本文关键词: “一带一路” 瓜德尔港 《印度时报》 印度 巴基斯坦 中印关系 出处:《南亚研究》2017年03期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:This paper uses the content analysis method to analyze the comments of the Internet users when the mainstream Indian media "Times of India" reports the related news about Gwadr Port, and discusses the comment frame used by the Indian netizens in the comments, the three countries of India and Pakistan. The author thinks that the comments of Indian netizens on China are mainly negative, but the proportion of positive comments is rising slightly, and the comments on Pakistan are extremely negative. Negative comments about India have focused on domestic political issues. Observations on topics such as China, terrorism, Kashmir, Port Guadell and Belt and Road. It is found that Indian Internet users still lack sufficient cognition of Belt and Road, but the proportion of positive comments in existing cognition is higher than that in China as a whole. The opportunity for the Belt and Road initiative to win India's support lies in regional economic cooperation and development as well as counter-terrorism cooperation. The challenge lies in the history of the border wars between China and India. Finally, from the aspects of content, channel and object of communication, the paper puts forward the policy thinking of improving India's "Belt and Road" public opinion environment.
【作者单位】: 华侨大学国际关系学院;
【正文快照】: 2013年2月,巴基斯坦将瓜德尔港的运营权转交给中国。2015年9月,中国获租瓜德尔港43年,在巴基斯坦建立首个经济特区。2016年11月,由中方运营的瓜德尔港正式开航。瓜德尔港开航成为中国提出“一带一路”倡议后一个里程碑式的事件。该项目的进展所引起的舆论是观察国际社会对 “
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