[Abstract]:With the acceleration of aging, the study of the mental health of the elderly has also increased, but the research on the mental health of the elderly has not concluded that the mental health of the elderly is higher; but there is also a study that, The psychological problems of the elderly should not be ignored. This inconsistency may result from different situations in the middle-aged and the elderly. At present, home-based pension is one of the main forms of the old-age for the elderly in our country, so this paper discusses the influence of the new family situation on the mental health of the elderly. On this basis, the future research and practice in this field are expected. On the basis of this, the author puts forward the old psychological aid system of self-help, mutual aid and professional help, in order to make an effective way for the practice of caring for the old-age psychology.
【作者单位】: 南京理工大学社会学系;
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