[Abstract]:The prisoners are a special group of society. From the previous studies, it can be found that the rehabilitation of prisoners is a major social problem, and their emotional disorders and abuse are more serious than those of normal people, and these psychological problems are often ignored. Child abuse can lead to cognitive and emotional problems in children, which further lead to the occurrence of problems, which are likely to lead to the occurrence of criminal acts. At present, the relationship between child abuse and coping style is very little, so the study focuses on discussing the relationship between the three, and tries to intervene in the emotional disorder of prisoners. In the study, 300 prison inmates were investigated using the Toronto Statement of Affective Disorder (TAS-20), the Simple Coping Style Scale and the Child Abuse Questionnaire (CTQ-SF). The specific situation of coping style and child abuse is analyzed, and the relationship between the emotional disorder, the coping style and the ill-treatment of the victim is analyzed. Three methods of painting and narrative psychotherapy were used to intervene the emotional disorder of prisoners. The results show that: (1) The proportion of high-expression obstacles in prisoners is higher, the coping style of prisoners in prison is biased positively, there is a certain phenomenon of child abuse in prisoners, and they mainly focus on emotional neglect and physical neglect; (2) The emotional disorder of prisoners is affected by the ill-treatment experience, the higher the degree of ill-treatment, the more serious the problem of emotional disorder, and the higher risk of using negative coping style. (3) Two factors of emotional disorder of prisoners cannot be identified and emotion can not be expressed, and a partial brokering role is played between maltreatment and coping style. The results of the study show that: (1) The degree of child abuse and the degree of emotional disorder in the prisoners are more serious and negative coping styles are taken; (2) the negative coping style of the prisoners is related to the emotional disorder; (3) The negative coping styles of prisoners are related to their physical abuse, but the earlier ill-treatment does not necessarily directly lead to negative coping style, which is the negative coping style through the emotional disorder. The results showed that the degree of emotional disorder of inmates who received the counseling intervention of painting and narrative psychotherapy was alleviated, the symptoms eased significantly, and more positive coping styles were used. Conclusion: The emotional disorder of prisoners plays a partial mediating role in the negative coping style of prisoners and the experiences of ill-treatment. The counseling intervention of painting and narrative psychotherapy helps to reduce the degree of emotional disorder of prisoners. Finally, this paper discusses the research results with different theories, points out the deficiency of the research and puts forward the future research prospect.
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