发布时间:2018-11-07 17:36
【摘要】:自上个世纪80年代Rothbaum提出次级控制概念后,次级控制已经成为控制感相关领域的研究热点之一,经过三十多年的研究和探讨,次级控制在西方的研究中已经积累了比较丰富的实证和理论成果,其中尤其以次级控制的概念界定以及作为生活负性事件的应对方式的研究居多,并且研究者们更多关注的是次级控制对健康的影响。然而,对于次级控制的影响因素的研究在近些年来才刚刚起步,实证研究成果不多,一方面目前对于该领域的研究重点主要聚焦于宗教、文化等因素对次级控制的产生的影响,且大多数研究探索的仅仅是次级控制所带来的影响,而对次级控制形成因素的研究很少;另一方面,次级控制在中国属于一个新的概念,近几年在中国关于次级控制的研究仅是关于其概念的介绍,对次级控制各方面的研究在中国是一个全新的领域。本研究关注的是对次级控制的影响因素的探讨和研究,在前人研究控制感与次级控制的关系、首要控制与次级控制的关系的基础上,选取控制感与次级控制的关系研究方向,试图揭示长时间控制感剥夺对次级控制的影响,以及秩序寻求在其中的中介作用。为了实现这一目标,本研究主要由两个具体研究组成: 研究一:采用行为实验的方法,研究长时间控制感剥夺是否会引发次级控制。用概念形成任务范式剥夺被试控制感,根据被试行为的评定来判断控制感剥夺的被试是否会引发次级控制倾向。结果表明,长时间控制感剥夺对于次级控制影响显著,经历了剥夺的被试比控制组更倾向于使用次级控制。 研究二:在研究一的结果上探讨秩序寻求和秩序确认的中介作用。采用实验法,以在校大学生为被试,以概念形成任务范式剥夺其控制感,并测量秩序确认、秩序寻求和次级控制倾向。结果表明,长时间控制感剥夺对次级控制的总效应显著,秩序寻求在长时间控制感剥夺与次级控制中间起到部分中介作用。 最后,对本研究的理论和现实意义进行了探讨,并对研究方法和实验设计进行了反思,最后提出了今后的研究方向的设想。
[Abstract]:Since Rothbaum put forward the concept of secondary control in 1980s, secondary control has become one of the research hotspots in the field of control sense. Secondary control has accumulated rich empirical and theoretical results in western research, especially in the definition of secondary control concept and as a way to deal with negative life events. And researchers are more concerned about the health effects of secondary control. However, the research on the influencing factors of secondary control has just started in recent years, and the empirical research results are few. On the one hand, the research focus on this field is mainly focused on the influence of religion, culture and other factors on the secondary control. And most of the studies only explore the impact of secondary control, but the formation of secondary control is rarely studied. On the other hand, secondary control belongs to a new concept in China. In recent years, the research on secondary control in China is only an introduction to its concept. The study on various aspects of secondary control is a new field in China. This study focuses on the discussion and study of the influencing factors of secondary control. On the basis of the previous studies on the relationship between control and secondary control and the relationship between primary control and secondary control, the direction of research on the relationship between sense of control and secondary control is selected. This paper attempts to reveal the influence of long time deprivation of control on secondary control and the intermediary role of order seeking in it. In order to achieve this goal, this study is mainly composed of two specific studies: first, using behavioral experiments to study whether long-term deprivation of control will lead to secondary control. Using the concept of task paradigm to deprive the subjects' sense of control, according to the evaluation of the subjects' behavior, to determine whether the subjects' deprivation of control will lead to the secondary control tendency. The results showed that the effect of long time deprivation on secondary control was significant, and the subjects who had experienced deprivation were more inclined to use secondary control than the control group. Research 2: the mediating role of order seeking and order confirmation on the results of study 1. By using the experimental method and taking the college students as the subjects, the concept of task paradigm was used to deprive the students of their sense of control, and the tendency of order confirmation, order seeking and secondary control was measured. The results show that the total effect of long time control deprivation on secondary control is significant, and order seeks to play a part of intermediary role between long time control deprivation and secondary control. Finally, the theoretical and practical significance of this study is discussed, and the research methods and experimental design are reconsidered. Finally, the future research direction is proposed.
[Abstract]:Since Rothbaum put forward the concept of secondary control in 1980s, secondary control has become one of the research hotspots in the field of control sense. Secondary control has accumulated rich empirical and theoretical results in western research, especially in the definition of secondary control concept and as a way to deal with negative life events. And researchers are more concerned about the health effects of secondary control. However, the research on the influencing factors of secondary control has just started in recent years, and the empirical research results are few. On the one hand, the research focus on this field is mainly focused on the influence of religion, culture and other factors on the secondary control. And most of the studies only explore the impact of secondary control, but the formation of secondary control is rarely studied. On the other hand, secondary control belongs to a new concept in China. In recent years, the research on secondary control in China is only an introduction to its concept. The study on various aspects of secondary control is a new field in China. This study focuses on the discussion and study of the influencing factors of secondary control. On the basis of the previous studies on the relationship between control and secondary control and the relationship between primary control and secondary control, the direction of research on the relationship between sense of control and secondary control is selected. This paper attempts to reveal the influence of long time deprivation of control on secondary control and the intermediary role of order seeking in it. In order to achieve this goal, this study is mainly composed of two specific studies: first, using behavioral experiments to study whether long-term deprivation of control will lead to secondary control. Using the concept of task paradigm to deprive the subjects' sense of control, according to the evaluation of the subjects' behavior, to determine whether the subjects' deprivation of control will lead to the secondary control tendency. The results showed that the effect of long time deprivation on secondary control was significant, and the subjects who had experienced deprivation were more inclined to use secondary control than the control group. Research 2: the mediating role of order seeking and order confirmation on the results of study 1. By using the experimental method and taking the college students as the subjects, the concept of task paradigm was used to deprive the students of their sense of control, and the tendency of order confirmation, order seeking and secondary control was measured. The results show that the total effect of long time control deprivation on secondary control is significant, and order seeks to play a part of intermediary role between long time control deprivation and secondary control. Finally, the theoretical and practical significance of this study is discussed, and the research methods and experimental design are reconsidered. Finally, the future research direction is proposed.
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