本文选题:香 + 香文化 ; 参考:《西北民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》2015年04期
[Abstract]:Shu body poison Road, Musk Road and Silk Road are ancient ways of communication between western Chinese and the world. At one end of these ancient roads is the western region of China, which has a humid and hot climate suitable for spice production and a natural environment of alpine and cold. Historically, the traditional cultures of ethnic minorities in these areas are rich in diversity, and natural disasters such as plague, miasma and other natural disasters are frequent. At the other end of these ancient roads, the excellent traditional cultures of the nations of Southeast Asia, Central Asia, West Asia, and even Europe, which are also suitable for the production of spices and spices, are the best in the world. Incense culture on the Silk Road and other ancient roads, and the world's traditional culture blend and live, coexistence. For a long time, spices, incense and medicine are important items in the ancient ways of exchange between the West and the West, such as the Silk Road. Incense has been widely used in the secular life and sacred world of ancient China, and in the traditional cultural exchanges of the nation. Health care and cultural spiritual life occupy an indispensable position. Incense culture has become an important cultural link to realize the stable development of the frontier society and to maintain the rise and fall of the ancient ways of communication between the East and the West such as the Silk Road. With the help of incense and incense culture, the traditional culture of ancient Chinese and foreign nations constantly exchanges, uses for reference, merges innovation, and coexists with each other. The rich and diversified fragrant culture on the ancient road of the communication between ancient China and the western world is an effective composition of the traditional excellent culture of the Chinese nation. Since Han and Tang dynasties, fragrant culture has deeply influenced the development and pluralistic construction of ancient Chinese society. Excavating and sorting out incense culture is the need of sharing the spirit of Silk Road, grasping the religious culture core of "Belt and Road" national strategy, and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
【作者单位】: 云南民族大学职业技术学院;云南民族大学学生处;
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