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发布时间:2019-06-06 18:11
[Abstract]:The extension of agricultural science and technology is not only the link and bridge for the transformation of agricultural production technology into real productive forces, but also an important means for the development of modern agriculture, and also the basic way to improve and optimize the problems of agriculture, countryside and farmers. In recent years, great progress has been made in agricultural science and technology in Shanxi Province, and the comprehensive strength has been greatly improved. Agricultural science and technology has made great contributions to the development of agriculture and rural economy. By using the methods of literature research, investigation and analysis, this paper probes into the popularization mode of agricultural science and technology at home and abroad, and aims at the natural and social resource conditions of Shanxi Province. This paper introduces in detail the present situation of crop and vegetable production and the transformation of agricultural scientific and technological achievements in Shanxi Province, and analyzes on the current agricultural science and technology extension model and its existing problems in Shanxi Province. Finally, according to the characteristics of ecology and production in Shanxi Province, 10 agricultural efficient production technologies are integrated and innovated. Through screening, matching, ripening, demonstration and other ways, it can be fully applied to agricultural production practice, and be popularized by radiation in the whole province, so as to increase the yield of agriculture and increase the income of farmers. As the core force of agricultural scientific and technological innovation in Shanxi Province, Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences has made gratifying achievements and accumulated rich experience in the process of transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and played its integrated innovation function in the development of modern agriculture. The demonstration driving function and the training base function not only complete the integrated innovation and demonstration promotion of the technology, but also produce obvious ecological and social benefits.


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