发布时间:2018-01-11 21:27
本文关键词:明清时期贵州民田制度研究 出处:《云南大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 民田所有权 民田用益物权 民田登记 契约文书 明清时期 贵州
【摘要】:沿着从“结构和动因”到“功能和意义”的研究路径,运用法社会学理论和物权理论对明清时期贵州民田的所有权制度、用益物权制度和登记制度、明清时期贵州民田制度变迁及其启示等问题进行了探讨,重点分析了明清时期贵州民田制度的结构、特征、成因及功能。本文由五个部分构成:绪论、明清时期贵州的政治背景和社会背景、明代贵州民田制度、清代贵州民田制度、明清时期贵州民田制度变迁及其启示。绪论部分论述了选题缘由,对研究现状进行了述评,阐述了研究思路和研究方法,介绍了创新点,说明了资料来源。第一章诠释了明清时期贵州的政治背景和社会背景。清代贵州的政治背景与明代贵州的政治背景既有共性,又有个性。两者的共性是:改土归流;清代贵州的政治背景的个性是:对苗疆的控制。明清时期贵州民田制度与明清时期贵州的政治背景和社会背景的关系为互动关系,相互影响,相互作用。如明代贵州民田制度的改革有利于推动“改土归流”,明代贵州推行的移民制度有助于逐渐改变“夷多汉少”的社会局面,明清时期贵州的“改土归流”也影响明清时期贵州民田制度的结构和功能。第二章运用了物权法理论探讨了明代贵州民田的所有权制度、用益物权制度、登记制度。从横切面看,明代贵州民田制度呈现了以下几个方面的特征。第一明代贵州民田所有权制度和民田用益物权制度相对简约,明代贵州民田登记制度相对完整。明代贵州有两次大范围的官府登记民田的记载,通过此两次民田记载可以发现明代贵州民田制度包括了民田登记范围、民田登记的内容、民田登记的法律性质、民田登记的法律效力及贵州民田登记模式等诸方面的内容。进而言之,明代贵州民田登记制度已较完整,这说明一个问题:明代贵州官府注重民田的使用和开发,关注民田的田赋。第二,明代贵州耕地所有权为户主制。此种制度形成与古代中国家长负责制、小规模农业经营、汉民和卫所官兵家属的农耕文化、世居少数民族的农耕文化、“重农抑商”政策等因素相关。明代贵州林地所有权处于萌芽阶段,并未形成明代贵州林地所有权制度,这与明代贵州林木资源非稀缺、世居少数民族的游牧生活或半游牧生活、明代贵州之外的地域对明代贵州林木资源需求等因素相关。第三,明代贵州民田所有权变动制度蕴含了“物归原主”的物权法原则。“物归原主”的物权法原则反映在不同的“物归原主”规则之中,“物归原主”原则反映了明代贵州民田所有权绝对化和极强追溯力。第四,明代贵州非常重视苗疆民田所有权的法律保护。明代贵州从两个层面对苗疆民田所有权加以法律保护,即在立法层面,通过刑法保护苗疆民田所有权,在司法实践中,却通过民事习惯法加以保护,充分发挥乡土精英和家族权威人士的作用。明代贵州苗疆民田保护制度折射了[美]黄宗智先生的经典观点:民事法律表达与实践不一致。第五,明代贵州民田租佃制不发达,倒是民田开荒制度和民田抛荒制度既是明代贵州民田用益物权制度中一个重要制度,又是富有特色的用益物权制度,它的特色有二:一是鼓励开荒民田和耕种抛荒民田,二是它是推动“改土归流”的重要诱因。第三章分析了清代贵州民田的所有权制度、用益物权制度和登记制度。清代贵州民田所有权制度发达,其内容也极其丰富,如它包括了赋予荒地和抛荒地耕种者的完整民田所有权、田土所有权继受取得的附随义务、田面权取得的契约化、民田转让制度、田土赎买制度、田土股权转让制度、田土互换制度、田土分割制度、田土继承制度、田土所有权民间确认制度、苗民田土所有权保护制度、清代黔东南碑刻上的田土所有权制度及清代贵州田土所有权纠纷解决制度等。清代贵州民田所有权制度蕴含了丰富的物权法原则和理念,如田土所有权继受取得的附随义务包含了“从物附随主物”的物权法原则,田面权取得的契约化包含了“物权债权形式变动”理念,田土互换制度和田土股权转让制度蕴含了“物尽其用”的物权法原则,田土分割制度蕴含了“物权权能分离”的物权法原则。清代贵州民田用益物权制度也极其发达,其内容也较多,它包括了山林租佃制度、人工造制度林、护林制度、 祖坟土地使用制度、苗疆民田租佃的规制、田土抵当制度、清代贵州民田开荒制度、抛荒制度及其从诚信的视角看清代贵州民田契约文书等。清代贵州民田用益物权制度不但包含了物权法原则和理念,而且包含了民法的基本原则——诚实信用原则。如山林租佃制度包含了“买卖不破租佃”的物权法理念,人工造林制度、护林制度和田土抵当制度包含了“物尽其用”的物权法原则。清代贵州民田登记制度也相对完整,它包括了民田登记范围、民田登记的内容、民田登记的法律性质、民田登记的法律效力及贵州民田登记模式等诸方面的内容。与明代贵州民田制度比较而言,清代贵州民田制度呈现以下几个方面的特征:一是清代贵州民田的田底权和田面权分立(一田二主)已成为常态。民田的田底权和田面权分立既是清代贵州农业经济发展的必然趋势,又是物权权能分离的具体体现,更是“物尽其用”物权法原则的折射。二是契约是民田权利变更的主要方式。授田是明代贵州民田权利变更的主要方式,而契约则是清代贵州民田权利变更的主要方式,如清代贵州出现大量的契约文书。三是民田权能分离更为突出。明代贵州民田权能也呈现多元分离的趋势;清代贵州民田权能分离更为突出,如民田用益物权体系更为完整,尤其是民田的担保物权契约极为规范。结语部分阐述了明清时期贵州民田制度的变迁及其启示。明清时期贵州的府、州管辖的民田、卫所管辖的民田、土司领地的民田及“生界”的民田之间的关系是此消彼长的博弈关系。 明清时期贵州不同类型民田关系的变迁轨迹为:卫所管辖的民田、土司领地的民田及“生界”的民田逐渐转化为府、州管辖的民田。明清时期贵州不同类型民田的博弈关系与明清时期贵州民田制度的变迁轨迹之间具有内在关联性,即明清时期贵州不同类型民田的博弈关系与明清时期民田制度变迁轨迹的关系是内容与形式的关系,是目的与手段的关系,是作用与反作用的关系。如明清时期贵州不同类型民田关系的变迁轨迹使“明清时期贵州民田制度变迁轨迹——从象征资本到经济资本”由可能变成了现实,明清时期贵州不同类型民田关系的变迁轨迹使“明清时期贵州民田变迁轨迹——从身份到契约”提供了物质条件,反过来,明清时期贵州民田权能变迁轨迹:从统一到分离也为明清时期贵州不同类型民田关系的变迁轨迹提供了技术规范和伦理规范。明清时期贵州民田制度对解决农村土地制度改革中一些突出问题仍有启示。明代贵州民田抛荒制度对现行农民集体所有农用地抛荒的启示有三:一是鼓励耕种抛荒民田。二是确认抛荒民田权利。三是追究人为抛荒者的责任。清代贵州林地制度对集体林权制度改革的启示有二:一是完善林地开发和使用的诚信机制。二是林地权能分离。清代贵州民田所有权纠纷解决制度对民族村寨旅游扶贫纠纷解决的启示有三:一是规范农村土地所有权变动合同。二是大力培育解决土地纠纷的民间职业人。三是强化司法判决的独立性和权威性。
[Abstract]:Along from the "structure and motivation" to "the function and significance of the study path, the system of ownership of the Ming and Qing Dynasties Guizhou min Tian theory and property right theory of social law, usufructuary right system and registration system, the Ming and Qing Dynasties Guizhou min Tian system changes and its implications are discussed, focusing on analysis of the structure of Guizhou. The land system of the Ming and Qing dynasties characteristics, causes and functions. This paper consists of five parts: the introduction, the Ming and Qing Dynasties Guizhou's political and social background of the Ming Dynasty, the people of Guizhou Tian system, Qing Dynasty Guizhou min Tian system, Guizhou min Tian system changes during the Ming and Qing Dynasties and its