本文关键词:英文小说《低地》(节选)的翻译实践报告 出处:《西南交通大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:小说是文学作品中一个重要的体裁类别,小说翻译在促进不同语种语言间的文化交流方面起着举足轻重的作用。译者本次尝试进行小说翻译,以期在实践过程中检测硕士三年的学习成果,提升翻译实践水平,进一步培养文学修养,为成为一名合格译者打下坚实的基础。此次翻译文本节选自美籍印裔著名现实主义小说家、最年轻的普利策奖获得者裘帕·拉希莉2013年的小说《低地》(The Lowland),节选文本共计约一万个英文单词。译者对该小说的文化冲突主题很感兴趣,并且节选文本的情节跌宕起伏、遣词造句巧妙贴切,语言表达特征明显,具有较强的翻译实践价值。在翻译实践过程中,译者在目的论三原则(目的原则、连贯原则、忠实原则)的理论指导下运用了反译法、转换法、重组法、增译法、减译法、具体化法等具体的翻译技法,对节选文本进行了翻译;然后在导师的指导下,结合目的论从词、句子和修辞的三个层面入手,提炼出典型示例对在翻译过程中用到的翻译技法进行分析,完成翻译实践报告。在此过程中,译者进一步加深了对文学翻译、翻译理论、翻译技法的理解,同时在翻译实践中锻炼了解决实际问题的能力。
[Abstract]:The novel is an important genre in literature, fiction translation plays an important role in promoting cultural exchanges between different languages. The translator attempts to detect novel translation, master three years of learning achievements in practice, enhance the level of translation practice, further training for literature. As to lay a solid foundation for a qualified translator. The translation text is an excerpt from the Indian American famous novelist, the youngest Pulitzer prize winner Jhumpa Lahiri's 2013 novel < > (The Lowland), lowland text excerpt a total of about ten thousand words. English translator of the novel cultural conflict theme very interested. Excerpt and text of the plot ups and downs, words and sentences cleverly apt, language characteristics, translation has a strong practical value. In the process of translation practice, the translator in The three rules of Skopos Theory (skopos rule, coherence rule and fidelity rule) the theory under the guidance of using translation method, conversion method, recombination, amplification, omission, translation techniques specific specific method, the text excerpt in the translation; then under the guidance of instructors, from the word with the purpose of three aspects of sentence and rhetoric, to extract the typical examples to analyze the use of translation techniques in the translation process, complete the translation practice report. In this process, the translator further deepen the understanding of literary translation, translation theory, translation techniques, understanding, and exercise the ability to solve practical problems in translation practice.
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