本文关键词:精益生产在I公司的应用研究 出处:《东华大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the tide of economic globalization, the international competition and industry competition is increasing, the whole manufacturing industry, especially automobile and auto parts enterprises, in price, quality, cost and service. Enterprises in order to win in the constantly changing competitive environment to achieve further development, we must strengthen the price, quality and other aspects of the ability to improve. Domestic and foreign research and practice show. Lean production is one of the main means for enterprises to enhance their comprehensive competitiveness. This paper discusses the application of lean production in the company. Firstly, it summarizes and summarizes the domestic and foreign scholars' research on lean production theory, and understands the concept, development course and content of lean production. The main tools and lean production research and development status at home and abroad. Then the production management process of company I was analyzed and found that there is no professional operation of equipment in the production process of the company. The production site environment is messy, the production plan does not match, the production procedure rhythm is confused and the production workshop layout is unreasonable, and the SWOT analysis is carried out, which reveals the internal advantages and disadvantages of the company. External opportunities and threats, put forward the necessity of implementing lean production. Third, the implementation process of lean production in company I is discussed in detail, including three main stages: implementation preparation phase. Basic improvement and consolidation of the phase, which also includes eight small steps, that is, the formation of lean production team, training, the development of evaluation, assessment and punishment system, the establishment of 5S promotion manual, the implementation of total quality management. Lean improvement of production planning, balanced production process beat and relayout of the production workshop. And I company implementation of lean production results were summarized. It is found that the lean culture concept is not deeply accepted and the lean culture atmosphere is not enough in the process of lean production implementation. Lean production system has not been formed and lean production performance evaluation is not objective and so on. Finally, from the shaping of lean corporate culture. Three aspects of lean production system and performance evaluation system further put forward the improvement measures to implement lean production in I company. The research in this paper provides theoretical guidance for the practice of lean production in I company. In order to promote the rapid and steady development of the company, so that the company in the current market fierce competition environment has a place; At the same time, the same type of manufacturing enterprises to implement lean production has a certain reference value.
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