enlightenment. The introduction discusses the significance of the topic, the current situation of the study the review describes the research ideas and research methods, introduces the innovation, explains the sources of information. The first chapter explains the Ming and Qing Dynasties Guizhou's political and social background of the Qing Dynasty in Guizhou. The political background of the Ming Dynasty and the political background of Guizhou has commonness and individuality. The two common: chieftain; Qing Dynasty the political background of Guizhou's personality is: control of the Miao. The relationship between the Ming and Qing Dynasties Guizhou min Tian system during the Ming and Qing Dynasties Guizhou's political and social background of the interaction between each other effect of interaction, such as the reform of the Ming Dynasty. The people of Guizhou Tian system is conducive to promoting the "chieftain" in the Ming Dynasty, Guizhou implementation of the immigration system helps to gradually change the "Yi douhan less" social situation in Guizhou during Ming and Qing Dynasties "chieftain" also affects the structure and function of the people of Guizhou Tian system in Ming and Qing Dynasty. The second chapter uses the theory of property law of the Ming Dynasty Guizhou people land ownership, usufruct system, registration system. From cross section, Guizhou min Tian system in Ming Dynasty has the following characteristics. First The people of Guizhou in the Ming Dynasty Tian min Tian ownership and usufruct system is relatively simple, the people of Guizhou in the Ming Dynasty Tian Ming Guizhou relatively complete registration system. There are two major official registration tamida records, the records can be found two min Tian Ming Guizhou min Tian min Tian system includes the scope of registration, registration of the Min Tian the content, the legal nature of the registration of Min Tian min Tian, the legal validity of registration and registration of Guizhou min Tian mode and other aspects of the content. Furthermore, the people of Guizhou in the Ming Dynasty land registration system is more complete, this shows a problem: the use and development of Guizhou in the Ming Dynasty government focus on the field of people, concerned about people's livelihood field land tax. Second. The Ming Dynasty Guizhou cultivated land ownership headed. And the ancient China parents responsibility for such a system, small scale farming, the families of Han and Wei and farming culture, ethnic minorities in the farming culture, "agriculture Business suppression policy related factors. The Ming Dynasty Guizhou forest ownership at an early stage, has not formed in Guizhou in the Ming Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty land ownership system, the Guizhou non forest resources scarce, ethnic minorities in the nomadic or semi nomadic life, factors in the outside of the Guizhou region of the Ming Dynasty in Guizhou forest resource requirement. Third, change system the people of Guizhou in the Ming Dynasty Tian ownership contains "property law" to its origin owner. "Reflect the principles of property law in different to its origin owner" of the "rules" to its origin owner ", reflects the Ming Dynasty to its origin owner" principle of absolute ownership and the people of Guizhou Tian strong retroactivity. Fourth, the Ming Dynasty Guizhou attaches great importance to the legal protection in the field of ownership the Ming Dynasty in Guizhou. From two aspects of legal protection of ownership in the field of people, namely, at the legislative level, through the protection of criminal law in the field of people of all Right, in the judicial practice, is protected by civil