本文选题:“一带一路”倡议 切入点:新丝绸之路战略 出处:《东南学术》2017年02期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:The "New Silk Road" initiative put forward by the United States on 2011 and the "Belt and Road" initiative formally put forward by China on 2013 are symbolic plans to promote the implementation of the regional strategy between the two countries. There are some similarities in the object and content of the strategy. However, due to the difference of the two countries' ideas on the above strategy, the strategic problems to be solved in the future are different. Therefore, the two countries' initiatives have quite different strategic objectives and practical paths. The "Silk Road Initiative" of the United States is more "exogenous" in nature. It tries to promote Central Asia by supporting the growth of Indian power. Economic links and simultaneous growth in Afghanistan and South Asia, thus ensuring long-term stability in these regions, while containing the implementation of the strategy of renaissance of major countries such as China and Russia. By contrast, The "Belt and Road" initiative of China is characterized by its "endogenetic" nature, which is manifested in its goal of realizing the common development of China and its neighboring countries based on a more open concept. Taking economic means as the main means of strategic implementation to promote balanced economic growth between China and neighboring countries, the United States mainly implements its Silk Road strategy from the point of view of market demand. In the implementation of the strategy, we focus on solving the problems of market demand in the above countries and regions, while China focuses more on promoting economic development through improving local economic growth conditions from the point of view of market supply.
【作者单位】: 厦门大学经济学院;
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