发布时间:2019-01-07 07:33
【摘要】:近年来,暴力电子游戏引发暴力犯罪的现象时有发生。暴力电子游戏成为近几十年来研究者们争相探讨的热点之一,相应的研究也十分丰富。大量行为学研究已经证实,长期接触暴力电子游戏会产生一系列的负面效应。暴力电子游戏包含的大量对人物的射击,刀刺,拳击,脚踢等行为,并由此促使个体产生攻击性信念,态度,以及低水平的亲社会行为和助人行为。很多研究者已经开始探查暴力电子游戏会导致攻击性的神经方面的证据。以往有关暴力电子游戏的功能磁共振成像方面的研究往往通过两种方法来考察接触电子游戏暴力对个体脑区的影响:一种是前期筛选出分别具有高、低暴力电子游戏经验的个体,考察他们在认知或情感任务时收集f MRI数据;另一种则通过随机筛选被试的方式,将个体分为两组,分别进行暴力电子游戏和非暴力电子游戏,考察个体在两种游戏时或者游戏后认知相关任务时的脑区激活的差异。以往暴力电子游戏的脑机制研究较少进一步从影响个体习得暴力电子游戏的具体因素的角度来考察暴力电子游戏影响个体的脑机制,比如游戏中杀戮的道德特点可能影响了玩家的道德判断从而发生道德歪曲;另一方面,研究者们更倾向于采用任务态的方式来考察暴力电子游戏带来的影响,而从静息态的角度考察长期接触暴力电子游戏后个体脑区是否发生变化的研究还很少,静息态功能磁共振成像技术能够为揭示长期接触暴力电子游戏所带来的长时的脑区自发活动的变化带来技术支持。因此,本研究从静息态与任务态相结合的角度探究长时接触暴力电子游戏对个体神经活动的影响。本研究主要考察两个问题:(1)暴力电子游戏影响个体攻击性的神经机制;(2)从神经机制的角度考察游戏中杀戮行为的道德特征对玩家道德判断的影响。研究一采用静息态磁共振扫描技术对52名被试(26名为高暴力电子游戏经验者,26名为无暴力电子游戏经验者)进行了静息态磁共振扫描,考察暴力电子游戏玩家与非玩家静息态脑网络的差异。f ALFF指标中,与正常对照组相比,暴力电子游戏玩家组在眶额皮层,海马旁回,颞叶中回与颞叶下回等区域发生了自发活动的减弱;而在双侧脑岛,颞上回,尾状核等区域发生了自发活动的增强。表明暴力电子游戏会影响玩家大脑的部分“默认网络”,双侧脑岛等脑区,产生异常的自发活动。进一步采用基于感兴趣区的功能连接分析(ROI-wise),将所得数据与Buss-Perry攻击问卷进行分析发现,背外侧前额叶与楔前叶之间的功能连接,腹内侧前额叶与眶额皮层的功能连接,前扣带皮层与杏仁核的功能连接以及左侧梭状回与左侧脑岛之间的功能连接均能够负向预测个体的攻击水平;而杏仁核与左侧梭状回之间的功能连接,左右侧眶额皮层与舌回的功能连接能够正向预测个体的攻击水平。这些结果为暴力电子游戏游戏会影响个体攻击性提供了静息态脑网络方面的证据。研究二采用2(被试类型:暴力电子游戏玩家、非玩家)*3(射杀行为:正义、非正义、基线)的实验设计,考察个体在想象自己是暴力视频片段中的施暴者时脑区的相应变化。利用射杀平民条件减去射杀士兵条件,即得到射杀平民相对于射杀士兵单独激活的脑区。结果显示,射杀平民与射杀士兵相比,在暴力游戏玩家中,激活的脑区主要有梭状回,枕叶下回,顶叶下回。而在非玩家组激活的脑区主要有梭状回,额下回(包括眶额皮层),颞顶联合区,以及额上回中部。二者比较发现,暴力游戏玩家相对非暴力游戏玩家没有明显的激活增强,而在颞上回,并在额叶的广泛区域存在激活的减弱。脑与行为的相关分析发现,射杀平民时,与控制组相比,暴力游戏玩家在射杀平民时的内疚程度与这些脑区相关均不显著,非暴力游戏玩家在射杀平民时的内疚水平与右侧颞中回具有显著相关,且右侧颞中回能够预测个体在射杀平民时的内疚水平。而与个体Buss-Perry攻击量表总分进行相关分析发现,暴力游戏玩家的额下回与个体的攻击水平均具有显著负相关,且额下回的激活可以显著负向预测个体的外显攻击水平。总的来说,长期接触暴力电子游戏会导致个体产生一定的道德歪曲,表现出对暴力的脱敏,从而导致个体产生相对强烈的攻击性。
[Abstract]:In recent years, violent video games have caused violent crime. The violent video games have become one of the hot spots for researchers to explore in recent decades, and the corresponding research is also very rich. A large number of behavioral studies have confirmed that long-term exposure to violent video games will have a series of negative effects. The violent video games contain a large number of actions such as shooting, bayonet, boxing, kick and so on, and thus cause the individual to produce aggressive beliefs, attitudes, and low levels of pro-social and human behavior. Many researchers have started exploring violent video games that can lead to aggressive neurological evidence. In the past, the research on the functional magnetic resonance imaging of the violent video games often has two methods to examine the influence of the contact with the video game on the individual's brain area: one is the individual who has the experience of high and low violent video games in the earlier stage, in other case, that individual is divided into two groups by random screening, and the violent video game and the non-violent video game are respectively carried out, To investigate the differences in the activation of brain regions in the event of an individual's cognitive-related task at the time of the two games or after the game. In the past, the mechanism of the brain mechanism of the video games is less and more from the angle of the specific factors that affect the individual's learning of the violent video games, and the brain mechanism of the individual is investigated by the violent video games. for example, the moral character of the killing in the game may affect the moral judgment of the player so as to generate a moral distortion; on the other hand, the researchers prefer to use the mode of task state to examine the influence of the violent video games, The study of the change of the individual brain regions after long-term contact with the violent video games from the angle of rest has little, and the resting-state magnetic resonance imaging technology can provide technical support for revealing the changes of the spontaneous activity of the brain region when the long-term contact with the violent video games is long. Therefore, this study, from the angle of combination of resting state and task state, explores the effect of long-term contact with violent video games on the