
发布时间:2018-03-25 17:34

  本文选题:智能城市 切入点:信息型文本 出处:《西南石油大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:本文是一篇英译汉翻译实践报告,翻译原文节选自日本工商管理学家东野信夫撰写的学术著作The Smart City and the Co-creation of Value(《智能城市与价值共创》)的第三章和第四章。该文本属于信息型文本。该书通过具体的案例分析,讨论了在智慧城市建设中企业之间合作所取得的竞争优势。节选章节具体分析了横滨智能城市和藤泽生态智能街区建设过程中各企业的分工及取得的效果。现今,对国外智能城市管理方面的译著较少。基于本文信息型文本的特点和性质,笔者采用纽马克的交际翻译指导该文本翻译,并试图在该翻译理论指导下综合运用词类转换、增减词、换序和分译合译等翻译方法解决该类文本中的翻译难点。通过对译文实例的分析,试图探讨智能建设类文本的词汇和句子的翻译方法,希望对信息类文本的翻译有所帮助。该翻译报告内容主要分五个部分,第一部分为引言,介绍该翻译项目的背景和意义。第二部分对原文本进行介绍,包括作者简介、主要内容和文本特点。由于源语文本为信息型文本,因而采用纽马克的交际翻译作为理论支撑。本文第三部分介绍了纽马克的翻译理论,包括文本分类以及交际翻译。第四部分为翻译过程描述和案例分析,包括翻译准备,翻译难点概述,以及为解决翻译难点而运用的翻译理论和翻译方法,还包括翻译过程中的质量控制。第五部分,总结翻译中获得的经验和吸取的教训以及还未解决的问题。
[Abstract]:This paper is a translation practice report by English-to-Chinese. Excerpts from chapters 3 and 4 of The Smart City and the Co-creation of value, written by The Smart City and the Co-creation of value, are informative texts. This paper discusses the competitive advantage of cooperation among enterprises in the construction of intelligent city. The excerpt chapter concretely analyzes the division of labor and the effect of each enterprise in the construction of Yokohama Intelligent City and Fujisawa Ecological Intelligent District. Based on the characteristics and nature of the informative text, the author uses Newmark's communicative translation to guide the translation of the text, and attempts to apply the translation theory to the translation of parts of speech. The translation methods, such as adding and subtracting words, exchanging order and translating in combination, are used to solve the translation difficulties in this kind of texts. Through the analysis of translation examples, this paper attempts to explore the translation methods of words and sentences in intelligent construction texts. The first part is the introduction, which introduces the background and significance of the translation project. The second part introduces the original text, including the author's brief introduction. Since the source language is an informative text, Newmark's communicative translation is used as the theoretical support. The third part of this thesis introduces Newmark's translation theory. The fourth part is about translation process description and case analysis, including translation preparation, translation difficulties, translation theory and translation methods to solve translation difficulties. It also includes quality control in translation process. Part five summarizes the experience and lessons learned in translation, as well as the outstanding problems.


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