
发布时间:2021-12-18 11:23

【文章来源】: 上海外国语大学上海市 211工程院校 教育部直属院校

【文章页数】:341 页

Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 Research background
        1.1.1 Rise of reading-to-write tasks
        1.1.2 Summary writing in English writing tests
    1.2 Rationale for the study
        1.2.1 Significance of summary writing
        1.2.2 Lack of rating scales for summary writing
        1.2.3 Necessity of students’ participation in rating
    1.3 Brief description of the study
    1.4 Significance of the study
    1.5 Structure of the dissertation
Chapter Two Literature Review
    2.1 Summary writing
        2.1.1 Definition of summary writing
        2.1.2 Construct of summary writing as an integrated task
        2.1.3 Summary writing in language assessment
        2.1.4 Validity considerations in summary writing
    2.2 Studies on rating scales in writing assessment
        2.2.1 Definition of rating scales
        2.2.2 Taxonomy of rating scales
        2.2.3 Construction of rating scales
        2.2.4 Users of rating scales
    2.3 Validation of rating scales in writing assessment
        2.3.1 Definition of validity and validation
        2.3.2 Validation frameworks
        2.3.3 Methodology in validation of rating scales in writing tests
    2.4 Summary
Chapter Three Research design
    3.1 Conceptual framework & research questions
        3.1.1 Implications from previous studies for the present study
        3.1.2 Conceptual framework
        3.1.3 Research questions of the study
    3.2 Participants
        3.2.1 Students
        3.2.2 Teachers
    3.3 Data collection
        3.3.1 Phase 1....Data collected for construction of rating scales
        3.3.2 Phase 2—Data collected for validation of rating scales
    3.4 Data analysis
        3.4.1 Quantitative data
        3.4.2 Qualitative data
    3.5 Summary of the research design
Chapter Four Results and discussion(1): Construction of rating scales
    4.1 Construction of the rating scale for teacher raters
        4.1.1 Determination of dimensions of the rating scale
        4.1.2 Finalization of the rating scale
    4.2 Construction of the rating scale for peer raters
        4.2.1 Features of the rating scale for peer raters
        4.2.2 Discussion
Chapter Five Results and Discussion (2): Validation of rating scales
    5.1 Validation of the rating scale for teacher raters
        5.1.1 MFRM analysis
        5.1.2 Practical Application of the rating scale
        5.1.3 Teacher raters’ perceptions of the rating scale
    5.2 Validation of the rating scale for peer raters
        5.2.1 MFRM analysis
        5.2.2 Other quantitative validity evidence
        5.2.3 Peer raters’ perceptions of the rating scale
Chapter Six Modification of rating scales
    6.1 Modification of the rating scale for teacher raters
    6.2 Modification of the rating scale for peer raters
Chapter Seven Conclusion
    7.1 Major findings
        7.1.1 Answer to Research Question 1
        7.1.2 Answer to Research Question 2
        7.1.3 Answer to Research Question 3
    7.2 Implications
        7.2.1 Theoretical implications
        7.2.2 Pedagogical implications
        7.2.3 Methodological implications
    7.3 Limitations of the research
    7.4 Future research directions
    Appendix 1a-The Questionnaire of Textual Attributes of SummaryWriting
    Appendix 1b-The Questionnaire of Textual Attributes of Summary Writing
    Appendix 2-Source texts used for the research
    Appendix 3a-Questions for interviews with teacher raters
    Appendix 3b-Questions for interviews with teacher raters
    Appendix 4a-Questions for interviews with peer raters
    Appendix 4b-Questions for interviews with peer raters

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