发布时间:2018-11-04 17:37
【摘要】:创新思维是指生成兼具新颖性和适用性思维产品的过程(Sternberg,1999; Mumford,2003),它以个体的已有知识为基础Weisberg,1999)。诸多研究结果表明,个体己有知识的激活程度对创新观念的生成具有重要影响(Rietzschel, NijstadStroebe,2007),但是对于已有知识的宽度及深层加工程度如何作用于创造性过程以及是否影响生成产品的创造性,目前尚缺乏充分和完整的实证研究。本研究旨在通过两个实验初步探讨知识多元性和激活深度对创造性思维的影响。 本研究主要分为两个部分:在研究1中,被试为136名预备班学生,随机分为六个组,采用被试间实验设计,通过比较刺激性质(文字、图片、文字和图片)和刺激关系(刺激相关和不相关)对于生成故事创造性的影响,来探讨知识多元性对创新思维过程的作用。在研究2中,被试为68名八年级学生,随机分为三个组,通过采用不同的指导语引导学生绘制概念图来激活个体己有的知识,随后进行故事创作,来探究知识加工深度对创造性思维的影响。 结果显示: (1)知识多元性能够提高产品的创造性,即多领域知识并行启动能够促进创新。不同领域概念之间的关系越远,所生成的产品或结果更具创造性。 (2)刺激性质对于创新没有显著性影响。在不同的呈现方式下(文字、图片、文字和图片),不同小组生成故事的创造性没有显著差异。 (3)概念图的结构反映了个体的知识网络和激活程度。不同组在概念图的各个维度存在显著差异,其中概念图的层级越多,个体在单领域内的激活越深。 (4)知识基础和激活程度影响创新。缺乏相关的知识基础,容易导致思维固着。因此,在单领域内个体的激活越深,所作故事的创造性越低。 本研究在一定程度上证明了多领域知识能够促进创造性观念的生成,增强观念生成宽度有利于创新。但是,增强观念生成的深度有可能导致固着,降低创新。
[Abstract]:Innovative thinking refers to the process of producing thinking products with both novelty and applicability (Sternberg,1999; Mumford,2003), which is based on the existing knowledge of individuals (Weisberg,1999). Many studies have shown that the degree of activation of individual knowledge has an important impact on the formation of innovation ideas (Rietzschel, NijstadStroebe,2007). However, there is still a lack of sufficient and complete empirical research on how the width of existing knowledge and the degree of deep processing affect the creative process and whether it affects the creativity of product generation. The purpose of this study is to explore the effects of knowledge diversity and activation depth on creative thinking through two experiments. This study is divided into two parts: in study 1, 136 preparatory class students were randomly divided into six groups. The effects of text and pictures and stimuli (stimuli related and irrelevant) on the creation of stories to explore the role of knowledge diversity in the process of creative thinking. In study 2, 68 eighth graders were randomly divided into three groups. They used different guides to guide students to draw conceptual maps to activate their own knowledge, and then to create stories. To explore the depth of knowledge processing on the impact of creative thinking. The results show that: (1) knowledge diversity can improve product creativity, that is, multi-domain knowledge parallel priming can promote innovation. The farther the relationship between concepts in different domains, the more creative the product or result is. (2) the nature of stimulation has no significant effect on innovation. In different presentation ways (text, picture, text and picture), the creativity of different groups to generate stories is not significantly different. (3) the structure of concept map reflects the knowledge network and activation degree of individual. There are significant differences between different groups in each dimension of the concept map, where the more levels of the concept map, the deeper the individual activation in a single domain. (4) knowledge base and activation degree influence innovation. Lack of relevant knowledge base, easy to lead to fixed thinking. As a result, the deeper the individual activation in a single field, the less creative the story. To a certain extent, this study proves that multi-domain knowledge can promote the formation of creative ideas, and that increasing the width of concept generation is conducive to innovation. However, enhancing the depth of the formation of ideas may lead to fixation and reduce innovation.
[Abstract]:Innovative thinking refers to the process of producing thinking products with both novelty and applicability (Sternberg,1999; Mumford,2003), which is based on the existing knowledge of individuals (Weisberg,1999). Many studies have shown that the degree of activation of individual knowledge has an important impact on the formation of innovation ideas (Rietzschel, NijstadStroebe,2007). However, there is still a lack of sufficient and complete empirical research on how the width of existing knowledge and the degree of deep processing affect the creative process and whether it affects the creativity of product generation. The purpose of this study is to explore the effects of knowledge diversity and activation depth on creative thinking through two experiments. This study is divided into two parts: in study 1, 136 preparatory class students were randomly divided into six groups. The effects of text and pictures and stimuli (stimuli related and irrelevant) on the creation of stories to explore the role of knowledge diversity in the process of creative thinking. In study 2, 68 eighth graders were randomly divided into three groups. They used different guides to guide students to draw conceptual maps to activate their own knowledge, and then to create stories. To explore the depth of knowledge processing on the impact of creative thinking. The results show that: (1) knowledge diversity can improve product creativity, that is, multi-domain knowledge parallel priming can promote innovation. The farther the relationship between concepts in different domains, the more creative the product or result is. (2) the nature of stimulation has no significant effect on innovation. In different presentation ways (text, picture, text and picture), the creativity of different groups to generate stories is not significantly different. (3) the structure of concept map reflects the knowledge network and activation degree of individual. There are significant differences between different groups in each dimension of the concept map, where the more levels of the concept map, the deeper the individual activation in a single domain. (4) knowledge base and activation degree influence innovation. Lack of relevant knowledge base, easy to lead to fixed thinking. As a result, the deeper the individual activation in a single field, the less creative the story. To a certain extent, this study proves that multi-domain knowledge can promote the formation of creative ideas, and that increasing the width of concept generation is conducive to innovation. However, enhancing the depth of the formation of ideas may lead to fixation and reduce innovation.
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