law, give full play to local elites and the family authority. The Ming Dynasty Guizhou Miao min Tian protection system reflects the classical view [America] Mr. Huang Zongzhi: civil law expression and practice are not consistent. Fifth, the Ming Dynasty Guizhou min Tian tenancy system is not developed, it is an important system of civil field system and farmland reclamation system is not only the people of Guizhou in the Ming Dynasty people Tian usufructuary right system, it is characteristic of the usufruct system, it has two characteristics: one is to encourage people and farming land reclamation Tian Tian is two people, it is to promote the "chieftain" an important cause. In the third chapter of the Qing Dynasty Guizhou min Tian ownership system, usufructuary right system and registration system of Guizhou in Qing Dynasty. Min Tian ownership system developed, its content is very rich, as it includes giving wasteland and land farming The complete field of people ownership, land ownership in the acquisition of collateral obligation, contract of tenancy rights obtained by Min Tian transfer system, land purchase system, land ownership transfer system, land exchange system, land division system, land inheritance system, land ownership system of folk confirmation, Miao tamida soil ownership protection system of Qiandongnan in Qing Dynasty, inscriptions on land ownership and land ownership disputes in Guizhou in the Qing Dynasty. The Qing Dynasty Guizhou Tian min system of ownership system contains the principles and concepts of property law rich, such as land ownership in the acquisition of collateral obligation includes the "property law principle from accompanying the main" the contract of tenancy rights have included "property rights form change" concept, the land system and the land swap equity transfer system contains the "best use" principle of property law, land division system contains "Property law principles of property right separation". The people of Guizhou in Qing Dynasty Tian usufructuary right system is extremely developed, its content is more, it includes the forest tenancy system, artificial forest system, forest protection system, the system of land use regulation in graves, min Tian tenancy, arrived when the land system of Guizhou in Qing Dynasty tamida wasteland system, land system and its integrity from the perspective of the people of Guizhou in the Qing Dynasty. The Qing Dynasty Guizhou contract documents Tian min Tian usufruct system not only includes the principles and concepts of property law, but also includes the basic principles of the civil law, the principle of good faith. The mountain forest tenancy system includes "property law concept does not break the tenancy deal." artificial afforestation system, forest protection system and land system includes the "property law: the principle of making the best use of everything". The Qing Dynasty Guizhou min Tian registration system is relatively complete, it includes the registration scope of Min Min Tian Tian Deng. Remember the content, the legal nature of the registration of Min Tian min Tian, the legal validity of registration and registration of Guizhou min Tian mode and other aspects of the content. In the Ming Dynasty and Guizhou min Tian system comparison, Guizhou min Tian system in Qing Dynasty showed the following characteristics: one is the Qing Dynasty Guizhou Min Tian Tian bottom right and the right field surface discrete (two main fields) has become the norm. The field of land ownership and land rights division of Guizhou in the Qing Dynasty is the inevitable trend of agricultural economic development, but also a concrete manifestation of the separation of property right, it