发布时间:2019-05-22 17:44
【摘要】:进入21世纪以来,工作家庭平衡日益成为国内外组织和员工关注的焦点,而国内对工作家庭平衡的实证研究却并不多见。 本研究以江苏省343名企事业单位员工为研究对象,采用SPSS16.0和AMOS17.0进行数据统计分析,修订了Carlson(2009)开发的工作家庭平衡量表,揭示了企事业单位员工工作家庭平衡现状及其在人口学变量上的差异,并探讨了工作家庭平衡与情绪智力、工作满意度及生活满意度之间的关系。得出如下主要结论: 第一,修订后的工作家庭平衡量表呈现出单维结构,信效度良好; 第二,员工工作家庭平衡感处于中等偏上水平,在性别、年龄、婚姻状况、子女年龄、单位性质、工作年限及加班情况等人口学变量上差异显著; 第三,工作家庭平衡与情绪智力显著正相关,工作家庭平衡与工作满意度及生活满意度均显著正相关,情绪智力与工作满意度及生活满意度均显著正相关; 第四,情绪智力对工作家庭平衡具有正向预测作用;工作家庭平衡对工作满意度及生活满意度具有正向预测作用;情绪智力对工作满意度及生活满意度具有正向预测作用; 第五,工作家庭平衡在情绪智力与工作满意度、生活满意度的关系中具有部分中介作用。
[Abstract]:Since the beginning of the 21st century, work-family balance has increasingly become the focus of attention of organizations and employees at home and abroad, but there are few empirical studies on work-family balance in China. In this study, the work and family balance table developed by Carlson (2009) was revised by using SPSS16.0 and AMOS17.0 to analyze the data of 343employees in Jiangsu Province. This paper reveals the present situation of work-family balance of employees in enterprises and institutions and its differences in demographic variables, and probes into the relationship between work-family balance and emotional intelligence, job satisfaction and life satisfaction. The main conclusions are as follows: first, the revised work-family balance scale presents a single-dimensional structure, which has good reliability and validity; Second, the sense of work and family balance of employees is in the middle and upper level, and there are significant differences in demographic variables such as sex, age, marital status, child age, unit nature, working years and overtime. Thirdly, there is a significant positive correlation between work-family balance and emotional intelligence, a significant positive correlation between work-family balance and job satisfaction and life satisfaction, and a significant positive correlation between emotional intelligence and job satisfaction and life satisfaction. Fourth, emotional intelligence has a positive predictive effect on work-family balance, work-family balance has a positive predictive effect on job satisfaction and life satisfaction, and emotional intelligence has a positive predictive effect on work-family balance. Emotional intelligence has a positive predictive effect on job satisfaction and life satisfaction. Fifth, work-family balance plays a part of the intermediary role in the relationship between emotional intelligence and job satisfaction and life satisfaction.
[Abstract]:Since the beginning of the 21st century, work-family balance has increasingly become the focus of attention of organizations and employees at home and abroad, but there are few empirical studies on work-family balance in China. In this study, the work and family balance table developed by Carlson (2009) was revised by using SPSS16.0 and AMOS17.0 to analyze the data of 343employees in Jiangsu Province. This paper reveals the present situation of work-family balance of employees in enterprises and institutions and its differences in demographic variables, and probes into the relationship between work-family balance and emotional intelligence, job satisfaction and life satisfaction. The main conclusions are as follows: first, the revised work-family balance scale presents a single-dimensional structure, which has good reliability and validity; Second, the sense of work and family balance of employees is in the middle and upper level, and there are significant differences in demographic variables such as sex, age, marital status, child age, unit nature, working years and overtime. Thirdly, there is a significant positive correlation between work-family balance and emotional intelligence, a significant positive correlation between work-family balance and job satisfaction and life satisfaction, and a significant positive correlation between emotional intelligence and job satisfaction and life satisfaction. Fourth, emotional intelligence has a positive predictive effect on work-family balance, work-family balance has a positive predictive effect on job satisfaction and life satisfaction, and emotional intelligence has a positive predictive effect on work-family balance. Emotional intelligence has a positive predictive effect on job satisfaction and life satisfaction. Fifth, work-family balance plays a part of the intermediary role in the relationship between emotional intelligence and job satisfaction and life satisfaction.
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