individual's nerve activity. This study mainly studies two problems: (1) violent video games affect the individual's aggressive neural mechanism; (2) the influence of the moral character of the killing behavior on the player's moral judgment is studied from the angle of the neural mechanism. In this paper, a resting-state magnetic resonance (MRI) scanning technique was used to perform a resting-state magnetic resonance (MRI) scan of 52 subjects (26 with high-violent video-game experience and 26 experience-free video-game experience). The difference between the video-game player and the non-player resting-state brain network was investigated. In the f-ALFF index, compared with the normal control group, the group of violent video games played a spontaneous activity in the suborbital cortex, the parahippocampal gyrus, the return of the leaves and the lower back of the lower lobe, and the spontaneous activity was enhanced in the two-sided brain island, the back of the hippocampus, the caudate nucleus and the like. It is indicated that violent video games can affect the brain area of the player's brain, such as the two-sided brain island, to generate abnormal spontaneous activity. further adopting a functional connection analysis (ROI-wise) based on the region of interest, and analyzing the obtained data and the Buss-Perry attack questionnaire, the functional connection between the cortex of the front buckle belt and the amygdala and the functional connection between the left shuttle-shaped back and the left brain island can be negative to the attack level of the predicted individual; and the functional connection between the amygdala and the left shuttle-shaped back is connected, The functional connection between the left and right orbital cortex and the tongue can positively predict the attack level of the individual. These results provide evidence of a resting-state brain network for violent video games that affect the individual's aggression. Study 2 uses 2 (test type: violent video game player, non-player) * 3 (shooting behavior: justice, non-justice, baseline) experimental design to examine the individual's corresponding changes in the brain area when they imagine themselves as the perpetrators of violent video clips. The killing of the soldier's condition is subtracted from the conditions of the killing of civilians, that is, the area of the brain to which the civilians are shot separately with respect to the shooting of the soldier. The results show that in the violent game player, the activated brain area mainly has a shuttle-like return, the occipital lobe lower back and the top lobe lower than that of the shooting soldier. The brain area activated in the non-player group mainly has a shuttle-like return, a lower back (including the orbital cortex), a top-top joint area, and a forehead back to the middle. It has been found that the violent game player has no obvious activation enhancement with respect to non-violent game players, while in the frontal lobe, there is a reduction in activation in the broad area of the frontal lobe. The analysis of the brain and behavior found that when the civilian was shot, the degree of guilt of the violent game player in the shooting of the civilian was not significantly related to those in the control group, and that the level of guilt of the non-violent game player during the shooting of the civilian was significantly related to the return of the right hand side, and the right hand side can be used for predicting the guilt level of an individual when shooting a civilian. The correlation between the total score of the individual Buss-Perry and the individual Buss-Perry was found to have a significant negative correlation with the level of the individual's attack, and the activation of the lower return could significantly negatively impact the level of the individual's attack. In general, long-term exposure to violent video games can lead to a certain moral distortion of the individual, which shows a desensitization of the violence, leading to a relatively strong aggression against the individual.
