which is not only helpful to improve the performance of manual tracking process. And it can provide scientific basis for the design of tracking display.
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