[Abstract]:Face recognition is a necessary ability to live and socialize. Face provides us with a lot of information about sex, age, race, emotion, mental state and so on. In face recognition, there is the same population bias effect, that is, the same age bias effect, the same sex bias effect and the same race bias effect. Previous studies have provided supporting evidence for the same-age bias effect or the same-sex bias effect, respectively. However, age information and sex information are difficult to be separated from each other in the information provided by faces. In real life, for example, it is difficult for adults to discern the sex of a child when they meet a child, but they can quickly identify the sex of their peers when they meet their peers. In this study, adult face pictures and children face pictures were used. The face information was divided into configuration information and feature information by Gao Si fuzzy and window opening techniques, and the matching task (forced label task) was used in this study. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the same-age bias effect and same-sex bias effect of adult face recognition in different ages, and the effect of face feature information and configuration information on it. In this study, college students were selected as subjects, including two experiments. In experiment 1, the same-sex bias effect and the same-age bias effect of the calm faces in adults and children were identified. Experiment 2: to identify the same-sex bias effect and the same-age bias effect of emotional faces in adults and children. The results showed that: (1) under the condition of calm face and emotional face, both showed the same age bias effect; (2) under the condition of configuration information and characteristic information of face, both showed the same age bias effect; (3) under the condition of characteristic information of emotional face, male adult subjects had the same-sex bias effect on adult face, (4) when the subjects recognized face sex, they tended to use feature processing mechanism, especially eye feature. (5) the subjects showed "face center effect" when they recognized faces, and (6) under the condition of feature information of faces, the subjects paid more attention to the region of interest of faces on the features of eyes and nose. When the feature information is the eye, more attention is paid to the eye, followed by the nose; when the feature information is the nose, more attention is paid to the nose, and the second is the eye; when the feature information is the mouth, more attention is paid to the nose.
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