[Abstract]:In recent years, violent video games have caused violent crime. The violent video games have become one of the hot spots for researchers to explore in recent decades, and the corresponding research is also very rich. A large number of behavioral studies have confirmed that long-term exposure to violent video games will have a series of negative effects. The violent video games contain a large number of actions such as shooting, bayonet, boxing, kick and so on, and thus cause the individual to produce aggressive beliefs, attitudes, and low levels of pro-social and human behavior. Many researchers have started exploring violent video games that can lead to aggressive neurological evidence. In the past, the research on the functional magnetic resonance imaging of the violent video games often has two methods to examine the influence of the contact with the video game on the individual's brain area: one is the individual who has the experience of high and low violent video games in the earlier stage, in other case, that individual is divided into two groups by random screening, and the violent video game and the non-violent video game are respectively carried out, To investigate the differences in the activation of brain regions in the event of an individual's cognitive-related task at the time of the two games or after the game. In the past, the mechanism of the brain mechanism of the video games is less and more from the angle of the specific factors that affect the individual's learning of the violent video games, and the brain mechanism of the individual is investigated by the violent video games. for example, the moral character of the killing in the game may affect the moral judgment of the player so as to generate a moral distortion; on the other hand, the researchers prefer to use the mode of task state to examine the influence of the violent video games, The study of the change of the individual brain regions after long-term contact with the violent video games from the angle of rest has little, and the resting-state magnetic resonance imaging technology can provide technical support for revealing the changes of the spontaneous activity of the brain region when the long-term contact with the violent video games is long. Therefore, this study, from the angle of combination of resting state and task state, explores the effect of long-term contact with violent video games on the individual's nerve activity. This study mainly studies two problems: (1) violent video games affect the individual's aggressive neural mechanism; (2) the influence of the moral character of the killing behavior on the player's moral judgment is studied from the angle of the neural mechanism. In this paper, a resting-state magnetic resonance (MRI) scanning technique was used to perform a resting-state magnetic resonance (MRI) scan of 52 subjects (26 with high-violent video-game experience and 26 experience-free video-game experience). The difference between the video-game player and the non-player resting-state brain network was investigated. In the f-ALFF index, compared with the normal control group, the group of violent video games played a spontaneous activity in the suborbital cortex, the parahippocampal gyrus, the return of the leaves and the lower back of the lower lobe, and the spontaneous activity was enhanced in the two-sided brain island, the back of the hippocampus, the caudate nucleus and the like. It is indicated that violent video games can affect the brain area of the player's brain, such as the two-sided brain island, to generate abnormal spontaneous activity. further adopting a functional connection analysis (ROI-wise) based on the region of interest, and analyzing the obtained data and the Buss-Perry attack questionnaire, the functional connection between the cortex of the front buckle belt and the amygdala and the functional connection between the left shuttle-shaped back and the left brain island can be negative to the attack level of the predicted individual; and the functional connection between the amygdala and the left shuttle-shaped back is connected, The functional connection between the left and right orbital cortex and the tongue can positively predict the attack level of the individual. These results provide evidence of a resting-state brain network for violent video games that affect the individual's aggression. Study 2 uses 2 (test type: violent video game player, non-player) * 3 (shooting behavior: justice, non-justice, baseline) experimental design to examine the individual's corresponding changes in the brain area when they imagine themselves as the perpetrators of violent video clips. The killing of the soldier's condition is subtracted from the conditions of the killing of civilians, that is, the area of the brain to which the civilians are shot separately with respect to the shooting of the soldier. The results show that in the violent game player, the activated brain area mainly has a shuttle-like return, the occipital lobe lower back and the top lobe lower than that of the shooting soldier. The brain area activated in the non-player group mainly has a shuttle-like return, a lower back (including the orbital cortex), a top-top joint area, and a forehead back to the middle. It has been found that the violent game player has no obvious activation enhancement with respect to non-violent game players, while in the frontal lobe, there is a reduction in activation in the broad area of the frontal lobe. The analysis of the brain and behavior found that when the civilian was shot, the degree of guilt of the violent game player in the shooting of the civilian was not significantly related to those in the control group, and that the level of guilt of the non-violent game player during the shooting of the civilian was significantly related to the return of the right hand side, and the right hand side can be used for predicting the guilt level of an individual when shooting a civilian. The correlation between the total score of the individual Buss-Perry and the individual Buss-Perry was found to have a significant negative correlation with the level of the individual's attack, and the activation of the lower return could significantly negatively impact the level of the individual's attack. In general, long-term exposure to violent video games can lead to a certain moral distortion of the individual, which shows a desensitization of the violence, leading to a relatively strong aggression against the individual.
相关期刊论文 前1条
1 伊涛;傅先明;钱若兵;;默认网络的静息态功能性磁共振成像研究[J];国际神经病学神经外科学杂志;2011年02期