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发布时间:2014-09-15 19:55

【摘要】 近年来,随着语言研究的深入和理论的不断完善,越来越多语言学家们提出词块这一概念。其整体性兼具了语言的形式与功能,体现出句法、语义和语境相融合的优势。词块教学以词块理念为核心,在教学过程中既重视句法结构又强调具体语境中的运用,打破了传统教学中将词汇和语法一分为二的教学观念,为英语教学提供了新的视角。笔者尝试将这种教学法运用到高职英语教学中,利用词块的优势,提高学生写作水平。培养应用型人才是高等职业教学的主要目标,这决定了高职高专英语写作教学强调应用型写作的特点。本文从词块的优势出发,结合高职英语写作的特点,从实证研究入手,探索词块教学对高职高专写作的影响。具体要回答的问题包括:1.词块教学能否有效提高高职高专学生的写作成绩?2.运用词块教学法后,学生作文中词块使用数量是否显著增加?3.学生作文的词块量是否有助于学生写作水平的提高?本文选取漳州卫生职业学院2012级两个自然班的90名学生作为研究对象,随机分为实验班和对照班。实验班采用以词块为主线的教学,通过在教学活动中进行词块的辨认、学习、强化,培养学生有意识地使用词块。对照班采用传统教学方法。在学期初和学期末,分别进行一次写作测试,以此作为前测、后测的研究内容。通过SPSS软件对两班的作文成绩及词块使用量进行数据统计分析。数据结果表明,实验结束后,实验班学生作文成绩和词块使用量均明显高于对照班。由此证明,词块教学法对高职高专学生写作水平的提高具有积极影响。
【关键词】 词块; 词块教学法; 高职英语写作; 实验研究;

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Research Background
With the growth of the international cooperation and information exchange, Englishlearning has become more and more important, especially oral English. In traditional oralEnglish teaching, grammar and vocabulary are considered fundamental parts of languagelearning, where language is treated as a highly rule-governed system, which students canlearn by mastery of grammar and vocabulary separately, not as a whole. However, thisteaching approach has been proved ineffective in improving students’ oral Englishcompetence. During the teaching practice, the author also find that most students still havedifficulty encoding sentences which are simply longer than eight to ten words, eventhough these students have already had a good mastery of grammar and a large stock ofvocabulary.In order to find out problems in students’ oral English learning, the author gave aninterview to the students majoring in business English. The interview question is: what areyour problems in oral English learning? The result of the interview shows that participants’ problems of oral English learninglie in various aspects. Basically, these problems can be classified into three categories:linguistic problems (answer C and answer D), psychological problems (answer B, E and F) and language environment problems (answer A, G and H). While, we can also see fromthe statistics, that the participants’ problems mainly focus on: lack of vocabulary, 98.3%,grammar, 73.3%, lack of effective learning skills and strategies, 71.7%, and lack ofpractice, 63.3%. In this research, the author will only target at linguistic problems. As theabove statistics shows, these linguistic problems are all directly or indirectly related to thelearning of lexis. That means, students’ major problem in oral English learning is learningof lexis.


1.2 Research Method
In this thesis, an empirical and quantitative method is adopted in order to drawconclusions about the role of lexical chunks in oral English teaching for higher vocationalstudents majoring in business English and find out how chunk-based teaching improvestudents’ English speaking ability. In order to figure out relationship between chunk-basedteaching and students’ oral English competence, two natural classes of 30 students eachmajoring in business English have been randomly selected from Foreign LanguageDepartment in Hengshui Vocational and Technical College to be taken as experimentalclass and control class. Before the experiment was carried out, an interview and aquestionnaire survey, as mentioned in the above section, has been made among all theparticipants in order to get a thorough knowledge about the students’ oral English learningstatus. By analyzing the result of the interview and the questionnaire survey, the researchercould find out deficiencies in participants’ learning process and design a reasonableteaching plan accordingly. Then the empirical study was carried out in accordance with thefollowing steps. Firstly, all the participants were given a pre-test of their oral Englishcompetence, which was a dialogue. All the dialogues of the participants were kept andrecorded for further study. After the test, a teaching experiment with emphasis on the inputand output of lexical chunks was designed according to the teaching theory ofConstructivism and was carried out to find out the feasibility of teaching lexical chunksand the relationship between chunk competence and students’ oral English competence.


Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 Theoretical Basis of the Study
As a learning theory, Constructivism is to explain that knowledge is constructed bythe human being based on mental activity, which means, when information is received byhuman being, it contacts with existing knowledge that had been developed byexperiences[3]. It has its roots in cognitive psychology and biology. Constructivism laysemphasis on the ways knowledge is created in order to adapt to the world. Learner isconsidered an information constructor instead of a passive receiver[4]. Constructs are thedifferent types of filters people choose to place over their realities to change their realityfrom chaos to order. Von Glasemfield describes constructivism as “a theory of knowledgewith roots in philosophy, psychology, and cybernetics”. Constructivism has far-reachingimpact on people’s education and learning behavior. Discovery learning, hands-on,experiential, collaborate, project-based, tasked-based are a number of application that baseteaching and learning[5].Jean Piaget ever said, “Education, for most people, means trying to lead the child toresemble the typical adult of his society ... but for me and no one else, education meansmaking creators... You have to make inventors, innovators-not conformists”. Piagetdefined knowledge as the ability to modify, transform, and “operate on” an object or idea,such that it is understood by the operator through the process of transformation. Learning,then, occurs as a result of experience, both physical and logical, with the objectsthemselves and how they are acted upon. 




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