is "refraction material" property law principle. Two is the contract is the main way of people the right to change. Professor Tian Tian is the main way of the Ming Dynasty Guizhou people the right to change the field, but the contract is the main way of the Qing Dynasty Guizhou people the right to change the field, such as the emergence of a large number of contract documents of Qing Dynasty in Guizhou. The three is the field of people power is more prominent. The separation of the Ming Dynasty Guizhou people Tian Quan Have multiple separation trend; Qing Dynasty Guizhou min Tian power separation is more prominent, such as the field of usufructuary right system more complete, especially the field of people guarantee real right contract is very standard. The conclusion part elaborates the change of Guizhou min Tian system in Ming and Qing Dynasty and its enlightenment. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties Guizhou state government, under the jurisdiction of the people Tian Wei, under the jurisdiction of the civil field, the relationship between the people and the "Tian Tusi territory area" Min Tian is the shift in the game between the Ming and Qing Dynasties in Guizhou. Changes of different types of relations: Min Tian Wei Tian territory under the jurisdiction of the people, the people and the toast "circles" Tian Tian gradually into the state government, under the jurisdiction of the people. With the inherent correlation between field evolution of Guizhou min Tian system in Ming and Qing Dynasty Guizhou min Tian different types of game relationship with the Ming and Qing Dynasties, namely the game relationship between the Ming and Qing Dynasties Guizhou field and different types of people The relationship between the Ming and Qing Dynasties tamida institutional evolution is the relationship between content and form, is the relationship between purpose and means, is the interaction between the evolution of Guizhou in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. As different types of relationship between "Min Tian Guizhou in Ming and Qing Dynasties min Tian institutional evolution -- from symbolic capital to economic capital" may become a the reality, changes in Guizhou during the Ming and Qing Dynasties in different types of relationship between "Min Tian min Tian Ming and Qing Dynasties Guizhou changes -- from status to contract" provides material conditions, in turn, during the Ming and Qing Dynasties Guizhou min Tian power change trajectory: from unification to separation for different types of changes in the Ming and Qing Dynasties Guizhou people relationship provides Tian technical specification and code of ethics of Ming and Qing Dynasties. The people of Guizhou Tian system to solve some outstanding problems in the reform of rural land system in the Ming Dynasty Guizhou people still have enlightenment farmland system. The current collective farmers all abandoned agricultural land has three implications: one is to encourage farming land. The two is to confirm the abandoned people Tian min Tian rights. Three are held artificially abandoned the responsibility. For the collective forest tenure reform in Guizhou in the Qing Dynasty land system in China has two: one is the mechanism to improve the integrity of the development and use of forest land two. Forest land is power separation. System of tourism disputes solved three enlightenment of ethnic villages in Guizhou in the Qing Dynasty to solve min Tian ownership disputes: one is to regulate the rural land ownership changes in the contract. Two is to cultivate the settlement of land disputes. Three folk occupation is strengthening the independence and authority of judicial judgment.