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发布时间:2018-12-17 00:18
【摘要】:本研究的主要目的在于对男性气质的不稳定性特点进行检验,并探究男性气质的不稳定性对攻击行为的影响。本研究认为如果个体(尤其是男性)认同男性气质的不稳定性特点,那么可能会支持男性气质必须通过各种活动进行积极的证明。由此我们提出本研究的第一个假设,即男性(而不是女性)在补充完整“一个男人应该__”的句子比补充完整“一个女人应该__”的句子会使用更多的动作词。为了对假设1进行检验,本研究以四川师范大学50名本科生(其中25名男生,25名女生)作为实验对象,采用2(性别:男,女)x2 句子的类型:“一个男人应该__”,“一个女人应该__”)两因素混合实验设计。实验结果显示,男性被试在填写“一个男人应该___”的句子时比填写“一个女人应该__”的句子使用更多的动词,而这种差异在女性被试身上表现的并不显著。而且在控制了性别刻板印象的内容之后,男性被试仍然表现出类似的语言模式。既然和女性相比,男性会更多地将男性气质与各种行动相联系,那么是否男性更有可能将攻击性行为看作修复受损的男性气质的一种文化脚本策略。由于人们通常对个体由文化脚本所触发的攻击行为,作出外部情境的归因,因此如果男性被试认为通过攻击行为修复遭受威胁的男性气质是男性文化脚本的一部分,那么男性被试对其他男性由于其男性气质受损而实施的攻击行为,更倾向于作出外部情境的归因,而女性被试对其他男性或女性的攻击行为以及男性被试对其他女性的攻击行为,更倾向于作出内部性格的解释。为了检验这一假设,四川师范大学56名大学生参加了此次实验,其中25名大学生(11名男性,14名女性)参与了两名男性之间打斗行为的归因评估(外部情境归因,内部性格归因),31名大学生(15名男生,16名女生)参与了两名女性之间打斗行为的归因评估。本研究采用2(性别:男,女)x 2(打斗者的性别:男性与男性,女性与女性)x2(归因类型:情境归因,性格归因)三因素混合实验设计,因变量为被试对于两种不同归因类型的评估。研究结果显示,男性被试认为其他男性的身体攻击行为是由情境所迫,而不是由攻击者内在的性格特征所致,女性被试在这方面的差异并不明显,表明通过攻击行为修复受损的男性气质是男性文化脚本的一部分。
[Abstract]:The main purpose of this study is to test the characteristics of male temperament instability and to explore the influence of male temperament instability on aggressive behavior. This study suggests that if individuals (especially men) agree with the instability of masculinity, it may support that masculinity must be positively demonstrated through various activities. Therefore, the first hypothesis of this study is that men (not women) use more action words than complete sentences of "a man should". In order to test hypothesis 1, 50 undergraduates (25 male and 25 female) from Sichuan normal University were used as subjects, and the type of 2 (sex: male, female) x2 sentence: "A man should _". "A woman should be") two factors mixed experimental design. The results showed that male subjects used more verbs when filling out "a man should" sentence than "a woman should _" sentence, but the difference was not significant in female subjects. After controlling the content of gender stereotype, male subjects still showed similar language patterns. Since men are more likely than women to associate masculinity with actions, whether men are more likely to see aggressive behavior as a cultural script strategy to repair damaged masculinity. Since people usually attribute an external situation to an individual's aggression triggered by a cultural script, if the male subjects think that menial repair through aggressive behavior is part of the male cultural script, Well, the male subjects were more inclined to attribute the external situation to the aggressive behavior of other men due to the loss of their masculinity. However, the female subjects were more inclined to explain their internal character when they attacked other men or women and the male subjects attacked other women. To test this hypothesis, 56 college students from Sichuan normal University participated in the experiment, of which 25 students (11 men and 14 women) participated in the attribution evaluation of fighting behavior between two men (external situational attribution). Internal personality attribution), 31 college students (15 male and 16 female) participated in the attribution assessment of fighting behavior between two women. In this study, three factors were used in this study: 2 (sex: male, female) x 2 (sex of belligerent: male and male, female and female) x 2 (attribution type: situational attribution, personality attribution). Dependent variables are the participants' assessment of two different attribution types. The results of the study showed that the male subjects thought that the other men's physical aggression was caused by the situation rather than the internal character of the attacker, and the female subjects had no significant difference in this aspect. Shows that repairing damaged masculinity through aggressive behavior is part of the male culture script.


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