
发布时间:2021-12-28 15:45
  随着多模态话语分析在二十世纪九十年代于西方国家的兴起,来自不同领域的学者对多模态话语的研究表现出高度的兴趣。经过短短十几年的发展,国内多模态话语研究已达到如火如荼的状态。虽然国内外多模态话语研究已经取得了较丰硕的成果,但尚存在分析框架有待完善、研究方法科学程度有待提高、研究语类有待延伸等问题。如下问题在多模态话语分析已有的研究中比较凸显。首先,现有的多模态话语分析框架主要是基于系统功能语言学而建构的。然而,正如Kress和van Leeuwen(2006)所言:多模态话语分析借用了语言学的思维,但它绝非属于纯语言学。相反,它一开始就彰显了跨学科的倾向,而且它尤其应该与平面设计密切相关,这一点可以从多模态的名字看出。其次,就多模态话语分析而言,读者事实上解读的正是设计师已经设计的产品。然而,设计师和读者从来没有过任何接触,他们都是在自言自语(O’Toole,1994)。结果就造成了设计师与读者的严重脱节,导致了“设计师只负责设计,读者闭门解读”的局面(程瑞兰、张德禄,2016)。因此,解读者的解读和设计者的设计意图是否一致就不得而知了。最后,迄今为止,从事多模态话语分析的主要是系统功能语... 

【文章来源】:山东大学山东省 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校

【文章页数】:348 页


List of Abbreviations
Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 Research Background
    1.2 Research Objectives
    1.3 Significance of the Study
        1.3.1 Theoretical Significance
        1.3.2 Methodological Significance
        1.3.3 Pedagogical Significance
    1.4 Organization of the Dissertation
Chapter Two Literature Review
    2.1 Multimodal Visual-verbal Relations
    2.2 The Construction of Multimodal Analytical Frameworks
    2.3 Synergism of Modes
    2.4 Applied Studies on Multimodal Discourse Analysis
    2.5 Studies on Color Preference
    2.6 Layout Design
    2.7 Visual Center and Visual Process
    2.8 Illuminations and Research Gaps
        2.8.1 Illuminations
        2.8.2 Research Gaps
    2.9 Summary
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework
    3.1 Systemic Functional Linguistics
        3.1.1 Social Semiotics
        3.1.2 Context of Situation
        3.1.3 Visual Grammar
        3.1.4 Opinions on Visual-verbal Relations of Anchor-relay andAnchor-relay Continuum
    3.2 Fundamental Principles of Art Graphic Design
        3.2.1 The Distribution of Visual Attention
        3.2.2 Visual Process
        3.2.3 The Best Visual Region
        3.2.4 Color Preference
    3.3 The Construction of an Analytical Model for the Multimodal Genre of IFM
        3.3.1 The Definition of Multimodal Discourses of IFM
        3.3.2 Theoretical Foundations
        3.3.3 Parameters Involved
        3.3.4 Operating Principles
        3.3.5 Advantages of This Model
    3.4 Summary
Chapter Four Methodology
    4.1 Research Questions
    4.2 Participants
        4.2.1 The Description of Participants
        4.2.2 Criteria of Selecting Participants
    4.3 Data Description
        4.3.1 Criteria of Data Selection
        4.3.2 Reasons for Choosing Multimodal Ads of IMF as Data
    4.4 Instruments
        4.4.1 Interviews
        4.4.2 Questionnaire
    4.5 Research Procedure
    4.6 Procedure for Data Collection
    4.7 Procedure for Data Analysis
    4.8 Summary
Chapter Five Similarities and Differences of Interpretations between Linguisticand Art Graphic Participants
    5.1 Results of the Preliminary Study
    5.2 Results of Online Questionnaire
        5.2.1 General Interpretations between Participants
        5.2.2 General Interpretations within Participants
        5.2.3 Interpretations in Terms of Color
        5.2.4 Interpretations in Terms of Spatial Arrangements
    5.3 Retrospective Interview Results
    5.4 Similarities
        5.4.1 Cultural Tradition
        5.4.2 Similarities in Knowledge Structure
    5.5 Differences
        5.5.1 Sign-making Process in Social Semiotics
        5.5.2 Properties of Multimodal Discourses of IFM
        5.5.3 Professional Knowledge Reserves
        5.5.4 Mismatching between Subjects
    5.6 Summary
Chapter Six Preferences of Multimodal Elements
    6.1 Color Preferences
        6.1.1 Color Preference Results from Questionnaire
        6.1.2 Color Preference Results from the Retrospective Interview
    6.2 Spatial Arrangements Preferences
    6.3 Underlying Reasons for Slight Variance of Color Preference Results
    6.4 Underlying Reasons for Preferences of Multimodal Elements
        6.4.1 Coupling of SFL and Art Graphic Design
        6.4.2 Nature of IFM Print Advertisements
        6.4.3 Distinctive Features of Core Modes
    6.5 Uses of Preferences of Multimodal Elements
    6.6 Summary
Chapter Seven Synergetic Patterns Formed by Core Modes in Multimodal Genreof IMF
    7.1 The Best Synergetic Pattern
    7.2 The General Synergetic Pattern
    7.3 Repatternization of Multimodal Elements Preferences
    7.4 Discussion of Patterns
        7.4.1 Dialectical Relations among Core Modes
        7.4.2 The Construction of a Formula for Evaluating the Appropriatenessof Synergism Formed by Core Modes
        7.4.3 Application of the Formula
        7.4.4 Motivating Factors for the Selections of Major Modes
        7.4.5 Refinement of Multimodal Analytical Model for the Genre of IMF
    7.5 Summary
Chapter Eight Conclusion
    8.1 Major Findings
    8.2 Implications
        8.2.1 Theoretical Implications
        8.2.2 Methodological Implications
        8.2.3 Pedagogical Implications
    8.3 Limitations of the Study
    8.4 Suggestions for Further Studies
    8.5 Summary
Appendix Ⅰ
Appendix Ⅱ
Appendix Ⅲ
Appendix Ⅳ

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